- 这个hta是基于asp操作access数据库实现的,方便存储个人学习资料的一个东西,也是武林网的雏形,好不容易找到了备份,希望大家能喜欢
- 复制代码 代码如下:
- <!--
- ***********************************************************************
- '*一直想做一个自己用来学习的东西,可是一直没有时间,本想用asp(用netbox)做的。,我一直
- '*想学习程序,vb但没有时间学习,现在想用c#做一个,但没有什么时间,偶尔去官方找vbscript发现
- '*这个不错的hta于是花了两三天的时间,做了一个这个,希望大家能喜欢。
- '*Author: dxy(reterry)
- '*version:1.0
- '*QQ: 461478385
- '*Email:douxy001@gmail.com
- ***********************************************************************
- //-->
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- <title>我的第一个hta程序</title>
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- <script language="vbscript">
- '加入智能显示信息条数
- strComputer = "."
- Set objWMIService = GetObject("Winmgmts://" & strComputer & "/root/cimv2")
- Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_DesktopMonitor")
- For Each objItem in colItems
- thewidth = objItem.ScreenWidth
- theheight = objItem.ScreenHeight
- Next
- '------------------智能结速-----
- const adUserClient=3
- sub window_onload()
- dim conn
- set conn=createobject("adodb.connection")
- conn.open "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=db.mdb"
- set rs=createobject("adodb.recordset")
- rs.cursorlocation=adUserClient
- sql="select * from theclass order by id desc"
- rs.open sql,conn,1,1
- rs.movefirst
- strclasslist="<select onclick=changeclass() name=theclassname>"
- strclassliststrclasslist=strclasslist+"<option value="&chr(34)&chr(34)&">"
- do until rs.eof
- strclassliststrclasslist=strclasslist&"<option value="&chr(34)&rs.fields.item("class_name")&chr(34)&">"&rs.fields.item("class_name")&"</option>"
- rs.movenext
- loop
- strclassliststrclasslist=strclasslist&"<option value='其它'>其它</option><option value='全部'>全部</option></select>"
- classlist.innerHTML=strclasslist
- end sub
- sub changeclass()
- theclass.value=theclassname.value
- if theclass.value="全部" then
- theclass.value=""
- end if
- end sub
- sub addclass()
- classname=inputbox("请输入你要添加的类别","添加类别")
- if classname="" then
- msgbox "添加的类别不能为空"
- exit sub
- else
- dim conn
- set conn=createobject("adodb.connection")
- conn.open "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=db.mdb"
- set rs=createobject("adodb.recordset")
- rs.cursorlocation=adUserClient
- //sqla="insert into class(class_name)values("&classname&")"
- rs.open "theclass",conn,3,3
- rs.addnew()
- rs("class_name")=classname
- rs.update
- rs.close
- conn.close
- msgbox classname&"添加成功",0
- end if
- call window_onload
- end sub
- sub delclass()
- if confirm("你真的要删除吗?") then
- delclassname=theclassname.value
- if delclassname="" then
- msgbox "要删除的类别不能为空"
- exit sub
- else
- dim conn
- set conn=createobject("adodb.connection")
- conn.open "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=db.mdb"
- set rs=createobject("adodb.recordset")
- rs.cursorlocation=adUserClient
- sqld="delete from theclass where class_name="&chr(39)&delclassname&chr(39)
- rs.open sqld,conn,3,3
- msgbox chr(34)&delclassname&chr(34)&"删除成功",0
- //rs.close
- //conn.close
- end if
- call window_onload
- end if
- end sub
- sub editclass()
- theeditclass=theclassname.value
- reditclass=inputbox("请输入你要更改后的类别名称","类别修改")
- if theeditclass="" or reditclass="" then
- exit sub
- else
- dim conn
- set conn=createobject("adodb.connection")
- conn.open "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=db.mdb"
- set rs=createobject("adodb.recordset")
- rs.cursorlocation=adUserClient
- sqld="update theclass set class_name="&chr(39)&reditclass&chr(39)&" where class_name="&chr(39)&theeditclass&chr(39)
- rs.open sqld,conn,3,3
- msgbox chr(34)&theeditclass&"-->"&reditclass&chr(34)&"成功修改",0
- call window_onload
- rs.close
- conn.close
- end if
- end sub
- sub window_onUnload
