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head first python 第四章

2019-11-08 02:10:19

第四章 主题为用持久存储!这里存储的地方是本文件。 这里介绍了本地文件的基本操作方法;以及用打开文件python提供的几种方式,包括一些细节。来一一展开。 先看整体代码。 代码分为两块 第一个try except 语句块是用来读取文件‘sketch.txt’文件的中的数据,分别存放与man与other这两个list里面。 第二个语句块 把man与other分别放入man_data.txt 与other_data.txt 两个文件。

man=[]other=[]import osos.chdir('D:/python/chapter3')os.getcwd()try: data=open('sketch.txt','r'); for each_line in data: try: PRint(each_line,end='') (who,who_talk)=each_line.split(':',1) if(who=='Man'): man.append(who_talk) if(who=='Other Man'): other.append(who_talk) except ValueError: passexcept IOError as err : print(str(err))finally: if 'data' in locals(): data.close()try: man_file=open('man_data1.txt','w') other_file=open('other_data1.txt','w') print(man,file=man_file) print(other,file=other_file)except IOError as err: print(str(err))finally: data_locals =locals() print(data_locals) if 'man_file' in locals(): man_file.close() if 'other_file' in locals(): other_file.close()

来说细节 1. 文件的打开方式


open(file, mode=’r’, buffering=-1, encoding=None, errors=None, newline=None, closefd=True, opener=None) Open file and return a stream. Raise IOError upon failure. 之所以用stream来说明这里的返回值,是因为在 rb 模式下返回的二进制,在rt(t为默认) 返回的是string。(** text mode (the default, or when ‘t’ is appended to the mode argument), the contents of the file are returned as strings, t**) 但文件读取的数据能用for get in data 直接来遍历;在一般在str中添加几个’/n’却不行。那么这里背后一定做了某种处理

=============================================================== Character Meaning ——— ————————————————————— ‘r’ open for reading (default) ‘w’ open for writing, truncating the file first ‘x’ create a new file and open it for writing ‘a’ open for writing, appending to the end of the file if it exists ‘b’ binary mode ‘t’ text mode (default) ‘+’ open a disk file for updating (reading and writing) ‘U’ universal newline mode (deprecated) ========= =============================================================== The default mode is ‘rt’ (open for reading text). For binary random access, the mode ‘w+b’ opens and truncates the file to 0 bytes, while ‘r+b’ opens the file without truncation. The ‘x’ mode implies ‘w’ and raises an FileExistsError if the file already exists.


2.try except finally 语句块

for each_line in data: try: print(each_line,end='') (who,who_talk)=each_line.split(':',1) if(who=='Man'): man.append(who_talk) if(who=='Other Man'): other.append(who_talk) except ValueError: pass

循环体内的try except ;比if else语句包容性好;做完判断后还能保证for循环的执行,很不错哦!

3.文件的更新 在这里在强调一下,文件修改后只有close才能存储完数据。每个文件都需要关闭~。。 w模式会删除全部数据 w+会在数据后添加 a创建文件,如果存在会抛出异常。 当然存在文件关两次的可能性,那么在这里如何判断呢?

if 'man_file' in locals(): man_file.close()

locals返回的是一个字典,包含了本地的所有变量~。 但是不支持遍历,因为每次遍历时都会产生新的遍历而改变locals返回的对应值。 那么如果想遍历有方法吗? 有的

用copyimport copyx = copy.copy(locals())x = copy.deepcopy(locals()) 浅拷贝与深拷贝。浅拷贝只拷贝了当前指针所指向对象的值;不管是值还是引用。 深拷贝,将引用与引用的引用的值。。都进行拷贝。


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