c++ PRimer Plus(习题13.1)/*13.1题的实现文件,书上的测试文件*///哪个方法不需要也根据实现而定,始终跟随客户的脚步//这题细节方面被坑了,mainworks字符数组设置太小了,导致了一系列不可思议的问题#include<iostream>#include"classic.h"using namespace std;void Bravo(const Cd&disk);int main(){ Cd c1("Beatles","Capitol", 14, 35.5); Classic c2 = Classic("Piano Sonata in B flat, Fantasia in C", "Alfred Brendel", "Philips", 2, 57.17); Cd *pcd = &c1; //这里是测试虚方法 cout << "Using object directly:/n"; c1.Roport(); c2.Roport(); cout << "Using type cd *pointer to objects:/n"; pcd->Roport(); pcd = &c2; pcd->Roport(); cout << "Calling a funtion with a Cd reference argument:/n"; Bravo(c1); //这也是测试虚方法,由调用对象决定 Bravo(c2); cout << "Testing assigment: /n"; Classic copy; //测试派生类的赋值运算符 copy = c2; copy.Roport(); return 0;}void Bravo(const Cd&disk){ disk.Roport();}#pragma once#pragma execution_character_set("utf-8")//本文件为utf-8编码格式//习题12.1的头文件#ifndef CLASSIC_H#define CLASSIC_H#include<iostream>class Cd{private: char performers[50]; char label[20]; int selections; double playtime;public: Cd(char *s1, char*s2, int n, double x); Cd() {}; Cd(const Cd&d); ~Cd() {}; //由于不是动态分配内存,需不需要这个都行 virtual void Roport()const; Cd& Operator=(const Cd &d);}; class Classic:public Cd //公有继承{private: char mainworks[50]; //存储主要作品public: Classic(char *m, char *s1, char*s2, int n, double x); Classic() {}; Classic(const Classic&c); ~Classic() {}; void Roport()const; Classic&operator=(const Classic &c);};#endif // !CLASSIC_H#include"classic.h"//base calss mothodCd::Cd(char *s1, char*s2, int n, double x):selections(n),playtime(x){ std::strcpy(performers, s1); //使用初始化列表好像无法初始化performers和label std::strcpy(label, s2);}//copy construction functionCd::Cd(const Cd&d){ std::strcpy(performers, d.performers); std::strcpy(label,d.label); selections = d.selections; playtime = d.playtime;}void Cd::Roport()const{ using std::cout; using std::endl; cout << "Performers: " << performers << endl << "Lable: " << label << endl << "Selections: " << selections << endl << "Playtime: " << playtime << endl;}Cd& Cd::operator=(const Cd &d){ if (this == &d) return *this; std::strcpy(performers, d.performers); std::strcpy(label, d.label); selections = d.selections; playtime = d.playtime; return *this;}//Classic mothodsClassic::Classic(char *m, char *s1, char*s2, int n, double x):Cd(s1,s2,n,x){ //成员初始化;列表初始化基类数据 std::strcpy(mainworks, m);}void Classic::Roport()const{ Cd::Roport(); //调用基类的report方法 std::cout << "Mainworks: " << mainworks << std::endl;}Classic&Classic::operator=(const Classic&c){ if (this == &c) return *this; Cd::operator=(c); std::strcpy(mainworks, c.mainworks); return *this;}Classic::Classic(const Classic&c){ std::strcpy(mainworks, c.mainworks);}c++ Primer Plus(习题13.2)#pragma once#pragma execution_character_set("utf-8")//本文件为utf-8编码格式//习题12.1的头文件#ifndef NEWCLASSIC_H#define NEWCLASSIC_H#include<iostream>class Cd{private: char *performers; char *label; int selections; double playtime;public: Cd(char *s1, char*s2, int n , double x); //Cd(const Cd&d); Cd() {}; virtual ~Cd() { delete[]performers; delete[] label; }; //由于不是动态分配内存,需不需要这个都行 virtual void Roport()const; Cd& operator=(const Cd &d);};class Classic :public Cd //公有继承{private: char *mainworks; //存储主要作品public: Classic(char *m,char *s1, char*s2, int n, double x); Classic() {}; virtual ~Classic() { delete[]mainworks; }; void Roport()const; Classic&operator=(const Classic &c);};#endif // !CLASSIC_H#include"newclassic.h"//base calss mothodCd::Cd(char *s1, char*s2, int n, double x) :selections(n), playtime(x){ performers = new char[std::strlen(s1)+1]; label = new char[std::strlen(s2)+1]; std::strcpy(performers, s1); //使用初始化列表好像无法初始化performers和label std::strcpy(label, s2);}void Cd::Roport()const{ using std::cout; using std::endl; cout << "Performers: " << performers << endl << "Lable: " << label << endl << "Selections: " << selections << endl << "Playtime: " << playtime << endl;}Cd& Cd::operator=(const Cd &d){ if (this == &d) return *this; //这里不加delete[]perfomers是因为构造函数没用new[]初始化 performers = new char[std::strlen(d.performers) + 