- on error resume next
- rs.close
- conn.close
- end sub
- sub quitscript
- on error resume next
- rs.close
- conn.close
- self.close
- end sub
- sub unadd()
- theclass.value=""
- thetitle.value=""
- content.value=""
- theadd.style.display="none"
- end sub
- sub addnews()
- theadd.style.display="block"
- add.disabled=false
- theclass.value=theclassname.value
- getclass=theclass.value
- gettitle=thetitle.value
- getcontent=content.value
- getisgood=isgood.value
- if getisgood="" then
- getisgood=0
- else
- getidgood=1
- end if
- if getclass<>"" and getclass<>"全部" and gettitle<>"" and getcontent<>"" then
- //msgbox gettitle&getcontent
- dim conn
- set conn=createobject("adodb.connection")
- conn.open "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=db.mdb"
- set rs=createobject("adodb.recordset")
- rs.cursorlocation=adUserClient
- rs.open "list",conn,3,3
- rs.addnew()
- rs("title")=gettitle
- rs("class_name")=getclass
- rs("content")=getcontent
- rs("isgood")=getisgood
- rs.update
- msgbox "恭喜,数据添加成功"
- theclass.value=""
- thetitle.value=""
- content.value=""
- end if
- //rs.close
- //conn.close
- end sub
- sub searchits()
- thesearch=searchstr.value
- 'if thesearch<>"" then
- 'theclassname.value=""
- 'end if
- call changeit(1)
- end sub
- sub changeit(thenum)
- theclass.value=theclassname.value
- thename=theclassname.value
- thesearch=searchstr.value
- 'if thename<>"" then searchstr.value=""
- thelist.innerHTML=""
- thecounts.innerHTML=""
- if thename<>"" or thesearch<>"" then
- dim conn
- set conn=createobject("adodb.connection")
- conn.open "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=db.mdb"
- set rs=createobject("adodb.recordset")
- rs.cursorlocation=adUserClient
- if thesearch="" then
- if thename="全部" then
- sql="select id,class_name,title,enter_time from list order by id desc"
- else
- sql="select id,class_name,title,enter_time from list where class_name='"&thename&"' order by id desc"
- end if
- else
- if thename="" then
- sql="select distinct id,class_name,title,enter_time from list where (title like '%"&thesearch&"%' or content like '%"&thesearch&"%' or class_name like '%"&thesearch&"%')"
- else
- sql="select distinct id,class_name,title,enter_time from list where (title like '%"&thesearch&"%' or content like '%"&thesearch&"%' or class_name like '%"&thesearch&"%') and class_name='"&thename&"'"
- end if
- end if
- rs.open sql,conn,1,1
- page=trim(thenum)
- if page<>"" then page=cint(page)
- pre=true
- last=true
- if not rs.eof then
- if theheight=600 then
- maxperpage=20
- elseif theheight>600 then
- maxperpage=28
- else
- maxperpage=20
- end if
- rs.pagesize=maxperpage
- thepages=rs.pagecount
- thecount=rs.recordcount
- if page="" and page<1 then
- intpage=1
- pre=false
- else
- if page>thepages then
- intpage=thepages
- last=false
- else
- intpage=cint(page)
- end if
- end if
- themovenum=(intpage-1)*maxperpage
- thecounts.innerHTML="共有<font color='#ffff33'>"&thecount&"</font>条信息[<font color='#ffff33'>"&maxperpage&"</font>条/页 共<font color='#ffff33'>"&thepages&"</font>页 当前第<font color='#ffff33'>"&page&"</font>页]"
- rs.movefirst
- if (intpage-1)*maxperpage<thecounts then
- dim bookmark
- bookmark=rs.bookmark
- rs.move themovenum
- end if
- strlist="<table width='80%' align='center' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1' border=0>"
- for i=1 to maxperpage
- if rs.eof then exit for
- strliststrlist=strlist&"<tr><td height='20' class='b'>[<font color=yellow>"&rs("class_name")&"</font>] "&rs("title")&" <font color='#f6f6f6'>"&rs("enter_time")&"</font> <a href='#' onclick=openthecontent("&rs("id")&")>查看</a> <a href='#' onclick=editnews("&rs("id")&")>修改</a> <a href='#' onclick=delthecontent("&rs("id")&")>删除</a></td></td>"
