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Android 个人理财工具三:添加账单页面 上

2019-12-12 05:29:50

       ColaBox 登记收支记录终于进入了复杂阶段了。这个界面我也是查找了很多资料以及打开android的源代码看了后才完成了,现在想来Google的开源真是明智的啊。



       db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE bills ("
                 + "_ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," //id
                 + "fee integer,"                                     //费用
                 +"acctitemid integer,"                          //账目类型
                 + "userid integer,"                                //使用者
                 + "sdate TEXT,"                                 //日期
                 + "stime TEXT,"                                //时间
                 + "desc TEXT"                                  //备注
                 + ");");




       账目应该是一个ExpandableListActivity 2层的结构。需要从数据库里面读取。我在账目后面放了一个editview 只读没有光标的,也就是在这儿不可录入,在该editview的onclick事件里面我们打开账目选择界面。如下图:

       图2 账目选择:



       图3 账目选择菜单:

       图4 编辑账目:


       关于ExpandableListActivity 大家可以参考android 里面apidemos 里面ExpandableList1、ExpandableList2、ExpandableList3。

       这里面对熟悉这个ui还是很有帮助的。在ExpandableList2 里面就是从数据库进行读取的例子。当然android里面那个我是没太看明白因为他引用了import android.provider.Contacts.People; 联系人部分的框架,而我目前对数据库的操作和他不一样,我都是直接sql访问。

       但是你只要搞定2个cursor就ok了,Cursor groupCursor childCursor ,其他都由SimpleCursorTreeAdapter帮你实现了。



//首先要实现groupcursor就是父节点游标,这个其实就是我的acctitem表的 //select * from accitem where pid is null 的结果 Cursor groupCursor = billdb.getParentNode();   // Cache the ID column index mGroupIdColumnIndex = groupCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("_ID");   // Set up our adapter mAdapter = new MyExpandableListAdapter(groupCursor, this,  android.R.layout.simple_expandable_list_item_1,  android.R.layout.simple_expandable_list_item_1,   new String[] { "NAME" }, // Name for group layouts   new int[] { android.R.id.text1 },   new String[] { "NAME" }, //   new int[] { android.R.id.text1 }); setListAdapter(mAdapter); //然后我要实现childCursor //其实就是select * from acctitem where id=pid 的结果 public class MyExpandableListAdapter extends SimpleCursorTreeAdapter { public MyExpandableListAdapter(Cursor cursor, Context context,     int groupLayout, int childLayout, String[] groupFrom,     int[] groupTo, String[] childrenFrom, int[] childrenTo)  {    super(context, cursor, groupLayout, groupFrom, groupTo,      childLayout, childrenFrom, childrenTo);  } protected Cursor getChildrenCursor(Cursor groupCursor) {  String pid = groupCursor.getLong(mGroupIdColumnIndex) + "";  // Log.v("cola","pid="+pid);  return billdb.getChildenNode(pid);  } } //我们看看Billdbhelper里面的cursor  public Cursor getParentNode(){   return db.query("acctitem", new String[]{"_id", "name" }, "pid is null", null, null, null, "pid,_id");     }    public Cursor getChildenNode(String pid){   Log.v("cola","run getchildenNode");   return db.query("acctitem", new String[]{"_id", "name" }, "pid="+pid, null, null, null, "_id");   } //只要这几步一个2级的tree list就可以出现了. 

