Apple有一个 UIDatePicker这UI控件可以显示中国的农历,但是去获取现实的数据的时候却是给了一个NSDate类型的数据,然后你如果要现实农历还需要去转换,最坑的是UIDatePicker和UIPickerView还不是同一个东西,一个是继承UIControl, 一个是继承 UIView的,UIPickerView可以通过代理去获取,但是UIDatePicker就只能通过addTarget的方式去获取它的value。
//// QYJDataConfig.h// QYJGYDateCenter//// Created by Isoftstone on 17/2/7.// Copyright © 2017年 com.qyji.DateDemo. All rights reserved.//#ifndef QYJDataConfig_h#define QYJDataConfig_h#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>#import "NSDate+FSExtension.h"//最小年限#define MIN_YEAR 1900//最大年限 取决下面万年历转化的数据#define MAX_YEAR 2099#define lunarDays @[@"零",@"初一",@"初二",@"初三",@"初四",@"初五",@"初六",@"初七",@"初八",@"初九",@"初十",@"十一",@"十二",@"十三",@"十四",@"十五", @"十六",@"十七",@"十八",@"十九",@"廿", @"廿一",@"廿二", @"廿三", @"廿四", @"廿五", @"廿六", @"廿七", @"廿八", @"廿九", @"卅"]#define lunarMonths @[@"零", @"正",@"二", @"三", @"四", @"五", @"六", @"七", @"八", @"九", @"十", @"冬", @"腊"]static int DAYS_BEFORE_MONTH[13] = {0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365};unsigned int lunarToSolar[200] = { 0x84B6BF,/*1900*/ 0x04AE53, 0x0A5748, 0x5526BD, 0x0D2650, 0x0D9544, 0x46AAB9, 0x056A4D, 0x09AD42, 0x24AEB6, 0x04AE4A,/*1901-1910*/ 0x6A4DBE, 0x0A4D52, 0x0D2546, 0x5D52BA, 0x0B544E, 0x0D6A43, 0x296D37, 0x095B4B, 0x749BC1, 0x049754,/*1911-1920*/ 0x0A4B48, 0x5B25BC, 0x06A550, 0x06D445, 0x4ADAB8, 0x02B64D, 0x095742, 0x2497B7, 0x04974A, 0x664B3E,/*1921-1930*/ 0x0D4A51, 0x0EA546, 0x56D4BA, 0x05AD4E, 0x02B644, 0x393738, 0x092E4B, 0x7C96BF, 0x0C9553, 0x0D4A48,/*1931-1940*/ 0x6DA53B, 0x0B554F, 0x056A45, 0x4AADB9, 0x025D4D, 0x092D42, 0x2C95B6, 0x0A954A, 0x7B4ABD, 0x06CA51,/*1941-1950*/ 0x0B5546, 0x555ABB, 0x04DA4E, 0x0A5B43, 0x352BB8, 0x052B4C, 0x8A953F, 0x0E9552, 0x06AA48, 0x6AD53C,/*1951-1960*/ 0x0AB54F, 0x04B645, 0x4A5739, 0x0A574D, 0x052642, 0x3E9335, 0x0D9549, 0x75AABE, 0x056A51, 0x096D46,/*1961-1970*/ 0x54AEBB, 0x04AD4F, 0x0A4D43, 0x4D26B7, 0x0D254B, 0x8D52BF, 0x0B5452, 0x0B6A47, 0x696D3C, 0x095B50,/*1971-1980*/ 0x049B45, 0x4A4BB9, 0x0A4B4D, 0xAB25C2, 0x06A554, 0x06D449, 0x6ADA3D, 0x0AB651, 0x095746, 0x5497BB,/*1981-1990*/ 0x04974F, 0x064B44, 0x36A537, 0x0EA54A, 0x86B2BF, 0x05AC53, 0x0AB647, 0x5936BC, 0x092E50, 0x0C9645,/*1991-2000*/ 0x4D4AB8, 0x0D4A4C, 0x0DA541, 0x25AAB6, 0x056A49, 0x7AADBD, 0x025D52, 0x092D47, 0x5C95BA, 0x0A954E,/*2001-2010*/ 0x0B4A43, 0x4B5537, 0x0AD54A, 0x955ABF, 0x04BA53, 0x0A5B48, 0x652BBC, 0x052B50, 0x0A9345, 0x474AB9,/*2011-2020*/ 0x06AA4C, 0x0AD541, 0x24DAB6, 0x04B64A, 0x6a573D, 0x0A4E51, 0x0D2646, 0x5E933A, 0x0D534D, 0x05AA43,/*2021-2030*/ 0x36B537, 0x096D4B, 0xB4AEBF, 0x04AD53, 0x0A4D48, 0x6D25BC, 0x0D254F, 0x0D5244, 0x5DAA38, 0x0B5A4C,/*2031-2040*/ 0x056D41, 0x24ADB6, 0x049B4A, 0x7A4BBE, 0x0A4B51, 0x0AA546, 0x5B52BA, 0x06D24E, 0x0ADA42, 0x355B37,/*2041-2050*/ 0x09374B, 0x8497C1, 0x049753, 0x064B48, 0x66A53C, 0x0EA54F, 0x06AA44, 0x4AB638, 0x0AAE4C, 0x092E42,/*2051-2060*/ 0x3C9735, 0x0C9649, 0x7D4ABD, 0x0D4A51, 