1]; label = new char[std::strlen(d.label) + 1]; std::strcpy(performers, d.performers); std::strcpy(label, d.label); selections = d.selections; playtime = d.playtime; return *this;}//Classic mothodsClassic::Classic(char *m, char *s1, char*s2, int n, double x) :Cd(s1, s2, n, x){ //成员初始化;列表初始化基类数据 mainworks = new char[std::strlen(m)+1]; std::strcpy(mainworks, m);}void Classic::Roport()const{ Cd::Roport(); //调用基类的report方法 std::cout << "Mainworks: " << mainworks << std::endl;}Classic&Classic::operator=(const Classic&c){ if (this == &c) return *this; Cd::operator=(c); //这里也不用delete[]mainworks; mainworks = new char[std::strlen(c.mainworks) + 1]; std::strcpy(mainworks, c.mainworks); return *this;}/*13.2题的实现文件,书上的测试文件*///和上一题一模一样的实现文件,就是把字符数组改成动态内存分配//老套路,可删除的函数有复制构造函数,因为没用到,这么简单的题玩了一下午#include<iostream>#include"newclassic.h"using namespace std;void Bravo(const Cd&disk);int main(){ Cd c1("Beatles", "Capitol", 14, 35.5); Classic c2 = Classic("Piano Sonata in B flat, Fantasia in C", "Alfred Brendel", "Philips", 2, 57.17); Cd *pcd = &c1; //这里是测试虚方法 cout << "Using object directly:/n"; c1.Roport(); c2.Roport(); cout << "Using type cd *pointer to objects:/n"; pcd->Roport(); pcd = &c2; pcd->Roport(); cout << "Calling a funtion with a Cd reference argument:/n"; Bravo(c1); //这也是测试虚方法,由调用对象决定 Bravo(c2); cout << "Testing assigment: /n"; Classic copy; //测试派生类的赋值运算符和默认构造函数 copy = c2; copy.Roport(); return 0;}void Bravo(const Cd&disk){ disk.Roport();}c++ Primer Plus(习题13.3)
//变更书上三种DMA的关系,使他们从一个抽象基类中派生出来//这是根据书上程序清单13.10模仿出来的测试文件//头文件省略了很多方法,可以说是一个专门解决特定客户需求的类#include<iostream>#include"dma.h"const int CLENTS = 3;int main(){ using namespace std; Abc *p[CLENTS]; char temp[30]; int temrating; char choose; for (int i = 0; i < CLENTS; i++) { cout << "Enter the label: "; cin.getline(temp, 30); cout << "Enter the rating: "; cin >> temrating; cout << "Enter 1 for baseDMA class or " "2 for lacksDMA class or 3 for hasDMA class: "; while (cin >> choose && (choose != '1'&&choose!='2'&&choose!='3')) cout << "Make you choice rightly!"; if (choose == '1') p[i] = new baseDMA(temp, temrating); else if (choose == '2') { char temc[10]; cin.get(); //混合输入数字和字符串切记处理换行符 cout << "Enter the color: "; cin.get(temc, 10); p[i] = new lacksDMA(temc, temp, temrating); } else { char temstyle[10]; cout << "Enter the style: "; cin.get(); cin.get(temstyle, 10); p[i] = new hasDMA(temstyle, temp, temrating); } while (cin.get() != '/n') continue; } cout << endl; for (int i = 0; i < CLENTS; i++) { p[i]->Report(); cout << endl; } for (int i = 0; i < CLENTS; i++) { delete p[i]; //free emory! } cout << "*************Test complete!**************/n"; return 0;}#pragma once#pragma execution_character_set("utf-8")//本文件为utf-8编码格式//使用抽象基类abc派生出三个类#ifndef DMA_H#define DMA_H#include<iostream>class Abc{private: char *label; int rating;protected: char* Label()const { return label; } //保护方法,报告抽象基类中的成员 int Rating()const { return rating; }public: Abc(const char *l = "NULL", int r = 0); virtual void Report()const = 0; //纯虚函数的标志,基类可以不提供定义 virtual ~Abc() { delete[]label; }};class baseDMA:public Abc{public: baseDMA(const char *l = "NULL", int r = 0) :Abc(l, r) {}; virtual ~baseDMA() {}; virtual void Report()const;};class lacksDMA:public Abc{private: enum{COL_LEN=40}; char color[COL_LEN];public: lacksDMA(const char *la = "NULL", const char*l = "NULL", int r = 0); virtual ~lacksDMA() {}; virtual void Report()const;};class hasDMA :public Abc{private: char *style;public: hasDMA(const char*s = "NULL", const char*l = "NULL", int r = 0); virtual ~hasDMA() { delete[]style; }; virtual void Report()const;};#endif // !DMA_H#include"dma.h"using std::cout;using std::endl;//Abc mothodAbc::Abc(const char *l, int r){ label = new char[std::strlen(l) + 1]; std::strcpy(label, l); rating = r;}//baseDMA METHODvoid baseDMA::Report()const{ cout << "Label: " << Label() << endl //调用抽象基类的保护方法 << "Rating: " << Rating() << endl;}//lacksDMA methodlacksDMA::lacksDMA(const char *la, const char*l, int