#coding=utf-8__author__ = 'wangwc'import sys,oscount = 0locked = 0mark_user = 0mark_passwd = 0#获取路径def cur_file_dir(): path = sys.path[0] if os.path.isdir(path): return path elif os.path.isfile(path): return os.path.dirname(path)#print (cur_file_dir())path = cur_file_dir()#print(path)path1 = path.replace("//",'/') + '/'#print (path1)#path2 = path1 + '/'#循环输入while count < 3: name = input("Username:").strip() if len(name) == 0: print ("Username can not be empty....") continue key = input("Password:").strip() if len(key) == 0: print("The password can not be empty!Try again...") continue f = open(path1 + "username.txt","r") userlist = f.readlines() for user in userlist: if user.strip() == name: mark_user = 1 f.close() if mark_user == 1: f = open(path1 + "%s_lock.txt" %(name),"r") locked = int(f.readline().strip()) f.close() else: print ("Username or Passsord wrong....") break if locked == 1: print("Sorry, the username had been locked!!!Please call the system administrator...") else: f = open (path1 + "%s_passwd.txt" %(name),"r") passwd = (f.readline().strip()) if passwd.strip() == key: mark_passwd = 1 if mark_user == 1 and mark_passwd == 1: f = open("%s_count.txt" %(name),"w") f.write("0") f.close() print("%s,welcome BABY!" %(name) ) #input('Press Enter to exit') else: f = open("%s_count.txt" %(name),"r") count = int((f.read().strip())) f.close() count +=1 f = open("%s_count.txt" %(name),"w") f.write(str(count)) f.close() print ("Username or password wrong!And the username '%s' has %d more chances to retry!" %(name,3 - count)) if(count == 3): print ("'%s' has been locked!!!" %(name)) if os.path.exists(path1 + "%s_lock.txt" %(name)): fobj = open(path1 + "%s_lock.txt" %(name),"w") fobj.writelines("1/n") else: print ("Username or password wrong!") continue