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2019-11-02 14:32:05





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h.""" self.opts = opts self.myname = 'dxscs' self.logdir = '.' self.logfile = logfile self.filename = os.path.join(self.logdir, self.logfile) def loginit(self): """Calls function LoggerInit to start initialising the logging system.""" logdir = os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser(self.logdir)) self.logfilename = os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser(self.filename)) if not os.path.isdir(logdir): try: os.mkdir(logdir) except OSError, e: msg = ('(%s)'%e) print msg sys.exit(1) self.logger_init(self.myname) def logger_init(self, loggername): """Initialise the logging system. This includes logging to console and a file. By default, console prints messages of level WARN and above and file prints level INFO and above. In DEBUG mode (-D command line option) prints messages of level DEBUG and above to both console and file. Args: loggername: String - Name of the application printed along with the log message. """ fileformat = '[%(asctime)s] %(name)s: [%(filename)s: %(lineno)d]: %(levelname)-8s: %(message)s' logger.m_logger = logging.getLogger(loggername) logger.m_logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.console = logging.StreamHandler() self.console.setLevel(logging.CR
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