上面其实才是刚开始,后面我们需要使用一个自定义的Dialog 类似于一个inputBox,因为我们新增账目是需要输入账目的名称。就是上面图4表现的。


       这里我参考了api demos 里面的 DateWidgets1.java 和源代码里面DatePickerDialog.java 。

       我们可以从alertdialog 继承,然后添加一个Editview 最后把数据返回出来。只要把上面我说的2个java看清楚了后处理起来就简单了。



// public class Dialog_edit extends AlertDialog implements OnClickListener {  private String text = "";  private EditText edit;  private OnDateSetListener mCallback; //定义回调函数  private LinearLayout layout;  public interface OnDateSetListener { //回调接口   void onDateSet(String text);  }  protected Dialog_edit(Context context, String title, String value,    OnDateSetListener Callback) {   super(context);   mCallback = Callback;   TextView label = new TextView(context);   label.setText("hint");   // setView(label);   edit = new EditText(context);   edit.setText(value);   layout = new LinearLayout(context);   layout.setOrientation(LinearLayout.VERTICAL);   // LinearLayout.LayoutParams param =   // new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(100, 40);   // layout.addView(label, param);   LinearLayout.LayoutParams param2 = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(200,     50);   layout.addView(edit, param2);   //添加edit   setView(layout);   setTitle(title);   setButton("确定", this);   setButton2("取消", (OnClickListener) null);  }  public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {   // Log.v("cola","U click which="+which);   text = edit.getText().toString();   Log.v("cola", "U click text=" + text);   if (mCallback != null)    mCallback.onDateSet(text); //使用回调返回录入的数据  } } 

       这样我们就完成了自定义的dialog 我们可以使用它来新增和编辑账目。对于账目的增删改就是sql的事情了。


       在这我开始以为只要使用getExpandableListView().invalidate(); 就可以了。



       应该只要刷新cursor应该就可以了,后来找到了notifyDataSetChanged,呵呵,果然可以了。 这样账目的录入和管理就搞定了。




package com.cola.ui; import android.app.AlertDialog; import android.app.ExpandableListActivity; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.Intent; import android.database.Cursor; import android.os.Bundle; import android.provider.Contacts.People; import android.util.Log; import android.view.ContextMenu; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.View; import android.view.ContextMenu.ContextMenuInfo; import android.widget.ExpandableListAdapter; import android.widget.ExpandableListView; import android.widget.SimpleCursorTreeAdapter; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.ExpandableListView.ExpandableListContextMenuInfo; /**  * Demonstrates expandable lists backed by Cursors  */ public class Frm_Editacctitem extends ExpandableListActivity {  private int mGroupIdColumnIndex;  private String mPhoneNumberProjection[] = new String[] { People.Phones._ID,    People.Phones.NUMBER };  private ExpandableListAdapter mAdapter;  BilldbHelper billdb;  Dialog_edit newdialog;      private ExpandableListContextMenuInfo info;      @Override  public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {   super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);   setTitle("ColaBox-选择账目");   billdb = new BilldbHelper(this);   // Query for people   Cursor groupCursor = billdb.getParentNode();   // Cache the ID column index   mGroupIdColumnIndex = groupCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("_ID");   // Set up our adapter   mAdapter = new MyExpandableListAdapter(groupCursor, this,     android.R.layout.simple_expandable_list_item_1,     android.R.layout.simple_expandable_list_item_1,     new String[] { "NAME" }, // Name for group layouts     new int[] { android.R.id.text1 }, new String[] { "NAME" }, //     new int[] { android.R.id.text1 });   setListAdapter(mAdapter);   registerForContextMenu(getExpandableListView());  }    @Override  public boolean onChildClick(ExpandableListView parent, View