- rs.movenext
- if rs.eof then exit for
- next
- strliststrlist=strlist&"</table>"
- thelist.innerHTML=strlist
- pagelist="第<select name='cpage' onchange=changeit2()>"
- for j=1 to thepages
- if j=intpage then
- pagelistpagelist=pagelist&"<option value="&j&" selected>"&j&"</option>"
- else
- pagelistpagelist=pagelist&"<option value="&j&">"&j&"</option>"
- end if
- next
- pagelistpagelist=pagelist&"</select>页"
- fenye.innerHTML=pagelist
- call changepage
- else
- thecounts.innerHTML="<font color='#ffff33'>对不起没有您要的信息</font>"
- end if
- end if
- //rs.close
- //conn.close
- end sub
- sub changeit2()
- thenum=cpage.value
- call changeit(thenum)
- end sub
- sub openthecontent(id)
- theid=id
- if id<>"" then
- id=cint(id)
- end if
- dim conn
- set conn=createobject("adodb.connection")
- conn.open "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=db.mdb"
- set rs=createobject("adodb.recordset")
- rs.cursorlocation=adUserClient
- sql="select * from list where id="&id&""
- rs.open sql,conn,1,1
- if not rs.eof then
- theopencontent=rs("content")
- theopencontent=replace(theopencontent,"<","<")
- theopencontent=replace(theopencontent,">",">")
- set diswindow=window.open("about:blank","diswindow")
- diswindow.document.body.style.fontSize="12px"
- diswindow.focus()
- diswindow.document.write("<html><head><scr"+"ipt>function saveit(){strDesktop='C://Documents and Settings//Administrator//桌面';var code=event.srcElement.parentElement.children[0].value;var objfso=new ActiveXObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject');var strname=prompt('请输入文件名和路',strDesktop+'//temp.vbs');if(strname!=''){var objfile=objfso.CreateTextFile(strname,2,true);objfile.Write(code);objfile.Close();}}function runit(){var code=event.srcElement.parentElement.children[0].value;var newwin=window.open('');newwin.opener=null;newwin.document.write(code);newwin.document.close();}</scr"+"ipt><meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=gb2312'><title>"+rs("title")+"</title><body style='margin:10px' bgcolor='#3a6ead'><table width='700' border='0' align='center' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'><tr><td><textarea rows='20' style='width:700; border:1px solid #808080; overflow:hidden;' onmouseover='this.style.posHeight=this.scrollHeight' onpropertychange='this.style.posHeight=this.scrollHeight' onload='this.style.posHeight=this.scrollHeight'>"+theopencontent+"</textarea><br><input type=button value='运行上面的代码[html]' onclick='runit()'> <input type=button value='保存' onclick='saveit()'></td></tr></table></body></html>")
- diswindow.focus()
- diswindow.document.close()
- end if
- end sub
- sub delthecontent(strid)
- if confirm("你真的要删除吗?") then
- id=strid
- if id<>"" then
- id=cint(id)
- end if
- dim conn
- set conn=createobject("adodb.connection")
- conn.open "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=db.mdb"
- set rs=createobject("adodb.recordset")
- rs.cursorlocation=adUserClient
- sql="delete from list where id="&id&""
- rs.open sql,conn,3,3
- msgbox "成功删除"
- else
- exit sub
- end if
- end sub
- sub changepage()
- cpage_l=cint(cpage.length)
- cpage_v=cint(cpage.value)
- cpage_value="<a href='#' onclick='changeit(1)'>首页</a> "
- if cpage_v>1 then
- cpage_valuecpage_value=cpage_value&"<a href='#' onclick='changeit("&cpage_v-1&")'>上一页</a> "
- end if
- if cpage_v<cpage_l and cpage_v>=1 then
- cpage_valuecpage_value=cpage_value&"<a href='#' onclick='changeit("&cpage_v+1&")'>下一页</a> "
- end if
- cpage_valuecpage_value=cpage_value&"<a href='#' onclick='changeit("&cpage_l&")'>尾页</a> "
- dispage.innerHTML=cpage_value
- end sub
- sub editnews(strid)
- theadd.style.display="block"
- id=strid
- if id<>"" then
- id=cint(id)
- end if