0x0DA545, 0x55AABA, 0x056A4E, 0x0A6D43, 0x452EB7, 0x052D4B,/*2061-2070*/ 0x8A95BF, 0x0A9553, 0x0B4A47, 0x6B553B, 0x0AD54F, 0x055A45, 0x4A5D38, 0x0A5B4C, 0x052B42, 0x3A93B6,/*2071-2080*/ 0x069349, 0x7729BD, 0x06AA51, 0x0AD546, 0x54DABA, 0x04B64E, 0x0A5743, 0x452738, 0x0D264A, 0x8E933E,/*2081-2090*/ 0x0D5252, 0x0DAA47, 0x66B53B, 0x056D4F, 0x04AE45, 0x4A4EB9, 0x0A4D4C, 0x0D1541, 0x2D92B5 /*2091-2099*/};unsigned int solarTolunar[] = { 0x04bd8,0x04ae0,0x0a570,0x054d5,0x0d260,0x0d950,0x16554,0x056a0,0x09ad0,0x055d2, 0x04ae0,0x0a5b6,0x0a4d0,0x0d250,0x1d255,0x0b540,0x0d6a0,0x0ada2,0x095b0,0x14977, 0x04970,0x0a4b0,0x0b4b5,0x06a50,0x06d40,0x1ab54,0x02b60,0x09570,0x052f2,0x04970, 0x06566,0x0d4a0,0x0ea50,0x06e95,0x05ad0,0x02b60,0x186e3,0x092e0,0x1c8d7,0x0c950, 0x0d4a0,0x1d8a6,0x0b550,0x056a0,0x1a5b4,0x025d0,0x092d0,0x0d2b2,0x0a950,0x0b557, 0x06ca0,0x0b550,0x15355,0x04da0,0x0a5b0,0x14573,0x052b0,0x0a9a8,0x0e950,0x06aa0, 0x0aea6,0x0ab50,0x04b60,0x0aae4,0x0a570,0x05260,0x0f263,0x0d950,0x05b57,0x056a0, 0x096d0,0x04dd5,0x04ad0,0x0a4d0,0x0d4d4,0x0d250,0x0d558,0x0b540,0x0b6a0,0x195a6, 0x095b0,0x049b0,0x0a974,0x0a4b0,0x0b27a,0x06a50,0x06d40,0x0af46,0x0ab60,0x09570, 0x04af5,0x04970,0x064b0,0x074a3,0x0ea50,0x06b58,0x055c0,0x0ab60,0x096d5,0x092e0, 0x0c960,0x0d954,0x0d4a0,0x0da50,0x07552,0x056a0,0x0abb7,0x025d0,0x092d0,0x0cab5, 0x0a950,0x0b4a0,0x0baa4,0x0ad50,0x055d9,0x04ba0,0x0a5b0,0x15176,0x052b0,0x0a930, 0x07954,0x06aa0,0x0ad50,0x05b52,0x04b60,0x0a6e6,0x0a4e0,0x0d260,0x0ea65,0x0d530, 0x05aa0,0x076a3,0x096d0,0x04bd7,0x04ad0,0x0a4d0,0x1d0b6,0x0d250,0x0d520,0x0dd45, 0x0b5a0,0x056d0,0x055b2,0x049b0,0x0a577,0x0a4b0,0x0aa50,0x1b255,0x06d20,0x0ada0, 0x04b63,0x0937f,0x049f8,0x04970,0x064b0,0x068a6,0x0ea5f,0x06b20,0x0a6c4,0x0aaef, 0x092e0,0x0d2e3,0x0c960,0x0d557,0x0d4a0,0x0da50,0x05d55,0x056a0,0x0a6d0,0x055d4, 0x052d0,0x0a9b8,0x0a950,0x0b4a0,0x0b6a6,0x0ad50,0x055a0,0x0aba4,0x0a5b0,0x052b0, 0x0b273,0x06930,0x07337,0x06aa0,0x0ad50,0x04b55,0x04b6f,0x0a570,0x054e4,0x0d260, 0x0e968,0x0d520,0x0daa0,0x06aa6,0x056df,0x04ae0,0x0a9d4,0x0a4d0,0x0d150,0x0f252, 0x0d520};#endif /* QYJDataConfig_h */这里使用两套的数据源,分开来使用。转换的代码:
#PRagma mark - lunar To solar// 传入农历转换成新历+ (NSString *)toSolar:(id)lunar { NSString *lunarStr; if ([lunar isKindOfClass:[NSDate class]]) { NSDateFormatter *formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; formatter.dateFormat = @"yyyy-MM-dd"; lunarStr = [formatter stringFromDate:lunar]; return lunarStr; } else { lunarStr = lunar; } NSCharacterSet *set = [NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:@"年月"]; NSArray *year_month_day = [lunarStr componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:set]; int year = [year_month_day.firstObject intValue]; NSString *monthStr = year_month_day[1]; int month = 0; BOOL reserved = NO; if ([monthStr rangeOfString:@"闰"].length > 0) { //闰年 monthStr = [monthStr