year Beijing Chongqing Shenzhen Guiyang Kunming Shanghai Wuhai Changsha2002 4764.00 1556.00 5802.00 1643.00 2276.00 4134.00 1928.00 1802.00 2003 4737.00 1596.00 6256.00 1949.00 2233.00 5118.00 2072.00 2040.00 2004 5020.93 1766.24 6756.24 1801.68 2473.78 5855.00 2516.32 2039.09 2005 6788.09 2134.99 7582.27 2168.90 2639.72 6842.00 3061.77 2313.73 2006 8279.51 2269.21 9385.34 2372.66 2903.32 7196.00 3689.64 2644.15 2007 11553.26 2722.58 14049.69 2901.63 3108.12 8361.00 4664.03 3304.74 2008 12418.00 2785.00 12665.00 3149.00 3750.00 8195.00 4781.00 3288.00 2009 13799.00 3442.00 14615.00 3762.00 3807.00 12840.00 5329.00 3648.00 2010 17782.00 4281.00 19170.00 4410.00 3660.00 14464.00 5746.00 4418.00 2011 16851.95 4733.84 21350.13 5069.52 4715.23 14603.24 7192.90 5862.39 2012 17021.63 5079.93 19589.82 4846.14 5744.68 14061.37 7344.05 6100.87 2013 18553.00 5569.00 24402.00 5025.00 5795.00 16420.00 7717.00 6292.00 2014 18833.00 5519.00 24723.00 5608.00 6384.00 16787.00 7951.00 6116.00绘制对比各个城市的商品房价数据代码如下所示:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-"""Created on Mon Mar 06 10:55:17 2017@author: eastmount"""import pandas as pddata = pd.read_csv("32.csv",index_col='year') #index_col用作行索引的列名 #显示前6行数据 PRint(data.shape) print(data.head(6))import matplotlib.pyplot as pltplt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['simHei'] #用来正常显示中文标签plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False #用来正常显示负号data.plot()plt.savefig(u'时序图.png', dpi=500)plt.show()输出如下所示:
二. Pandas获取某列数据绘制柱状图
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-"""Created on Mon Mar 06 10:55:17 2017@author: eastmount"""import pandas as pddata = pd.read_csv("32.csv",index_col='year') #index_col用作行索引的列名 #显示前6行数据 print(data.shape) print(data.head(6))import matplotlib.pyplot as pltplt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['simHei'] #用来正常显示中文标签plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False #用来正常显示负号data.plot()plt.savefig(u'时序图.png', dpi=500)plt.show()#获取贵阳数据集并绘图gy = data['Guiyang']print u'输出贵阳数据'print gygy.plot()plt.show()通过data['Guiyang']获取某列数据,然后再进行绘制如下所示:通过这个数据集调用bar函数可以绘制对应的柱状图,如下所示,需要注意x轴位年份,获取两列数据进行绘图。
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-"""Created on Mon Mar 06 10:55:17 2017@author: eastmount"""import pandas as pddata = pd.read_csv("32.csv",index_col='year') #index_col用作行索引的列名 #显示前6行数据 print(data.shape) print(data.head(6))#获取贵阳数据集并绘图gy = data['Guiyang']print u'输出贵阳数据'print gyimport numpy as npx = ['2002','2003','2004','2005','2006','2007','2008', '2009','2010','2011','2012','2013','2014']N = 13ind = np.arange(N) #赋值0-13width=0.35plt.bar(ind, gy, width, color='r', label='sum num') #设置底部名称 plt.xticks(ind+width/2, x, rotation=40) #旋转40度 plt.title('The price of Guiyang') plt.xlabel('year') plt.ylabel('price') plt.savefig('guiyang.png',dpi=400) plt.show() 输出如下图所示:补充一段hist绘制柱状图的代码:
import numpy as npimport pylab as pl# make an array of random numbers with a gaussian distribution with# mean = 5.0# rms = 3.0# number of points = 1000data = np.random.normal(5.0, 3.0, 1000)# make a histogram of the data arraypl.hist(data, histtype='stepfilled') #去掉黑色轮廓# make plot labelspl.xlabel('data') pl.show()输出如下图所示:推荐文章:http://www.cnblogs.com/jasonfreak/p/5441512.html
三. Python绘制时间序列-自相关图