v, int groupPosition, int childPosition, long id)  {   Bundle bundle = new Bundle();   bundle.putString("DataKey", ((TextView)v).getText().toString());//给bundle 写入数据   Intent mIntent = new Intent();   mIntent.putExtras(bundle);   setResult(RESULT_OK, mIntent);   billdb.close();   finish();   return true;   }  @Override  public void onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu menu, View v,    ContextMenuInfo menuInfo) {   super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu);   if (ExpandableListView     .getPackedPositionType(((ExpandableListContextMenuInfo) menuInfo).packedPosition) == 1) {    Log.v("cola", "run menu");    menu.setHeaderTitle("菜单");    menu.add(0, 1, 0, "新 增");    menu.add(0, 2, 0, "删 除");    menu.add(0, 3, 0, "编 辑");   }  }  @Override  public boolean onContextItemSelected(MenuItem item) {   info = (ExpandableListContextMenuInfo) item.getMenuInfo();   if (item.getItemId() == 1) {    // Log.v("cola","id"+info.id);    newdialog = new Dialog_edit(this, "请输入新增账目的名称", "",      mDialogClick_new);    newdialog.show();   } else if (item.getItemId() == 2) {    new AlertDialog.Builder(this).setTitle("提示").setMessage("确定要删除'"+((TextView)info.targetView).getText().toString()+"'这个账目吗?")      .setIcon(R.drawable.quit).setPositiveButton("确定",        new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {         public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog,           int whichButton) {          billdb.Acctitem_delitem((int)info.id);          updatedisplay();         }        }).setNegativeButton("取消",        new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {         public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog,           int whichButton) {          // 取消按钮事件         }        }).show();   } else if (item.getItemId() == 3) {    newdialog = new Dialog_edit(this, "请修改账目名称",      ((TextView) info.targetView).getText().toString(),      mDialogClick_edit);    newdialog.show();   }   return false;  }  private Dialog_edit.OnDateSetListener mDialogClick_new = new Dialog_edit.OnDateSetListener() {   public void onDateSet(String text) {    Log.v("cola", "new acctitem");    billdb.Acctitem_newitem(text,ExpandableListView.getPackedPositionGroup(info.packedPosition));    updatedisplay();   }  };    private Dialog_edit.OnDateSetListener mDialogClick_edit = new Dialog_edit.OnDateSetListener() {   public void onDateSet(String text) {       billdb.Acctitem_edititem(text,(int)info.id);    updatedisplay();   }  };  private void updatedisplay(){   Log.v("cola", "update display");   ((MyExpandableListAdapter)mAdapter).notifyDataSetChanged();  }    public class MyExpandableListAdapter extends SimpleCursorTreeAdapter {   public MyExpandableListAdapter(Cursor cursor, Context context,     int groupLayout, int childLayout, String[] groupFrom,     int[] groupTo, String[] childrenFrom, int[] childrenTo) {    super(context, cursor, groupLayout, groupFrom, groupTo,      childLayout, childrenFrom, childrenTo);   }   @Override   protected Cursor getChildrenCursor(Cursor groupCursor) {    String pid = groupCursor.getLong(mGroupIdColumnIndex) + "";    // Log.v("cola","pid="+pid);    return billdb.getChildenNode(pid);   }   @Override   public long getGroupId(int groupPosition) {    // Log.v("cola", "getGroupId " + groupPosition);    Cursor groupCursor = (Cursor) getGroup(groupPosition);    return groupCursor.getLong(mGroupIdColumnIndex);   }   @Override   public long getChildId(int groupPosition, int childPosition) {    // Log.v("cola", "getChildId " + groupPosition + "," +    // childPosition);    Cursor childCursor = (Cursor) getChild(groupPosition, childPosition);    return childCursor.getLong(0);   }  } } 



