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2019-12-12 04:43:46


一、自定义ChronometerView 继续自TextView

主要原理:先设置一个基准倒计时时间mBaseSeconds,内置handler 每隔1s发送一个空消息,mRemainSeconds--,同时刷新界面视图,回调给外部调用者,只到为零。外部调用者可通过start()/pause()/stop()来控制计时器的工作状态。

/**  * @name 倒计时器(类似妙表倒数计时,支持暂停、停止、重新开始)  * @author Fanjb  * @date 2015年11月6日  */ public class ChronometerView extends TextView {   /**  * A callback that notifies when the chronometer has decremented on its own.  *  * @author Fanjb  */  public interface OnTickChangeListener {   /**   * remain seconds changed   *   * @param view   * @param remainSeconds   */  public void onTickChanged(ChronometerView view, long remainSeconds);  }   private long mBase;  private long mRemainSeconds;  private boolean mStarted;  private boolean mReStart;  private boolean mVisible;  private boolean mIsEnable;   private OnTickChangeListener mTickListener;   public ChronometerView(Context context) {  this(context, null);  }   public ChronometerView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {  super(context, attrs, 0);  }   public ChronometerView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) {  super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr);  updateText(mRemainSeconds);  }   @Override  protected void onWindowVisibilityChanged(int visibility) {  super.onWindowVisibilityChanged(visibility);  mVisible = visibility == VISIBLE;  updateStatus();  }   @Override  protected void onDetachedFromWindow() {  super.onDetachedFromWindow();  mVisible = false;  updateStatus();  }   /**  * 启动计时器  */  public void start() {  if (mReStart && !mStarted) {   mRemainSeconds = mBase;  }  mStarted = true;  updateStatus();  }   /**  * 暂停计时器  */  public void pause() {  if (mStarted) {   mStarted = mReStart = false;   updateStatus();  }  }   /**  * 停止计时器,再次调用 start()重新启动  */  public void stop() {  mStarted = false;  mReStart = true;  updateStatus();  updateText(mRemainSeconds = 0);  dispatchTickListener();  }   /**  * 刷新内部状态  */  private void updateStatus() {  boolean isEnable = mVisible && mStarted;  if (mIsEnable != isEnable) {   if (isEnable) {   mHandler.sendMessage(Message.obtain(mHandler, TICK_WHAT));   } else {   mHandler.removeMessages(TICK_WHAT);   }   mIsEnable = isEnable;  }  }   private static final int TICK_WHAT = 1;   private Handler mHandler = new Handler() {  public void handleMessage(android.os.Message msg) {   if (mRemainSeconds > 0) {   updateText(--mRemainSeconds);   dispatchTickListener();   sendMessageDelayed(Message.obtain(this, TICK_WHAT), 1000);   }  }  };   private void updateText(long now) {  String text = DateUtils.formatElapsedTime(now);  setText(text);  }   /**  * 在未启动状态下设置开始倒计时时间  *  * @param baseSeconds  */  public void setBaseSeconds(long baseSeconds) {  if (baseSeconds > 0 && baseSeconds != mBase && !mStarted) {   mBase = mRemainSeconds = baseSeconds;   updateText(mRemainSeconds);  }  }   /**  * 剩余时间  *  * @return  */  public long getRemainSeconds() {  return mRemainSeconds;  }   public void setOnTickChangeListener(OnTickChangeListener listener) {  mTickListener = listener;  }   public OnTickChangeListener getTickListener() {  return mTickListener;  }   private void dispatchTickListener() {  if (mTickListener != null) {   mTickListener.onTickChanged(this, getRemainSeconds());  }  }   @Override  public void onInitializeAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent event) {  super.onInitializeAccessibilityEvent(event);  event.setClassName(ChronometerView.class.getName());  }   @Override  public void onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(AccessibilityNodeInfo info) {  super.onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(info);  info.setClassName(Chronometer.class.getName());  } }

 二、xml 中没有加入自定义的控件属性,同TextView

<LinearLayout  android:layout_width="wrap_content"  android:layout_height="wrap_content"  android:orientation="horizontal" >   <com.freedoman.widgets.calendar.ChronometerView   android:id="@+id/chronometer_view"   android:layout_width="wrap_content"   android:layout_height="wrap_content"   android:layout_marginLeft="5dp"   android:background="@drawable/chronometer_view_bg"   android:enabled="true"   android:text="00:00" />   <Button   android:id="@+id/start_chronometer_view_btn"   android:layout_width="wrap_content"   android:layout_height="wrap_content"   android:layout_marginLeft="5dp"   android:text="Start" />   <Button   android:id="@+id/pause_chronometer_view_btn"   android:layout_width="wrap_content"   android:layout_height="wrap_content"   android:layout_marginLeft="5dp"   android:text="Pause" />   <Button   android:id="@+id/stop_chronometer_view_btn"   android:layout_width="wrap_content"   android:layout_height="wrap_content"   android:layout_marginLeft="5dp"   android:text="Stop" />  </LinearLayout> 


public class ChronometerActivity extends Activity {   private ChronometerView mChronometerView;   @Override  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {  super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);  setContentView(R.layout.activity_clock);   // 自定义计时器  if (mChronometerView == null) {   mChronometerView = (ChronometerView) findViewById(R.id.chronometer_view);   mChronometerView.setBaseSeconds(60);   mChronometerView.setOnTickChangeListener(new OnTickChangeListener() {   @Override   public void onTickChanged(ChronometerView view, long curTimeMills) {    System.out.println(curTimeMills);    view.setEnabled(curTimeMills == 0 || curTimeMills == 60);    if (curTimeMills == 0) {    mChronometerView.setText("重新发送");    }   }   });   mChronometerView.setText("点击发送验证码");  }  findViewById(R.id.start_chronometer_view_btn).setOnClickListener(mClickListener);  findViewById(R.id.pause_chronometer_view_btn).setOnClickListener(mClickListener);  findViewById(R.id.stop_chronometer_view_btn).setOnClickListener(mClickListener);  }   private View.OnClickListener mClickListener = new OnClickListener() {   @Override  public void onClick(View v) {   switch (v.getId()) {    case R.id.start_chronometer_view_btn:   if (mChronometerView != null) {    mChronometerView.start();   }   break;    case R.id.pause_chronometer_view_btn:   if (mChronometerView != null) {    mChronometerView.pause();   }   break;    case R.id.stop_chronometer_view_btn:   if (mChronometerView != null) {    mChronometerView.stop();   }   break;   }  }  }; } 


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