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c++ Primer Plus(第六版)第十七章习题,写代码之路

2019-11-10 19:45:07

c++ PRimer Plus(习题17.1)

//编写一个程序计算$之前的字符数,并且把它留在输入流中#include<iostream>int main(){	using namespace std;	cout << "Enter a text,report the number(end with $):/n";	int count=0;	char r;	while (cin.peek()!='$')			//peek方法查看下一个字符	{			cin.get(r);					//用<<读取会跳过空格		if (r != '$')		{			cout << r;			count++;		}	}	char next;	cin >> next;	cout << "/nThe number of character is: " << count << endl;	cout << "And the next character is: " << next << endl;	return 0;}c++ Primer Plus(习题17.2)

//将键盘输入弄到文件里面,直到模拟的文件结尾#include<iostream>#include<fstream>#include<string>int main(int argc,char *argv[]){	using namespace std;	if (argc != 2)	{		cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " filename[s]/n";		exit(EXIT_FAILURE);	}	ofstream fin;	fin.open(argv[1]);			//这是命令行的第二个参数	if (!fin.is_open())				{		cerr << "Could not open " << argv[0] << "/n";		exit(EXIT_FAILURE);	}	cout << "Give me something you want add to the file(<CTRL>+<Z>+<ENTER> to end): ";	string  ch;	while (cin.fail()==false)	//这里是用输入流的方法来检查文件结尾	{		getline(cin, ch);		cout << ch;		fin << ch;	}	cout << "Input complete!/n";	fin.close();	return 0;}c++ Primer Plus(习题17.3)

//和上一题差不多,不过是将一个文件的内容复制到另一个文件//也是用命令行来指定文件的参数#include<iostream>#include<fstream>int main(int argc, char *argv[]){	using namespace std;	if (argc != 3)	{		cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " resource filename[s] target[s]/n";		exit(EXIT_FAILURE);	}	ofstream fin;	fin.open(argv[2]);			//这是命令行的第二个参数	if (!fin.is_open())	{		cerr << "Could not open " << argv[0] << "/n";		exit(EXIT_FAILURE);	}	ifstream fou;	fou.open(argv[1]);	if (!fou.is_open())	{		cerr << "Could not open " << argv[0] << "/n";		exit(EXIT_FAILURE);	}	char c;	while (fou.get(c))	{		cout << c;		fin.put(c);		//逐字符读取和写入	}	cout << "/nCopy complete!/n";		//程序出现一个问题,就是会把源文件最后的字符写入两下到目标文件中	fou.close();	fin.close();	return 0;}c++ Primer Plus(习题17.4)

//三个文件的输入输出,对文件进行拼接,并写入到第三个文件中//这个程序是让用户给出两个文件的内容,然后程序显示拼接后的结果//输出文件有个小小的空格,这个问题很小,可是我不知道#include<iostream>#include<fstream>#include<cstdlib>#include<string>int main(){	using namespace std;	ofstream fin;	cout << "This program is connect two file content to another file./n";	cout << "Enter the frist filename: ";	string filename;	getline(cin, filename);	fin.open(filename.c_str());	cout << "Now,give me something to the frist resource file:/n";	string file;	while (cin.fail() == false)		//检查文件尾	{		getline(cin, file);		fin<<file << endl;	}	fin.close();	cin.clear();	cout << "Enter the second filename: ";	string filename2;	getline(cin, filename2);	fin.open(filename2.c_str());	cout << "Now,give me someing to the second resource file:/n";	while (cin.fail() == false)	{		getline(cin, file);		fin<<file << endl;	}	fin.close();	cin.clear();	cout << "Enter the target filename: ";	string target;	getline(cin, target);	fin.open(target.c_str());	ifstream fou,fou2;	fou.open(filename);	fou2.open(filename2);	if (!fou.is_open()||!fou2.is_open())		{			cerr << "Could not open the source!"<<filename<<endl<<filename2<< "/n";			exit(EXIT_FAILURE);		}	string file2;	while (!fou.eof()&&!fou2.eof())	{		getline(fou, file);		getline(fou2, file2);		fin << file + ' ' + file2 << endl;		cout<< file + ' ' + file2 << endl;	}	while (!fou.eof())	{		getline(fou, file);		fin << file << endl;		cout << file << endl;	}	while (!fou2.eof())	{		getline(fou2, file);		fin << file << endl;		cout << file << endl;	}	fou.close();	fou2.close();	fin.close();	return 0;}c++ Primer Plus(习题17.5)