r) :Abc(l, r) { std::strcpy(color, la);}void lacksDMA::Report()const{ cout << "Label: " << Label() << endl << "Rating: " << Rating() << endl << "Color: " << color << endl;}//hasDMA methodhasDMA::hasDMA(const char*s, const char*l, int r) : Abc(l, r){ style = new char[std::strlen(s) + 1]; std::strcpy(style, s);}void hasDMA::Report()const{ cout << "Label: " << Label() << endl << "Rating: " << Rating() << endl << "Style: " << style << endl;}c++ Primer Plus(习题13.4)//一题填空题,得自己编写文件测试全部方法//b:有的方法需要重新定义,比如说析构函数还有构造函数,等等,都是必须重新定义的//c:重载的赋值运算符和输出符基类的引用完全够用,不用声明成虚的方法#include<iostream>#include"port.h"int main(){ using std::cout; using std::endl; Port a("Hong", "tawny", 100); VintagePort b("La", 20, "The Noble", 2017); cout << "Resource A: " << a << "/nResource B: " << b << endl; cout << "Test copy construction c=a: /n"; Port c=a; c.Show(); cout << "Test << operator:/n"; cout << c; cout << "/nTest a+=15 and b-=15:"; a += 15; b -= 15; cout << " A: " << a << " B: " << b << endl; cout << "Test virtual method:/n "; Port *p = &a; p->Show(); p = &b; p->Show(); cout << "c=b "; c = b; c.Show(); cout << "/n*************Test complete!**************/n"; return 0;}#pragma once#pragma execution_character_set("utf-8")//本文件为utf-8编码格式#ifndef PORT_H#define PORT_H#include<iostream>using namespace std;class Port{private: char *brand; char style[20]; //ie.,tawny,ruby,vintage int bottles;public: Port(const char*br = "none", const char *st = "none", int b = 0); Port(const Port&p); virtual ~Port() { delete[] brand; } Port&operator=(const Port&p); Port&operator+=(int b); // add b to bottles Port&operator-=(int b); virtual void Show()const; friend ostream& operator<<(ostream&os, const Port&p);protected: int BottleCount()const { return bottles; } };class VintagePort :public Port{private: char *nickname; int year;public: VintagePort(); VintagePort(const char*nn, int y, const char*br, int b); VintagePort(const VintagePort &vp); ~VintagePort() { delete[]nickname; }; VintagePort&operator=(const VintagePort&vp); virtual void Show()const; friend ostream&operator<<(ostream&os, const VintagePort&pt);};#endif // !PORT_H#include"port.h"using std::cout;using std::endl;//Port methodsPort::Port(const char*br, const char *st, int b){ brand = new char[std::strlen(br) + 1]; std::strcpy(brand, br); std::strcpy(style, st); bottles = b;}Port::Port(const Port&p){ brand = new char[std::strlen(p.brand) + 1]; std::strcpy(brand, p.brand); std::strcpy(style, p.style); bottles = p.bottles;}Port&Port::operator=(const Port&p){ if (this == &p) return *this; delete[]brand; brand = new char[std::strlen(p.brand) + 1]; std::strcpy(brand, p.brand); std::strcpy(style, p.style); bottles = p.bottles; return *this;}Port&Port::operator+=(int b){ bottles += b; return *this;}Port&Port::operator-=(int b){ bottles -= b; return *this;}//out put methodsvoid Port::Show()const{ cout << "Brand: " << brand << endl << "Kind: " << style << endl << "Bottles: " << bottles << endl;}ostream& operator<<(ostream&os, const Port&p){ os << p.brand << " , " << p.style << " , " << p.bottles; return os;}//VintagePort methods VintagePort::VintagePort(){ nickname = new char[1]; nickname = nullptr; year = 0;}VintagePort::VintagePort(const char*br,int b, const char*nn, int y):Port(br,"vintage",b){ nickname = new char[std::strlen(nn) + 1]; std::strcpy(nickname, nn); year = y;}VintagePort::VintagePort(const VintagePort &vp):Port(vp){ delete[]nickname; nickname = new char[std::strlen(vp.nickname) + 1]; std::strcpy(nickname, vp.nickname); year = vp.year;}VintagePort&VintagePort::operator=(const VintagePort&vp){ if (this == &vp) return *this; delete[]nickname; nickname = new char[std::strlen(vp.nickname) + 1]; std::strcpy(nickname, vp.nickname); year = vp.year; return *this;}void VintagePort::Show()const{ Port::Show(); //调用基类的方法,用来显示基类部分 cout << "Nick name: " << nickname << endl << "Year: " << year << endl;}ostream&operator<<(ostream&os, const VintagePort&pt){ os << (const Port&)pt; os << " , " << pt.nickname << " , "; return os;}