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2019-11-09 13:43:02

转自 点击打开链接 作者bbqz007



函数是什么?可能会答 void foo(void) {} 像这样就是一个函数。或者函数包括函数原型和函数定义,是一段执行某样功能的机器代码。




大家都知道这个原型id(*IMP)(id, char*, …),而这个却只是用于传递的协议,并非函数的真正的原型。对于后面的省略号,传统地是va_list访问,但是实际上省略号即第三个参数开始可以是任何其实传参方式。至于从第三个参数开始之后的协议是怎么约定的,在objc函数调用处和函数定义是必须明确清楚的。然而在之两者之间的中继路由过程中,只需要知道前两个参数的约定,就是这个原型id()(id, char*,…),所以msgSend也是这个原型。


id foo(id, char*, int) —> id msgSend(id, char*, …) —> (id()(id, char*, …))foo


libobjc.A.dylib`objc_msgSend:->  0x107b68800 <+0>:   testq  %rdi, %rdi    0x107b68803 <+3>:   jle    0x107b68850               ; <+80>    // except the bad pointer to obj    0x107b68805 <+5>:   movq   (%rdi), %r11    0x107b68808 <+8>:   movq   %rsi, %r10    0x107b6880b <+11>:  andl   0x18(%r11), %r10d         ;            // (int32)(%rsi) &= (int32)0x18(%rdi) , (%rsi) <<= 4, (int64)(%rsi) += (int64)0x10(%rdi).    0x107b6880f <+15>:  shlq   $0x4, %r10    0x107b68813 <+19>:  addq   0x10(%r11), %r10    0x107b68817 <+23>:  cmpq   (%r10), %rsi    0x107b6881a <+26>:  jne    0x107b68820               ; <+32>    0x107b6881c <+28>:  jmpq   *0x8(%r10)                 ;            // jmp to imp    0x107b68820 <+32>:  cmpq   $0x1, (%r10)    0x107b68824 <+36>:  jbe    0x107b68833               ; <+51>    0x107b68826 <+38>:  addq   $0x10, %r10    0x107b6882a <+42>:  cmpq   (%r10), %rsi    0x107b6882d <+45>:  jne    0x107b68820               ; <+32>    0x107b6882f <+47>:  jmpq   *0x8(%r10)                                0x107b68833 <+51>:  jb     0x107b68871               ; <+113>    0x107b68835 <+53>:  movq   0x8(%r10), %r10    0x107b68839 <+57>:  jmp    0x107b68845               ; <+69>    0x107b6883b <+59>:  cmpq   $0x1, (%r10)    0x107b6883f <+63>:  jbe    0x107b6884e               ; <+78>    0x107b68841 <+65>:  addq   $0x10, %r10    0x107b68845 <+69>:  cmpq   (%r10), %rsi    0x107b68848 <+72>:  jne    0x107b6883b               ; <+59>    0x107b6884a <+74>:  jmpq   *0x8(%r10)                                0x107b6884e <+78>:  jmp    0x107b68871               ; <+113>    0x107b68850 <+80>:  je     0x107b68866               ; <+102>    // a neg pointer is a objc debug tagged pointer classes.    0x107b68852 <+82>:  leaq   0x348df7(%rip), %r11      ; objc_debug_taggedpointer_classes    0x107b68859 <+89>:  movq   %rdi, %r10    0x107b6885c <+92>:  shrq   $0x3c, %r10    0x107b68860 <+96>:  movq   (%r11,%r10,8), %r11    0x107b68864 <+100>: jmp    0x107b68808               ; <+8>        // jump back and deal with this debug obj.    0x107b68866 <+102>: xorl   %eax, %eax                 ;            // deal with a nil obj.    0x107b68868 <+104>: xorl   %edx, %edx    0x107b6886a <+106>: xorps  %xmm0, %xmm0    0x107b6886d <+109>: xorps  %xmm1, %xmm1    0x107b68870 <+112>: retq                                ;            // bad return clause.    0x107b68871 <+113>: pushq  %rbp    0x107b68872 <+114>: movq   %rsp, %rbp    0x107b68875 <+117>: subq   $0x88, %rsp                 ;            // and total push size 0x38, %rsp is 0xc0 bytes far away from %rbp when next call in soon    0x107b6887c <+124>: movdqa %xmm0, -0x80(%rbp)    0x107b68881 <+129>: pushq  %rax    0x107b68882 <+130>: movdqa %xmm1, -0x70(%rbp)    0x107b68887 <+135>: pushq  %rdi    0x107b68888 <+136>: movdqa %xmm2, -0x60(%rbp)    0x107b6888d <+141>: pushq  %rsi    0x107b6888e <+142>: movdqa %xmm3, -0x50(%rbp)    0x107b68893 <+147>: pushq  %rdx    0x107b68894 <+148>: movdqa %xmm4, -0x40(%rbp)    0x107b68899 <+153>: pushq  %rcx    0x107b6889a <+154>: movdqa %xmm5, -0x30(%rbp)    0x107b6889f <+159>: pushq  %r8    0x107b688a1 <+161>: movdqa %xmm6, -0x20(%rbp)    0x107b688a6 <+166>: pushq  %r9    0x107b688a8 <+168>: movdqa %xmm7, -0x10(%rbp)    0x107b688ad <+173>: movq   %rdi, %rdi    0x107b688b0 <+176>: movq   %rsi, %rsi    0x107b688b3 <+179>: movq   %r11, %rdx                 ;            // isa member of obj of %rdi    0x107b688b6 <+182>: callq  0x107b59c57               ; _class_lookupMethodAndLoadCache3    0x107b688bb <+187>: movq   %rax, %r11    0x107b688be <+190>: movdqa -0x80(%rbp), %xmm0    0x107b688c3 <+195>: popq   %r9    0x107b688c5 <+197>: movdqa -0x70(%rbp), %xmm1    0x107b688ca <+202>: popq   %r8    0x107b688cc <+204>: movdqa -0x60(%rbp), %xmm2    0x107b688d1 <+209>: popq   %rcx    0x107b688d2 <+210>: movdqa -0x50(%rbp), %xmm3    0x107b688d7 <+215>: popq   %rdx    0x107b688d8 <+216>: movdqa -0x40(%rbp), %xmm4    0x107b688dd <+221>: popq   %rsi    0x107b688de <+222>: movdqa -0x30(%rbp), %xmm5    0x107b688e3 <+227>: popq   %rdi    0x107b688e4 <+228>: movdqa -0x20(%rbp), %xmm6    0x107b688e9 <+233>: popq   %rax    0x107b688ea <+234>: movdqa -0x10(%rbp), %xmm7    0x107b688ef <+239>: leave      0x107b688f0 <+240>: cmpq   %r11, %r11    0x107b688f3 <+243>: jmpq   *%r11                     ;            // the real imp address related to set    0x107b688f6 <+246>: nopw   %cs:(%rax,%rax)复制代码