核心代码如下所示:# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-"""Created on Mon Mar 06 10:55:17 2017@author: yxz15"""import pandas as pddata = pd.read_csv("32.csv",index_col='year')#显示前6行数据 print(data.shape) print(data.head(6))import matplotlib.pyplot as pltplt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['simHei']plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = Falsedata.plot()plt.savefig(u'时序图.png', dpi=500)plt.show()from statsmodels.graphics.tsaplots import plot_acfgy = data['Guiyang']print gyplot_acf(gy).show()plt.savefig(u'贵阳自相关图',dpi=300)from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import adfuller as ADFprint 'ADF:',ADF(gy)输出结果如下所示:时间序列相关文章推荐: python时间序列分析 个股与指数的回归分析(python) Python_Statsmodels包_时间序列分析_ARIMA模型
四. 聚类分析大连交易所数据集
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-"""Created on Mon Mar 06 10:19:15 2017@author: yxz15"""#第一部分:导入数据集import pandas as pdCoke1 =pd.read_csv("35.csv")print Coke1 [:4]#第二部分:聚类from sklearn.cluster import KMeansclf=KMeans(n_clusters=3)pre=clf.fit_predict(Coke1)print pre[:4]#第三部分:降维from sklearn.decomposition import PCApca=PCA(n_components=2)newData=pca.fit_transform(Coke1)print newData[:4]x1=[n[0] for n in newData]x2=[n[1] for n in newData]#第四部分:用matplotlib包画图import matplotlib.pyplot as pltplt.titleplt.xlabel("x feature")plt.ylabel("y feature")plt.scatter(x1,x2,c=pre, marker='x')plt.savefig("bankloan.png",dpi=400)plt.show()输出如下图所示:五. PCA降维及绘图代码
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-"""Created on Mon Mar 06 21:47:46 2017@author: yxz"""from numpy import *def loadDataSet(fileName,delim='/t'): fr=open(fileName) stringArr=[line.strip().split(delim) for line in fr.readlines()] datArr=[map(float,line) for line in stringArr] return mat(datArr)def pca(dataMat,topNfeat=9999999): meanVals=mean(dataMat,axis=0) meanRemoved=dataMat-meanVals covMat=cov(meanRemoved,rowvar=0) eigVals,eigVets=linalg.eig(mat(covMat)) eigValInd=argsort(eigVals) eigValInd=eigValInd[:-(topNfeat+1):-1] redEigVects=eigVets[:,eigValInd] print meanRemoved print redEigVects lowDDatMat=meanRemoved*redEigVects reconMat=(lowDDatMat*redEigVects.T)+meanVals return lowDDatMat,reconMatdataMat=loadDataSet('41.txt')lowDMat,reconMat=pca(dataMat,1)def plotPCA(dataMat,reconMat): import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt datArr=array(dataMat) reconArr=array(reconMat) n1=shape(datArr)[0] n2=shape(reconArr)[0] xcord1=[];ycord1=[] xcord2=[];ycord2=[] for i in range(n1): xcord1.append(datArr[i,0]);ycord1.append(datArr[i,1]) for i in range(n2): xcord2.append(reconArr[i,0]);ycord2.append(reconArr[i,1]) fig=plt.figure() ax=fig.add_subplot(111) ax.scatter(xcord1,ycord1,s=90,c='red',marker='^') ax.scatter(xcord2,ycord2,s=50,c='yellow',marker='o') plt.title('PCA') plt.savefig('ccc.png',dpi=400) plt.show()plotPCA(dataMat,reconMat)输出结果如下图所示:采用PCA方法对数据集进行降维操作,即将红色三角形数据降维至黄色直线上,一个平面降低成一条直线。PCA的本质就是对角化协方差矩阵,对一个n*n的对称矩阵进行分解,然后把矩阵投影到这N个基上。数据集为41.txt,值如下:
61.5 5559.8 6156.9 6562.4 5863.3 5862.8 5762.3 5761.9 5565.1 6159.4 6164 5562.8 5660.4 6162.2 5460.2 6260.9 5862 5463.4 5463.8 5662.7 5963.3 5663.8 5561 5759.4 6258.1 6260.4 5862.5 5762.2 5760.5 6160.9 5760 5759.8 5760.7 5959.5 5861.9 5858.2 5964.1 5964 5460.8 5961.8 5561.2 5661.1 5665.2 5658.4 6363.1 5662.4 5861.8 5563.8 5663.3 6060.7 6060.9 6161.9 5460.9 5561.6 5859.3 6261 5959.3 6162.6 5763 5763.2 5560.9 5762.6 5962.5 5762.1 5661.5 5961.4 5662 55.363.3 5761.8 5860.7 5861.5 6063.1 5662.9 5962.5 5763.7 5759.2 6059.9 5862.4 5462.8 6062.6 5963.4 5962.1 6062.9 5861.6 5657.9 6062.3 5961.2 5860.8 5960.7 5862.9 5862.5 5755.1 6961.6 5662.4 5763.8 5657.5 5859.4 6266.3 6261.6 5961.5 5863.2 5659.9 5461.6 5561.7 5862.9 5662.2 5563 5962.3 5558.8 5762 5561.4 5762.2 5663 5862.2 5962.6 5662.7 5361.7 5862.4 5460.7 5859.9 5962.3 5662.3 5461.7 6364.5 5765.3 5561.6 6061.4 5659.6 5764.4 5765.7 6062 5663.6 5861.9 5962.6 6061.3 6060.9 6060.1 6261.8 5961.2 5761.9 5660.9 5759.8 5661.8 5560 5761.6 5562.1 6463.3 5960.2 5661.1 5860.9 5761.7 5961.3 5662.5 6061.4 5962.9 5762.4 5760.7 5660.7 5861.5 5859.9 5759.2 5960.3 5661.7 6061.9 5761.9 5560.4 5961 5761.5 5561.7 5659.2 6161.3 5658 6260.2 6161.7 5562.7 5564.6 5461.3 6163.7 56.462.7 5862.2 5761.6 5661.5 5761.8 5660.7 5659.7 60.560.5 5662.7 5862.1 5862.8 5763.8 5857.8 6062.1 5561.1 6060 5961.2 5762.7 5961 5761 5861.4 5761.8 6159.9 6361.3 5860.5 5864.1 5967.9 6062.4 5863.2 6061.3 5560.8 5661.7 5663.6 5761.2 5862.1 5461.5 5561.4 5961.8 6062.2 5661.2 5660.6 6357.5 6461.3 5657.2 6262.9 6063.1 5860.8 5762.7 5962.8 6055.1 6761.4 5962.2 5563 5463.7 5663.6 5862 5761.5 5660.5 6061.1 6061.8 5663.3 5659.4 6462.5 5564.5 5862.7 5964.2 5263.7 5460.4 5861.8 5863.2 5661.6 5661.6 5660.9 5761 6162.1 5760.9 6061.3 6065.8 5961.3 5658.8 5962.3 5560.1 6261.8 5963.6 55.862.2 5659.2 5961.8 5961.3 5562.1 6060.7 6059.6 5762.2 5660.6 5762.9 5764.1 5561.3 5662.7 5563.2 5660.7 5661.9 6062.6 5560.7 6062 6063 5758 5962.9 5758.2 6063.2 5861.3 5960.3 6062.7 6061.3 5861.6 6061.9 5561.7 5661.9 5861.8 5861.6 5658.8 6661 5767.4 6063.4 6061.5 5958 6262.4 5461.9 5761.6 5662.2 5962.2 5861.3 5662.3 5761.8 5762.5 5962.9 6061.8 5962.3 5659 7060.7 5562.5 5562.7 5860.4 5762.1 5857.8 6063.8 5862.8 5762.2 5862.3 5859.9 5861.9 5463 5562.4 5862.9 5863.5 5661.3 5660.6 5465.1 5862.6 5858 6262.4 6161.3 5759.9 6060.8 5863.5 5562.2 5763.8 5864 5762.5 5662.3 5861.7 5762.2 5861.5 5661 5962.2 5661.5 5467.3 5961.7 5861.9 5661.8 5858.7 6662.5 5762.8 5661.1 6864 5762.5 6060.6 5861.6 5562.2 5860 5761.9 5762.8 5762 5766.4 5963.4 5660.9 5663.1 5763.1 5959.2 5760.7 5464.6 5661.8 5659.9 6061.7 5562.8 6162.7 5763.4 5863.5 5465.7 5968.1 5663 6059.5 5863.5 5961.7 5862.7 5862.8 5862.4 5761 5963.1 5660.7 5760.9 5960.1 5562.9 5863.3 5663.8 5562.9 5763.4 6063.9 5561.4 5661.9 5562.4 5561.8 5861.5 5660.4 5761.8 5562 5662.3 5661.6 5660.6 5658.4 6261.4 5861.9 5662 5661.5 5762.3 5860.9 6162.4 5755 6158.6 6062 5759.8 5863.4 5564.3 5862.2 5961.7 5761.1 5961.5 5658.5 6261.7 5860.4 5661.4 5661.5 5561.4 5665 5656 6060.2 5958.3 5853.1 6360.3 5861.4 5660.1 5763.4 5561.5 5962.7 5662.5 5561.3 5660.2 5662.7 5762.3 5861.5 5659.2 5961.8 5961.3 5561.4 5862.8 5562.8 6462.4 6159.3 6063 6061.3 6059.3 6261 5762.9 5759.6 5761.8 6062.7 5765.3 6263.8 5862.3 5659.7 6364.3 6062.9 5862 5761.6 5961.9 5561.3 5863.6 5759.6 6162.2 5961.7 5563.2 5860.8 6060.3 5960.9 6062.4 5960.2 6062 5560.8 5762.1 5562.7 6061.3 5860.2 6060.7 56最后希望这篇文章对你有所帮助,尤其是我的学生和接触数据挖掘、机器学习的博友。这篇文字主要是记录一些代码片段,作为在线笔记,也希望对你有所帮助。 一醉一轻舞,一梦一轮回。一曲一人生,一世一心愿。 (By:Eastmount 2017-03-07 下午3点半 http://blog.csdn.net/eastmount/ )