//这题和16章的差不多,不过是在文件里面读取名字到容器里面//所以自己准备好名字,容器这里有#include<iostream>#include<fstream>#include<string>#include<set>#include<algorithm>#include<iterator>				//迭代器的头文件int main(){	using namespace std;	ostream_iterator<string, char>out(cout, "/n");			//输出迭代器	ifstream fin;	char filename[10];	set<string>fresource;	char temp[10];	string file;	cout << "Enter the Mat friends filename: ";	cin.getline(filename, 10);	fin.open(filename);	if (!fin.is_open())	{		cerr << "Cant open the file " << filename << endl;		exit(EXIT_FAILURE);	}	while (!fin.eof())	{		fin.getline(temp,10);		fresource.insert(temp);			//用插入元素的方法		cout << temp<<endl;	}	fin.close();	cout << "Enter the Pat friends filename: ";	cin.getline(filename, 10);	fin.open(filename);	if (!fin.is_open())	{		cerr << "Cant open the file " << filename << endl;		exit(EXIT_FAILURE);	}	set<string>fresource2;			//建立第二个容器	while (!fin.eof())	{		fin.getline(temp, 10);		fresource2.insert(temp);		cout << temp << endl;	}	fin.close();	cout << "Enter the Target filename: ";	cin.getline(filename, 10);	ofstream fou;	fou.open(filename);	set<string>target;						//还是书上的老方法,用一个匿名的插入迭代器	set_union(fresource.begin(), fresource.end(), fresource2.begin(), fresource2.end(),		insert_iterator<set<string>>(target, target.begin()));	cout << "Friends they have:/n";	copy(target.begin(), target.end(), out);	ostream_iterator<string, char>fileout(fou, "/n");			//输出到文件迭代器,自己起名的	copy(target.begin(), target.end(), fileout);	fou.close();	return 0;}c++ Primer Plus(习题17.6)