package com.cola.ui; import android.app.AlertDialog; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.DialogInterface.OnClickListener; import android.util.Log; import android.widget.EditText; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import android.widget.TextView; public class Dialog_edit extends AlertDialog implements OnClickListener {  private String text = "";  private EditText edit;  private OnDateSetListener mCallback;  private LinearLayout layout;  public interface OnDateSetListener {   void onDateSet(String text);  }  protected Dialog_edit(Context context, String title, String value,    OnDateSetListener Callback) {   super(context);   mCallback = Callback;   TextView label = new TextView(context);   label.setText("hint");   // setView(label);   edit = new EditText(context);   edit.setText(value);   layout = new LinearLayout(context);   layout.setOrientation(LinearLayout.VERTICAL);   // LinearLayout.LayoutParams param =   // new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(100, 40);   // layout.addView(label, param);   LinearLayout.LayoutParams param2 = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(200,     50);   layout.addView(edit, param2);   setView(layout);   setTitle(title);   setButton("确定", this);   setButton2("取消", (OnClickListener) null);  }  public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {   // Log.v("cola","U click which="+which);   text = edit.getText().toString();   Log.v("cola", "U click text=" + text);   if (mCallback != null)    mCallback.onDateSet(text);  } } 



package com.cola.ui; import android.content.Context; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.util.Log; /**  * Provides access to a database of notes. Each note has a title, the note  * itself, a creation date and a modified data.  */ public class BilldbHelper {  private static final String TAG = "Cola_BilldbHelper";  private static final String DATABASE_NAME = "cola.db";    SQLiteDatabase db;  Context context;    BilldbHelper(Context _context) {   context=_context;   db=context.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null);   Log.v(TAG,"db path="+db.getPath());  }    public void CreateTable_acctitem() {   try{    db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE acctitem ("      + "_ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,"      + "PID integer,"      + "NAME TEXT"          + ");");    Log.v("cola","Create Table acctitem ok");   }catch(Exception e){    Log.v("cola","Create Table acctitem err,table exists.");   }  }    public void CreateTable_bills() {   try{    db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE bills ("      + "_ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,"      +" acctitemid integer,"       + "fee integer,"      + "userid integer,"      + "sdate TEXT,"      + "stime TEXT,"      + "desc TEXT"          + ");");        Log.v("cola","Create Table acctitem ok");   }catch(Exception e){    Log.v("cola","Create Table acctitem err,table exists.");   }  }    public void CreateTable_colaconfig() {   try{    db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE colaconfig ("      + "_ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,"      + "NAME TEXT"         + ");");    Log.v("cola","Create Table colaconfig ok");   }catch(Exception e){    Log.v("cola","Create Table acctitem err,table exists.");   }  }    public void InitAcctitem() {   try{    //s.getBytes(encoding);    db.execSQL("insert into acctitem values (1,null,'收入')");    db.execSQL("insert into acctitem values (2,1,'工资')");    db.execSQL("insert into acctitem values (9998,1,'其他')");    db.execSQL("insert into acctitem values (0,null,'支出')");    db.execSQL("insert into acctitem values (3,0,'生活用品')");    db.execSQL("insert into acctitem values (4,0,'水电煤气费')");    db.execSQL("insert into acctitem values (5,0,'汽油费')");    db.execSQL("insert into acctitem values (9999,0,'其他')");        //db.execSQL("insert into bills values(100,135,10000,'','','备注')");    Log.v("cola","insert into ok");   }catch(Exception e)   {    Log.v("cola","init acctitem e="+e.getMessage());   }     }  public void Acctitem_newitem(String text,int type){      Cursor c =db.query("acctitem", new String[]{"max(_id)+1"}, "_id is not null and _id<9998", null, null, null, null);   c.moveToFirst();   int maxid=c.getInt(0);     String sql="insert into acctitem values ("+maxid+","+type+",'"+text+"')";   db.execSQL(sql);   Log.v("cola","newitem ok text="+text+" id="+type+" sql="+sql);     }    public void Acctitem_edititem(String text,int id){     db.execSQL("update acctitem set name='"+text+"' where _id="+id);   Log.v("cola","edititem ok text="+text+" id="+id);  }    public void Acctitem_delitem(int id){      db.execSQL("delete from acctitem where _id="+id);   Log.v("cola","delitem ok id="+id);  }    public void QueryTable_acctitem(){     }    public void FirstStart(){   try{    String col[] = {"type", "name" };    Cursor c =db.query("sqlite_master", col, "name='colaconfig'", null, null, null, null);    int n=c.getCount();    if (c.getCount()==0){     CreateTable_acctitem();     CreateTable_colaconfig();     CreateTable_bills();     InitAcctitem();      }       //getTree();       Log.v("cola","c.getCount="+n+"");             }catch(Exception e){    Log.v("cola","e="+e.getMessage());   }        }      public void close(){   db.close();  }    public Cursor getParentNode(){   return db.query("acctitem", new String[]{"_id", "name" }, "pid is null", null, null, null, "pid,_id");      }    public Cursor getChildenNode(String pid){   Log.v("cola","run getchildenNode");   return db.query("acctitem", new String[]{"_id", "name" }, "pid="+pid, null, null, null, "_id");   }   } 


                       Android 个人理财工具六:显示账单明细 下

                       Android 个人理财工具五:显示账单明细 上

                       Android 个人理财工具四:添加账单页面 下

                       Android 个人理财工具三:添加账单页面 上

                       Android 个人理财工具二:使用SQLite实现启动时初始化数据

                       Android 个人理财工具一:项目概述与启动界面的实现

       以上就Android 开发个人理财工具 添加账单页面的讲解,后续继续更新相应文章,谢谢大家对本站的支持!

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