substringFromIndex:1]; month = (int)[lunarMonths indexOfObject:monthStr]; reserved = YES; } else { //平年 month = (int)[lunarMonths indexOfObject:monthStr]; reserved = NO; } int day = (int)[lunarDays indexOfObject:year_month_day[2]]; return [LunarToSolar lunarToSolarYear:year month:month monthDay:day leapMonth:reserved];}+ (NSString *)lunarToSolarYear:(int)year month:(int)month monthDay:(int)monthDay leapMonth:(BOOL)isLeapMonth { int dayOffset; int leapMonth; int i; if (year < MIN_YEAR || year > MAX_YEAR || month < 1 || month > 12 || monthDay < 1 || monthDay > 30) { return @""; } dayOffset = (lunarToSolar[year - MIN_YEAR] & 0x001F) - 1; if (((lunarToSolar[year - MIN_YEAR] & 0x0060) >> 5) == 2) dayOffset += 31; for (i = 1; i < month; i++) { if ((lunarToSolar[year - MIN_YEAR] & (0x80000 >> (i - 1))) == 0) dayOffset += 29; else dayOffset += 30; } dayOffset += monthDay; leapMonth = (lunarToSolar[year - MIN_YEAR] & 0xf00000) >> 20; // 这一年有闰月 if (leapMonth != 0) { if (month > leapMonth || (month == leapMonth && isLeapMonth)) { if ((lunarToSolar[year - MIN_YEAR] & (0x80000 >> (month - 1))) == 0) dayOffset += 29; else dayOffset += 30; } } if (dayOffset > 366 || (year % 4 != 0 && dayOffset > 365)) { year += 1; if (year % 4 == 1) dayOffset -= 366; else dayOffset -= 365; } int solarInfo[3]; for (i = 1; i < 13; i++) { int iPos = DAYS_BEFORE_MONTH[i]; if (year % 4 == 0 && i > 2) { iPos += 1; } if (year % 4 == 0 && i == 2 && iPos + 1 == dayOffset) { solarInfo[1] = i; solarInfo[2] = dayOffset - 31; break; } if (iPos >= dayOffset) { solarInfo[1] = i; iPos = DAYS_BEFORE_MONTH[i - 1]; if (year % 4 == 0 && i > 2) { iPos += 1; } if (dayOffset > iPos) solarInfo[2] = dayOffset - iPos; else if (dayOffset == iPos) { if (year % 4 == 0 && i == 2) solarInfo[2] = DAYS_BEFORE_MONTH[i] - DAYS_BEFORE_MONTH[i - 1] + 1; else solarInfo[2] = DAYS_BEFORE_MONTH[i] - DAYS_BEFORE_MONTH[i - 1]; } else solarInfo[2] = dayOffset; break; } } solarInfo[0] = year; int resultYear = year; int resultMonth = solarInfo[1]; int resultDay = solarInfo[2]; NSString *result = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d-%02d-%02d", resultYear, resultMonth, resultDay]; return result;}阴历转阳历(农历转公历)#pragma mark - solar To lunar// 传入新历转换成农历+ (NSString *)toLunar:(id)solar { NSDate *solarDate = nil; if ([solar isKindOfClass:[NSDate class]]) { solarDate = solar; } else { NSDateFormatter *formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; formatter.dateFormat = @"yyyy-MM-dd"; solarDate = [formatter dateFromString:solar]; } NSInteger year = solarDate.fs_year; NSInteger month = solarDate.fs_month; NSInteger day = solarDate.fs_day; return [self solarToLunarCalendarThisDate:solarDate year:year month:month day:day];}+ (NSString *)solarToLunarCalendarThisDate:(NSDate *)thisdate year:(int)lunarYear month:(int)lunarMonth day:(int)lunarDay { NSString *start = @"1900-01-31"; NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; [dateFormatter setDateFormat:@"yyyy-MM-dd"]; NSString *end = [dateFormatter stringFromDate:thisdate]; NSDateFormatter *f = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; [f setDateFormat:@"yyyy-MM-dd"]; NSDate *startDate = [f dateFromString:start]; NSDate *endDate = [f dateFromString:end]; NSCalendar *gregorianCalendar = [[NSCalendar alloc] initWithCalendarIdentifier:NSGregorianCalendar]; NSDateComponents *components = [gregorianCalendar components:NSDayCalendarUnit fromDate:startDate toDate:endDate options:0]; int dayCyclical=(int)(([components day] + 30)/(86400/(3600*24)))+10; int sumdays = (int)[components day]; int tempdays = 0; //计算农历年 for (lunarYear = 1900; lunarYear < 2100 && sumdays > 0; lunarYear++) { tempdays = [self LunarYearDays:lunarYear]; sumdays -= tempdays; } if (sumdays < 0) { sumdays += tempdays; lunarYear--; } //计算闰月 int doubleMonth = [self DoubleMonth:lunarYear]; BOOL isLeap = NO; //计算农历月 for (lunarMonth = 1; lunarMonth < 13 && sumdays > 0; lunarMonth++) { //闰月 if (doubleMonth > 0 && lunarMonth == (doubleMonth + 1) && isLeap == false) { --lunarMonth; isLeap = true; tempdays = [self DoubleMonthDays:lunarYear]; } else { tempdays = [self MonthDays:lunarYear:lunarMonth]; } //解除闰月 if (isLeap == true && lunarMonth == (doubleMonth + 1)) { isLeap = false; } sumdays -= tempdays; } //计算农历日 if (sumdays == 0 && doubleMonth > 0 && lunarMonth == doubleMonth + 1) { if (isLeap) { isLeap = false; } else { isLeap = true; --lunarMonth; } } if (sumdays < 0) { sumdays += tempdays; --lunarMonth; } lunarDay = sumdays + 1; NSString *string = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d年", lunarYear]; if (isLeap) { string = [string stringByAppendingString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"闰%@月", lunarMonths[lunarMonth]]]; } else { string = [string stringByAppendingString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@月", lunarMonths[lunarMonth]]]; } string = [string stringByAppendingString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", lunarDays[lunarDay]]]; return string;}+ (int)LunarYearDays:(int)y { int i, sum = 348; for (i = 0x8000; i > 0x8; i >>= 1) { if ((solarTolunar[y - 1900] & i) != 0) sum += 1; } return (sum + [self DoubleMonthDays:y]);}+ (int)DoubleMonth:(int)y { return (solarTolunar[y - 1900] & 0xf);}///返回农历年闰月的天数+ (int)DoubleMonthDays:(int)y { if ([self DoubleMonth:y] != 0) return (((solarTolunar[y - 1900] & 0x10000) != 0) ? 30 : 29); else return (0);}///返回农历年月份的总天数+ (int)MonthDays:(int)y :(int)m { return (((solarTolunar[y - 1900] & (0x10000 >> m)) != 0) ? 30 : 29);}/*!
@method toLunar:
@abstract 公历转农历
@discussion 公历转农历
@param solar id
@result NSString
+ (NSString *)toLunar:(id)solar;
@method toSolar:
@abstract 农历转公历
@discussion 农历转公历
@param lunar id
@result NSString
+ (NSString *)toSolar:(id)lunar;