//第十七章的17.6题,跟前面14.5的相似,不过是添加了一点东西//书上提供了解决方案,添加数据到文件中,保存读写数据的方法//对了,书上的getall()方法个人觉得是要带参数的//这题打出来之后出现已有主体C2084错误,原因是该函数重定义了//去掉之后出现错误LNK2001,又是这个类设计很常见,起码是我这里很常见的//主要是无法识别的外部命令,//错误原因:empoyee的虚函数没有定义//我的文件读取方式是/*0TripHarrisThumper*/#include<iostream>using namespace std;#include"fileemp.h"const int MAX = 10;void showClassType();int main(void){	abstr_emp *pc[MAX];					//不可以创建抽象类型的数组,但是可以创建指针	cout << "This program show the file of class Empoyee,input the data name to continue./n";	cout << "Enter the target file:";	char filename[MAX];	cin.getline(filename, MAX);	ifstream fin;	fin.open(filename);	if (!fin.is_open())	{		cerr << "Sorry ,can't open " << filename << endl;		exit(EXIT_FAILURE);	}	char ch;	int i = 0;	int classtype;	while (fin >> classtype)	{		switch (classtype)		{		case Employee:pc[i] = new employee; break;		case Manager:pc[i] = new manager; break;		case Fink:pc[i] = new fink; break;		case Highfink:pc[i] = new highfink; break;		}		pc[i]->getall(fin);		pc[i]->ShowAll();		i++;	}	fin.close();	ofstream fou;	fou.open(filename, ios_base::out | ios_base::app);	//追加模式打开文件	int idex=0;	showClassType();	while (cin >> ch&&ch != 'q'&&idex < MAX)	{		cin.get();		switch (ch)		{		case 'a':pc[idex]= new employee;			pc[idex]->SetAll();			break;		case 'b':pc[idex] = new manager;			pc[idex]->SetAll(); break;		case 'c':pc[idex] = new fink;			pc[idex]->SetAll(); break;		case 'd':pc[idex] = new highfink;			pc[idex]->SetAll(); break;		default:cout << "Error type!/n"; break;		}		idex++;		showClassType();	}	for (i = 0; i < idex; i++)		pc[i]->writeall(fou);	fou.close();	fin.clear();	fin.open(filename);	cout << "Here is the redice file:/n";	while ((fin >> classtype).get(ch))	{		switch (classtype)		{		case Employee:pc[i] = new employee; break;		case Manager:pc[i] = new manager; break;		case Fink:pc[i] = new fink; break;		case Highfink:pc[i] = new highfink; break;		}		pc[i]->getall(fin);		pc[i]->ShowAll();		i++;	}	fin.close();	cout << "Bye!/n";	return 0;}void showClassType(){	cout << "What class type do you want to creat:/n "		"a)Employee  b)Manage  c)Fink  d)Highfink  q)quit/n";}
#pragma once#pragma execution_character_set("utf-8")//本文件为utf-8编码格式#pragma once#pragma execution_character_set("utf-8")//本文件为utf-8编码格式//这个头文件属于14.5题书上提供的多态继承头文件的修改版,输出数据到文件,//可以按照书上的方法进行修改#ifndef FILEEMP_H#define FILEEMP_H#include<iostream>#include<string>#include<fstream>using std::string;using namespace std;enum classkin { Employee, Manager, Fink, Highfink };class abstr_emp{private:	string fname;	string lname;	string job;public:	abstr_emp() :fname("No name"), lname("no name "), job("no job") {};	abstr_emp(const string&fn, const string&ln, const string &j) :fname(fn)		, lname(ln), job(j) {};	virtual void ShowAll()const;	virtual void SetAll();	virtual void writeall(ofstream &fo);		//写入到文件的虚函数,又是这里出现无法识别的外部命令	virtual void getall(ifstream &fi);			//从文件中读取的虚函数	friend std::ostream&Operator<<(std::ostream &os, const abstr_emp&e);	virtual ~abstr_emp() = 0 {};//这里少了{}会报错,链接错误一大堆};class employee :public abstr_emp{public:	employee(const string &fn, const string&ln, const string&j) :abstr_emp(fn, ln, j) {};	employee() :abstr_emp() {};	virtual void ShowAll()const { abstr_emp::ShowAll(); };	virtual void SetAll() { abstr_emp::SetAll(); };	void writeall(std::ofstream &fo);		//写入到文件的虚函数	 void getall(std::ifstream &fi);			//从文件中读取的虚函数};class manager :virtual public abstr_emp{public:	manager() :abstr_emp(), inchargeof(0) {};	manager(const string &fn, const string &ln,		const string &j, int ico = 0) :abstr_emp(fn, ln, j), inchargeof(ico) {};	manager(const abstr_emp&e, int ico) :abstr_emp(e), inchargeof(ico) {};	manager(const manager&m);	virtual void ShowAll()const;	virtual void SetAll();	 void writeall(std::ofstream &fo);		//写入到文件的虚函数	 void getall(std::ifstream &fi);			//从文件中读取的虚函数protected:	int InChargeOf()const { return inchargeof; }	//outut method	int &InChargeOf() { return inchargeof; }		//input method	void FileChangeOf(std::ofstream &fou)const { fou << inchargeof << "/t"; }	void FileChangeOf(std::ifstream&fin) { fin >> inchargeof; }private:	int inchargeof;};class fink :virtual public abstr_emp{private:	string reportsto;protected:	const string ReportsTo()const { return reportsto; }	string &ReportsTo() { return reportsto; }	void FileReportsTo(std::ofstream &fou) {fou << reportsto;}	void FileReportsTo(std::ifstream&fin) { fin >> reportsto; }public:	fink() :abstr_emp(), reportsto("null") {};	fink(const string &fn, const string &ln,		const string &j, const string &rpo) :abstr_emp(fn, ln, j), reportsto(rpo) {};	fink(const abstr_emp&e, const string &rpo) :abstr_emp(e), reportsto(rpo) {};	fink(const fink&e);	virtual void ShowAll()const;	virtual void SetAll();	 void writeall(std::ofstream &fo);		//写入到文件的虚函数	 void getall(std::ifstream &fi);			//从文件中读取的虚函数};class highfink :public manager, public fink{public:	highfink() {};				//显式调用基类构造函数	highfink(const string &fn, const string &ln,		const string &j, const string &rpo, int ico)		:abstr_emp(fn, ln, j), fink(fn, ln, j, rpo), manager(fn, ln, j, ico) {};	highfink(const abstr_emp&e, const string &rpo, int ico)		:abstr_emp(e), fink(e, rpo), manager(e, ico) {};	highfink(const fink &f, int ico)		:abstr_emp(f), fink(f), manager(f, ico) {};	highfink(const manager &m, const string &rpo)		:abstr_emp(m), manager(m), fink(m, rpo) {};	highfink(const highfink&h)		:abstr_emp(h), manager(h), fink(h) {};	virtual void ShowAll()const;	virtual void SetAll();	 void writeall(std::ofstream &fo);		//写入到文件的虚函数	void getall(std::ifstream &fi);			//从文件中读取的虚函数};#endif // !EMP_H
#include"fileemp.h"using std::cout;using std::endl;using std::cin;//abstr_emp methodsvoid abstr_emp::ShowAll()const{	cout <<"/t/t"<< lname << "," << fname << "/t"		<< job;}//设置各成员的值void abstr_emp::SetAll(){	cout << "Enter frist name: ";	std::getline(cin, fname);	cout << "Enter last name: ";	std::getline(cin, lname);	cout << "Job: ";	std::getline(cin, job);}//写入数据到文件的方法void abstr_emp::writeall(ofstream &fo){	fo<<lname <<endl<< fname <<endl<<job<<endl;}void abstr_emp::getall(ifstream &fi)		//书上没有用参数,想想不太可能{	std::getline(fi, lname);	std::getline(fi, fname);	std::getline(fi, job);}//only display namestd::ostream&operator<<(std::ostream &os, const abstr_emp&e){	os << "Name: " << e.lname << " , " << e.fname;	return os;}//employee的类方法void employee::writeall(std::ofstream &fo){	fo << Employee;	abstr_emp::writeall(fo);}void employee::getall(std::ifstream &fi){	abstr_emp::getall(fi);}//manage methodsmanager::manager(const manager&m) :abstr_emp(m)	//copy construction function{	inchargeof = m.inchargeof;}void manager::ShowAll()const{	cout << endl;	abstr_emp::ShowAll();	cout <<"/t"<< inchargeof;}void manager::SetAll(){	abstr_emp::SetAll();	cout << "Enter the inchangeof count: ";	cin >> inchargeof;	while (cin.get() != '/n')		continue;}void manager::writeall(std::ofstream &fou){	fou << Manager;	abstr_emp::writeall(fou);	fou << inchargeof<<endl;}void manager::getall(std::ifstream &fin){	abstr_emp::getall(fin);	fin >> inchargeof;}//fink methodsfink::fink(const fink&e) :abstr_emp(e){	reportsto = e.reportsto;}void fink::ShowAll()const{	cout << endl;	abstr_emp::ShowAll();	cout << "/t" << reportsto;}void fink::SetAll(){	cout << "Enter the reportsto: ";	std::getline(cin, reportsto);	while (cin.get() != '/n')		continue;}void fink::writeall(std::ofstream &fou){	fou << Fink;	abstr_emp::writeall(fou);	fou << reportsto<<endl;}void fink::getall(std::ifstream &fin){	abstr_emp::getall(fin);	std::getline(fin,reportsto);}//highlink methodsvoid highfink::ShowAll()const{	cout << endl;	abstr_emp::ShowAll();		//使用直接基类的保护方法进行输出	cout<<"/t"<< manager::InChargeOf();	cout<<"/t" << fink::ReportsTo()<<endl;}void highfink::SetAll(){	abstr_emp::SetAll();	string temp;				//这里要弄好一点,不然会设置基类两次,也可以自己	int tem;	cout << "Enter the inchangeof count: ";	//用的是书上那个保护方法,返回引用就可以対值修改	cin >> tem;	cin.get();		//处理换行符	cout << "Enter the reportsto: ";	std::getline(cin, temp);	ReportsTo() = temp;	InChargeOf() = tem;}void highfink::writeall(std::ofstream &fou){	fou << Highfink;	abstr_emp::writeall(fou);	manager::FileChangeOf(fou);	fink::FileReportsTo(fou);}void highfink::getall(std::ifstream &fin){	abstr_emp::getall(fin);	manager::FileChangeOf(fin);	fink::FileReportsTo(fin);}c++ Primer Plus(习题17.7)

