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2020-01-24 01:41:56

●值参数 :一个值参数相当于一个局部变量,当使用值参数的时候,将会分配一个新的存储位置,将实参拷贝到该位置,并将该拷贝值传递给该方法。因此,值参数只能将值带进方法,但是不能带出方法,而不会影响实参的值。

●引用参数:当使用引用参数的时候,将不会分配一个新的存储位置,In other words,引用参数能将值带进方法,也能带出方法,因而会影响实参的值。如下例:

using System;namespace prg1{  class Paramstest  {      //值参数使用演示    public static void Transposition_1(int a, int b)    {      int temp = a;      a = b;      b = temp;    }    //引用参数使用演示    static void Transposition_2(ref int a,ref int b)    {      int temp = a;      a = b;      b = temp;    }    static void Main(string[] args)    {      int a = 25;      int b = 30;      //调用Transposition_1      Console.WriteLine("调用Transposition_1之前a={0},b={1}",a,b);      Transposition_1(a,b);      Console.WriteLine("调用Transposition_1之后a={0},b={1}", a, b);      Console.WriteLine("====================/n");      //调用Transposition_2      Console.WriteLine("调用Transposition_2之前a={0},b={1}", a, b);      Transposition_2(ref a,ref b);      Console.WriteLine("调用Transposition_2之后a={0},b={1}", a, b);      Console.WriteLine("====================/n");      Console.ReadKey();    }  }}


static void Transposition_2(ref int a,ref int b)    {      int temp = a;      a = b;      b = temp;    }


//Use of output parameters    static void Transposition_3(string name,out string FistName,out string LastName)    {      int i=name.Length;//Get the length of the string      while(i>0)      {       char chparm=name[i-1];       if (chparm == '.')       {         break;       }       i--;      }      FistName = name.Substring(0,i-1);      LastName = name.Substring(i);    }//调用Transposition_3      string DoName,Nmark;       Transposition_3("rohelm.X",out DoName,out Nmark);      Console.WriteLine("Domain Name of Myself: {0}",DoName);      Console.WriteLine("The last name of my Domain Name: {0}",Nmark);


class Prmarry  {    public static void Show(params string[] name)    {      Console.WriteLine("Array contains the number of elements: {0}", name.Length);      Console.Write("elements of NameArray:");      for (int i = 0; i < name.Length; i++)      {        Console.Write("{0,10}",name[i]);      }    }  }//调用Show      string[] NameArray = { "rohelm.X", "Boolean", "rrats" };      Prmarry.Show(NameArray);       Console.ReadKey();



using System;namespace prg1{  class Paramstest  {      //值参数使用演示    public static void Transposition_1(int a, int b)    {      int temp = a;      a = b;      b = temp;    }    //引用参数使用演示    static void Transposition_2(ref int a,ref int b)    {      int temp = a;      a = b;      b = temp;    }    //Use of output parameters    static void Transposition_3(string name,out string FistName,out string LastName)    {      int i=name.Length;//Get the length of the string      while(i>0)      {       char chparm=name[i-1];       if (chparm == '.')       {         break;       }       i--;      }      FistName = name.Substring(0, i - 1);      LastName = name.Substring(i);    }    static void Main(string[] args)    {      int a = 25;      int b = 30;      //调用Transposition_1      Console.WriteLine("调用Transposition_1之前a={0},b={1}",a,b);      Transposition_1(a,b);      Console.WriteLine("调用Transposition_1之后a={0},b={1}", a, b);      Console.WriteLine("====================/n");      //调用Transposition_2      Console.WriteLine("调用Transposition_2之前a={0},b={1}", a, b);      Transposition_2(ref a,ref b);      Console.WriteLine("调用Transposition_2之后a={0},b={1}", a, b);      Console.WriteLine("====================/n");      //调用Transposition_3      string DoName,Nmark;       Transposition_3("rohelm.X",out DoName,out Nmark);      Console.WriteLine("Domain Name of Myself: {0}",DoName);      Console.WriteLine("The last name of my Domain Name: {0}"+"/n",Nmark);      //调用Show      string[] NameArray = { "rohelm.X", "Boolean", "rrats" };      Prmarry.Show(NameArray);       Console.ReadKey();    }  }  class Prmarry  {    public static void Show(params string[] name)    {      Console.WriteLine("Array contains the number of elements: {0}", name.Length);      Console.Write("elements of NameArray:");      for (int i = 0; i < name.Length; i++)      {        Console.Write("{0,10}",name[i]);      }    }  }}

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