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C++ Win32 Api 实现了atlconv.h 编码转换的功能

2019-11-08 20:14:50

C++ Win32 Api 实现了atlconv.h 编码转换的功能



/** Author: LowBoyTeam (https://github.com/LowBoyTeam)* License: Code PRoject Open License* Disclaimer: The software is provided "as-is". No claim of suitability, guarantee, or any warranty whatsoever is provided.* Copyright (c) 2016-2017.*/#ifndef _TEXTCONV_HELPER_HPP_INCLUDED_#define _TEXTCONV_HELPER_HPP_INCLUDED_#include <windows.h>#include <vector>////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Classes and functions (typedefs) for text conversions//// This section defines the following text conversions:// A2BSTR ANSI to BSTR// A2OLE ANSI to OLE// A2T ANSI to TCHAR// A2W ANSI to WCHAR// OLE2A OLE to ANSI// OLE2T OLE to TCHAR// OLE2W OLE to WCHAR// T2A TCHAR to ANSI// T2BSTR TCHAR to BSTR// T2OLE TCHAR to OLE// T2W TCHAR to WCHAR// W2A WCHAR to ANSI// W2BSTR WCHAR to BSTR// W2OLE WCHAR to OLE// W2T WCHAR to TCHAR// About different character and string types:// ------------------------------------------// char (or CHAR) character types are ANSI (8 bits).// wchar_t (or WCHAR) character types are Unicode (16 bits).// TCHAR characters are Unicode if the _UNICODE macro is defined, otherwise they are ANSI.// BSTR (Basic String) is a type of string used in Visual Basic and COM programming.// OLE is the same as WCHAR. It is used in Visual Basic and COM programming.namespace textconv_helper{ // Forward declarations of our classes. They are defined later. class CA2A_; class CA2W_; class CW2A_; class CW2W_; class CA2BSTR_; class CW2BSTR_; // typedefs for the well known text conversions typedef CA2W_ A2W_; typedef CW2A_ W2A_; typedef CW2BSTR_ W2BSTR_; typedef CA2BSTR_ A2BSTR_; typedef CW2A_ BSTR2A_; typedef CW2W_ BSTR2W_;#ifdef _UNICODE typedef CA2W_ A2T_; typedef CW2A_ T2A_; typedef CW2W_ T2W_; typedef CW2W_ W2T_; typedef CW2BSTR_ T2BSTR_; typedef BSTR2W_ BSTR2T_;#else typedef CA2A_ A2T_; typedef CA2A_ T2A_; typedef CA2W_ T2W_; typedef CW2A_ W2T_; typedef CA2BSTR_ T2BSTR_; typedef BSTR2A_ BSTR2T_;#endif typedef A2W_ A2OLE_; typedef T2W_ T2OLE_; typedef CW2W_ W2OLE_; typedef W2A_ OLE2A_; typedef W2T_ OLE2T_; typedef CW2W_ OLE2W_; class CA2W_ { public: CA2W_(LPCSTR pStr, UINT codePage = CP_ACP) : m_pStr(pStr) { if (pStr) { // Resize the vector and assign null WCHAR to each element int length = MultiByteToWideChar(codePage, 0, pStr, -1, NULL, 0) + 1; m_vWideArray.assign(length, L'/0'); // Fill our vector with the converted WCHAR array MultiByteToWideChar(codePage, 0, pStr, -1, &m_vWideArray[0], length); } } ~CA2W_() {} Operator LPCWSTR() { return m_pStr ? &m_vWideArray[0] : NULL; } operator LPOLESTR() { return m_pStr ? (LPOLESTR)&m_vWideArray[0] : (LPOLESTR)NULL; } private: CA2W_(const CA2W_&); CA2W_& operator= (const CA2W_&); std::vector<wchar_t> m_vWideArray; LPCSTR m_pStr; }; class CW2A_ { public: CW2A_(LPCWSTR pWStr, UINT codePage = CP_ACP) : m_pWStr(pWStr) // Usage: // CW2A_ ansiString(L"Some Text"); // CW2A_ utf8String(L"Some Text", CP_UTF8); // // or // SetWindowTextA( W2A(L"Some Text") ); The ANSI version of SetWindowText { // Resize the vector and assign null char to each element int length = WideCharToMultiByte(codePage, 0, pWStr, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL) + 1; m_vAnsiArray.assign(length, '/0'); // Fill our vector with the converted char array WideCharToMultiByte(codePage, 0, pWStr, -1, &m_vAnsiArray[0], length, NULL, NULL); } ~CW2A_() { m_pWStr = 0; } operator LPCSTR() { return m_pWStr ? &m_vAnsiArray[0] : NULL; } private: CW2A_(const CW2A_&); CW2A_& operator= (const CW2A_&); std::vector<char> m_vAnsiArray; LPCWSTR m_pWStr; }; class CW2W_ { public: CW2W_(LPCWSTR pWStr) : m_pWStr(pWStr) {} operator LPCWSTR() { return const_cast<LPWSTR>(m_pWStr); } operator LPOLESTR() { return const_cast<LPOLESTR>(m_pWStr); } private: CW2W_(const CW2W_&); CW2W_& operator= (const CW2W_&); LPCWSTR m_pWStr; }; class CA2A_ { public: CA2A_(LPCSTR pStr) : m_pStr(pStr) {} operator LPCSTR() { return (LPSTR)m_pStr; } private: CA2A_(const CA2A_&); CA2A_& operator= (const CA2A_&); LPCSTR m_pStr; }; class CW2BSTR_ { public: CW2BSTR_(LPCWSTR pWStr) { m_bstrString = ::SysAllocString(pWStr); } ~CW2BSTR_() { ::SysFreeString(m_bstrString); } operator BSTR() { return m_bstrString; } private: CW2BSTR_(const CW2BSTR_&); CW2BSTR_& operator= (const CW2BSTR_&); BSTR m_bstrString; }; class CA2BSTR_ { public: CA2BSTR_(LPCSTR pStr) { m_bstrString = ::SysAllocString(textconv_helper::CA2W_(pStr)); } ~CA2BSTR_() { ::SysFreeString(m_bstrString); } operator BSTR() { return m_bstrString; } private: CA2BSTR_(const CA2BSTR_&); CA2BSTR_& operator= (const CA2BSTR_&); BSTR m_bstrString; };}#endif // _TEXTCONV_HELPER_HPP_INCLUDED_


#include "stdafx.h"#include <iostream>#include <string>#include "textconv_helper.hpp"int main(){ std::cout << textconv_helper::W2A_(textconv_helper::A2W_("我爱中国")) << std::endl; getchar(); return 0;}
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