3.不命中,并且为1,必须还是首次遇到1,然后cache forward,继续在cache中查找。



/******************************************************************** * * id objc_msgSend(id self, SEL    _cmd,...); * ********************************************************************/        .data    .align 3    .globl _objc_debug_taggedpointer_classes_objc_debug_taggedpointer_classes:    .fill 16, 8, 0    ENTRY    _objc_msgSend    MESSENGER_START    GetIsaCheckNil    NORMAL        // r11 = self->isa, or return zero    CacheLookup NORMAL        // calls IMP on success    GetIsaSupport    NORMAL// cache miss: go search the method listsLCacheMiss:    // isa still in r11    MethodTableLookup %a1, %a2    // r11 = IMP    cmp    %r11, %r11        // set eq (nonstret) for forwarding    jmp    *%r11            // goto *imp    END_ENTRY    _objc_msgSend/******************************************************************** * * id objc_msgSend(id self, SEL    _cmd,...); Expand * ********************************************************************/    .data    .align 3    .globl _objc_debug_taggedpointer_classes_objc_debug_taggedpointer_classes:    .fill 16, 8, 0    // ENTRY    _objc_msgSend.text    .globl    _objc_msgSend    .align    6, 0x90_objc_msgSend:    .cfi_startPRoc    // MESSENGER_START4:    .section __DATA,__objc_msg_break    .quad 4b    .quad ENTER    .text    testq    %a1, %a1    jle    LNilOrTagged_f    // MSB tagged pointer looks negative    movq    (%a1), %r11    // r11 = isaLGetIsaDone:        movq    %a2, %r10        // r10 = _cmd    andl    24(%r11), %r10d        // r10 = _cmd & class->cache.mask    shlq    $$4, %r10        // r10 = offset = (_cmd & mask)<<4    addq    16(%r11), %r10        // r10 = class->cache.buckets + offset    cmpq    (%r10), %a2        // if (bucket->sel != _cmd)    jne     1f            //     scan more    // CacheHit must always be preceded by a not-taken `jne` instruction    CacheHit $0            // call or return imp1:    // loop    cmpq    $$1, (%r10)    jbe    3f            // if (bucket->sel <= 1) wrap or miss    addq    $$16, %r10        // bucket++2:        cmpq    (%r10), %a2        // if (bucket->sel != _cmd)    jne     1b            //     scan more    // CacheHit must always be preceded by a not-taken `jne` instruction    CacheHit $0            // call or return imp3:    // wrap or miss    jb    LCacheMiss_f        // if (bucket->sel < 1) cache miss    // wrap    movq    8(%r10), %r10        // bucket->imp is really first bucket    jmp     2f    // Clone scanning loop to miss instead of hang when cache is corrupt.    // The slow path may detect any corruption and halt later.1:    // loop    cmpq    $$1, (%r10)    jbe    3f            // if (bucket->sel <= 1) wrap or miss    addq    $$16, %r10        // bucket++2:        cmpq    (%r10), %a2        // if (bucket->sel != _cmd)    jne     1b            //     scan more    // CacheHit must always be preceded by a not-taken `jne` instruction    CacheHit $0            // call or return imp3:    // double wrap or miss    jmp    LCacheMiss_f    .align 3LNilOrTagged:    jz    LNil_f        // flags set by NilOrTaggedTest    // tagged        leaq    _objc_debug_taggedpointer_classes(%rip), %r11    movq    %a1, %r10    shrq    $$60, %r10    movq    (%r11, %r10, 8), %r11    // read isa from table    jmp    LGetIsaDone_bLNil:    // nil    xorl    %eax, %eax    xorl    %edx, %edx    xorps    %xmm0, %xmm0    xorps    %xmm1, %xmm14:    .section __DATA,__objc_msg_break    .quad 4b    .quad NIL_EXIT    .text    ret    // cache miss: go search the method listsLCacheMiss:    // isa still in r114:    .section __DATA,__objc_msg_break    .quad 4b    .quad SLOW_EXIT    .text        SaveRegisters    // _class_lookupMethodAndLoadCache3(receiver, selector, class)    movq    %a1, %a1    movq    %a2, %a2    movq    %r11, %a3    call    __class_lookupMethodAndLoadCache3    // IMP is now in %rax    movq    %rax, %r11    RestoreRegisters    cmp    %r11, %r11        // set eq (nonstret) for forwarding    jmp    *%r11            // goto *imp        // END_ENTRY    _objc_msgSend    .cfi_endprocLExit_objc_msgSend:复制代码

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