- dim conn
- set conn=createobject("adodb.connection")
- conn.open "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=db.mdb"
- set rs=createobject("adodb.recordset")
- rs.cursorlocation=adUserClient
- sql="select * from list where id="&id&""
- rs.open sql,conn,1,1
- if not rs.eof then
- titlee=rs("title")
- contente=rs("content")
- classname=rs("class_name")
- end if
- theclassname.value=classname
- thetitle.value=titlee
- content.value=contente
- theid1.value=id
- add.disabled=true
- end sub
- sub editsave()
- id=theid1.value
- edittitle=thetitle.value
- editcontent=content.value
- classname=theclass.value
- if id<>"" then
- dim conn
- set conn=createobject("adodb.connection")
- conn.open "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=db.mdb"
- set rs=createobject("adodb.recordset")
- rs.cursorlocation=adUserClient
- sql="select id,class_name,title,content from list where id="&id&""
- rs.open sql,conn,3,3
- rs("class_name")=classname
- rs("title")=edittitle
- rs("content")=editcontent
- rs.update
- if err.number=0 then
- msgbox("数据修改成功")
- end if
- end if
- theid1.value=""
- thetitle.value=""
- content.value=""
- 'theclassname.value=""
- theclass.value=""
- theadd.style.display="none"
- add.disabled=false
- call changeit2()
- end sub
- </script>
- <body style="margin:0px; ">
- <table width="98" height="10" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <span name="theadd" id="theadd" style="display:none">
- <table width="760" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border:1px dotted #ffffff ">
- <tr>
- <td style="line-height:150%; ">类 别:
- <input name="theclass" type="text" id="theclass" style="border:1px solid #808080;" size="10" maxlength="50">
- 标题:
- <input name="thetitle" type="text" id="thetitle" size="40" maxlength="200">
- <input type="button" name="add" value="添加" onClick="addnews">
- <input type="button" name="edit" value="修改" onClick="editsave">
- <input type="button" name="undo" value="取消" onClick="unadd">
- <br>
- 添加内容:
- <span class="style4">
- <textarea name="content" rows="15" style="border:1px solid #808080; width:760; work-break:break-all; " ondblclick="content.style.posHeight=content.scrollHeight"></textarea>
- </span> <br>
- 是否推荐:<input name="isgood" type="text" size="5">
- <br> id值:
- <input name="theid1" type="text" size="5"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </span><br>
- <table width="760" height="47" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border:1px dotted #ffffff;">
- <tr>
- <td height="23" align="center"><div align="left"><span class="style9">内容列表</span> [
- <input type="button" value="添加信息" onClick="addnews">
- ] 类别:<span id="classlist"></span>
- <input name="button" type="button" onClick="changeit(1)" value="载入">
- <input type="button" onClick="addclass" value="添加"'>
- <input type="button" onClick="delclass" value="删除"'>
- <input type="button" onClick="editclass" value="编辑"'>
- <input type="button" name="Submit" value="退出" onClick="quitscript"'>
- <input name="searchstr" type="text" id="searchstr"' onfocus="searchstr.select()">
- <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="搜"' onClick="searchits">
- </div></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><hr align="center" width="80%" size="1" noshade style="border:1px solid #ffffff "></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td align="center"><span id="fenyetop"></span></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><span id="thelist"></span></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td align="center"><span id="thecounts"></span> <span id="dispage"></span><span id="fenye"></span></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </body>
- </html>