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2019-11-02 14:08:11



import multiprocessingimport osimport time# 复制文件,传入文件名def copy_file(old_file_name, old_name):  new_file_name = 'new_file'  new_name = old_name  if not os.path.exists(new_file_name):    os.makedirs(new_file_name)  with open(old_file_name + '/' + old_name, 'rb') as f:    file_content = f.read()  with open(new_file_name + '/' + new_name, 'wb') as f:    f.write(file_content)if __name__ == '__main__':  old_file_name = 'old_file'  name_list = os.listdir(old_file_name)  time_old = time.time()  for name in name_list:    process = multiprocessing.Process(target=copy_file, args=(old_file_name, name))    process.start()  time_new = time.time()  print('执行时间:%f' % (time_new - time_old))


import multiprocessingimport osimport time# 复制文件,传入文件名def copy_file(old_file_name, old_name, queue):  new_file_name = 'new_file'  new_name = old_name  if not os.path.exists(new_file_name):    os.makedirs(new_file_name)  with open(old_file_name + '/' + old_name, 'rb') as f:    file_content = f.read()  with open(new_file_name + '/' + new_name, 'wb') as f:    f.write(file_content)    queue.put(new_file_name)if __name__ == '__main__':  old_file_name = 'old_file' #存放文件的文件名  name_list = os.listdir(old_file_name) #取出所有文件的文件名  queue = multiprocessing.Manager().Queue() #创建队列对象,用于计算复制完成百分比  po = multiprocessing.Pool(3) #创建线程池  time_old = time.time() #用于计算花费时间  for name in name_list:    po.apply_async(copy_file, (old_file_name, name, queue))  po.close()  index = 0  while True:    index += 1    queue.get()    print('/r以保存%.2f%%' % ((index / len(name_list)) * 100), end='')    if index == len(name_list):      break  time_new = time.time()  print('执行时间:%f' % (time_new - time_old))


import multiprocessingimport socketimport threading# 需求:# 1.主进程创建一个TCPconnect# 2.主进程connect后创建进程开启一个新的Socketconnect# 3.进程里创建线程不断的接收和提示发送消息# 有连接时新创建一个进程处理聊天def speak_send(tcp_msg):  while True:    test = input('请输入要发送的消息')    tcp_msg.send(test.encode('utf-8'))def speak_rec(tcp_msg):  while True:    print(tcp_msg.recv(1024).decode('gbk'))# 开启的进程聊天def speak_process(tcp_sock, tcp_msg, ip):  print('开启进程')  # 5.开线程循环接收消息  msg_rec = threading.Thread(target=speak_rec, args=(tcp_msg,))  # print(tcp_msg.recv(1024).decode('gbk'))  # 6.开线程循环发送消息  msg_send = threading.Thread(target=speak_send, args=(tcp_msg,))  msg_rec.start()  msg_send.start()  msg_rec.join()  msg_send.join()  # 7.关闭  # tcp_msg.close()def main():  # 1创建TCP对象  tcp_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)  # 2.绑定ip和端口  tcp_sock.bind(('', 9999))  # 3.改主动为被动  tcp_sock.listen(128)  # 4.accept接收msg和ip  while True:    tcp_msg, ip = tcp_sock.accept()    process = multiprocessing.Process(target=speak_process, args=(tcp_sock, tcp_msg, ip))    process.start()if __name__ == '__main__':  main()
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