RFC778 DCNET Internet Clock Service D.L. Mills, COMSAT Laboratories 18 APRil 1981IntrodUCtion Following is a description of the Internet ClockService (ICS) provided by all DCNET hosts. The service,intended primarily for clock synchronization and one-waydelay measurements with coOperating internet hosts, isprovided using the Timestamp and Timestamp Reply messages ofthe proposed Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP). Inaddition, in order to maintain compatability with presentsystems, this service will be provided for a limited timeusing the Echo and Echo Reply messages of theGateway-Gateway Protocol (GGP). It should be understood that ICMP and GGP datagrams arenormally considered tightly bound to the Internet Protocol(IP) itself and not directly accessable to the user on aTOPS-20 system, for example. These datagrams are treatedsomewhat differently from user datagrams in gateways andDCNET hosts in that certain internal queueing mechanisms arebypassed. Thus, they can be a useful tool in providing themost accurate and stable time reference. The primemotivation for this note is to promote the development ofthis service in other internet hosts and gateways so thatthe feasibility for its use thoughout the community can beassessed.ICS Datagrams and Timestamps At present, the ICS is provided using either ICMP orGGP datagrams. The only difference between these is thatICMP uses protocol number 1 and GGP uses protocol number 3.In the following these will be referred to interchangably asICS datagrams. ICS datagrams include an internet headerfollowed by an ICS header in the following format:DCNET Internet Clock Service PAGE 2 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Type Code Sequence +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Originate Timestamp +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Receive Timestamp +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Transmit Timestamp +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ICS Datagram Format The originator fills in all three timestamp fields justbefore the datagram is forwarded to the net. Each of these
fields contain the local time at origination. Although thelast two are redundant, they allow roundtrip delaymeasurements to be made using remote hosts withouttimestamping facilities. The "Type" field can be either 8(GGP Echo) or 13 (ICMP Timestamp). The "Code" field shouldbe zero. The "Sequence" field can contain either zero or anoptional sequence number provided by the user. The lengthof the datagram is thus 36 octets inclusive of the 20-octetinternet header and exclusive of the local-network leader. The host or gateway receiving an ICS datagram fills inthe "Receive Timestamp" field just as the datagram isreceived from the net and the "Transmit Timestamp" just asit is forwarded back to the sender. It also sets the "Type"field to 0 (GGP Echo Reply), if the original value was 8, or14 (ICMP Timestamp Reply), if it was 13. The remainingfields are unchanged. The timestamp values are in milliseconds from midnightUT and are stored right-justified in the 32-bit fields shownabove. Ordinarily, all time calculations are performedmodulo-24 hours in milliseconds. This provides a convenientmatch to those operating systems which maintain a systemclock in ticks past midnight. The specified timestamp unitof milliseconds is consistent with the accuracy of existingradio clocks and the errors eXPected in the timestampingprocess itself.Delay Measurements Delay measurements can be made with any DCNET host bysimply sending an ICS datagram in the above format to it andprocessing the reply. Let t1, t2 and t3 represent the threetimestamp fields of the reply in order and t4 the time ofarrival at the original sender. Then the delays, exclusiveof internal processing within the DCNET host, are simply(t2 - t1) to the DCNET host, (t4 - t3) for the return andDCNET Internet Clock Service PAGE 3(t2 - t1) + (t4 - t3) for the roundtrip. Note that, in thecase of the roundtrip, the clock offsets between the sendinghost and DCNET host cancel. Although ICS datagrams are returned by all DCNET hostsregardless of other connections that may be in use by thathost at any given time, the most useful host will probablybe the COMSAT-WWV virtual host at internet address[29,0,9,2], which is also the internet echo virtual hostformerly called COMSAT-ECH. This virtual host is residentin the COMSAT-GAT physical host at internet address[29,0,1,2], which is connected to the ARPANET via the COMSATGateway, Clarksburg SIMP and a 4800-bps line to IMP 71 atBBN. The roundtrip delay via this path between theCOMSAT-GAT host and the BBN Gateway is typically 550milliseconds as the ICS datagram flies. As in the case of all DCNET hosts, if the COMSAT-WWV
virtual host is down (in this case possible only if theSpectracom radio clock is down or misbehaving) a "host notreachable" GGP datagram is returned. In unusualcircumstances a "net not reachable" or "source quench" GGPdatagram could be returned. Note that the references to"GGP" here will be read "ICMP" at some appropriate futuretime.Local Offset Corrections All DCNET timestamps are referenced to a designatedvirtual host called COMSAT-WWV (what else?) with internetaddress [29,0,9,2]. This host is equipped with a Spectracomradio clock which normally provides WWVB time and date towithin a millisecond. The clock synchronization mechanismprovides offset and drift corrections for other hostsrelative to this host; however, offsets up to an appreciablefraction of a second routinely occur due to the difficultyof tracking with power-line clocks in some machines. Atable of the current offsets can be oBTained using thefollowing procedure.1. Connect to COMSAT-GAT host at internet address [29,0,1,2] using TELNET and local echo.2. Send the command SET HOST HOST. A table with one line per DCNET host should be returned. Note the entry under the "Offset" column for the WWV host. This contains the offset in milliseconds that should be added to all timestamps generated by either the COMSAT-GAT or COMSAT-WWV hosts to yield the correct time as broadcast by WWVB.3. Send the command SET WWV SHOW. A summary of datagram traffic is returned along with an entry labelled "NBSDCNET Internet Clock Service PAGE 4 time." The string following this is the last reply received from the Spectracom unit in the format: <code> DDD HH:MM:SS TZ=00 where <code> is normally <SP> in case the WWVB signal is being received correctly or ? in case it is not. The DDD represents the day of the year and HH:MM:SS the time past UT midnight. The two digits following TZ= represent the time zone, here 00 for UT.4. Close the connection (please!).REFERENCES[1] ICMP Postel, J., "Internet Control Message Protocol", RFC777, USC/Information Sciences Institute, April 1981.[2] GGP Strazisar, V., "How to Build a Gateway", IEN 109, Bolt Beranek and Newman, August 1979.DCNET Internet Clock Service PAGE 5Following is a specification of the ICS header in PDP11code:;; GGP/ICMP Header; . = 0GH.TYP: .BLKB 1 ;Message typeGC.RPY = 0 ;Echo replyGC.UPD = 1 ;Routing updateGC.ACK = 2 ;Positive acknowledgment
GC.DNR = 3 ;Destination unreachableGC.SQN = 4 ;Source quenchGC.RDR = 5 ;RedirectGC.ECH = 10 ;EchoGC.STA = 11 ;Net interface statusGC.NAK = 12 ;Negative acknowledgmentGC.TIM = 15 ;TimestampGC.TRP = 16 ;Timestamp ReplyGH.COD: .BLKB 1 ;Message codeGH.SEQ: .BLKW 1 ;Sequence numberGH.HDR = . ;Beginning of original ;internet headerGH.ORG: .BLKW 2 ;Originating timestampGH.REC: .BLKW 2 ;Received timestampGH.XMT: .BLKW 2 ;Transmitted timestampGH.LEN = . ;End of timestamp header Note that all PDP11 Word fields (.BLKW above) are"byte-swapped," that is, the order of byte transmission isthe high-order byte followed by the low-order byte of thePDP11 word.