//大大的填空题//参考了别人的,才发现自己理解错了#include<iostream>#include<fstream>#include<algorithm>#include<string>#include<vector>#include<iterator>void ShowStr(const std::string&s) { std::cout << s << std::endl; }void GetStrs(std::ifstream&fi, std::vector<std::string>&s);class Store{private:	std::ofstream&fou;public:	Store(std::ofstream&os) :fou(os) {};	void operator()(const std::string&s)	{		size_t len = s.size();				//size的返回类型,len存储字符串的长度		fou.write((char*)&len, sizeof(std::size_t));	//先存储长度,书上的用意很明显		//这样写是先把字符串的长度len长度信息复制到相关联的文件中		fou.write(s.data(), len);		//这里是指定字符串的字符数,把字字符串不包括'/0'写入文件	}};int main(){	using namespace std;	vector<string>vostr;	string temp;	cout << "Enter strings(empty line to quit):/n";	while (getline(cin, temp) && temp[0] != '/0')		vostr.push_back(temp);	cout << "Here is your input./n";	for_each(vostr.begin(), vostr.end(), ShowStr);	ofstream fout("string.dat", ios_base::out | ios_base::binary);	for_each(vostr.begin(), vostr.end(), Store(fout));	fout.close();	vector<string>vistr;	ifstream fin("string.dat", ios_base::in | ios_base::binary);	if (!fin.is_open())		{		cerr << "Could not open file for input./n";		exit(EXIT_FAILURE);		}	GetStrs(fin, vistr);	cout << "/nHere are the strings read from the file:/n";	for_each(vostr.begin(), vostr.end(), ShowStr);	return 0;}void GetStrs(std::ifstream&fi, std::vector<std::string>&ve){	size_t len;		//使用read来获取长度,这个方法很赞	while (fi.read((char *)&len, sizeof(size_t)))	{	//这里要知道循环条件就是字符数		char *st = new char[len];		fi.read(st, len);		//len按我的理解就是每个字符所占据的二进制位数		st[len + 1] = '/0';		//由于没有存储空字符,所以这里人为加		ve.push_back(st);	}}

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