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2019-10-26 19:29:46


def insertSort(tarray)  i=1  while(i < tarray.size) do   if tarray[i] < tarray[i-1]     j=i-1     x=tarray[i]   #puts x.class   #puts tarray[i].class     tarray[i]=tarray[i-1]#先与左侧第一个比自己大的交换位置     while(x< tarray[j].to_i) do#寻找到一个比自己小的,并放在其后      tarray[j+1]=tarray[j]      #puts tarray[j].class      j=j-1     end     tarray[j+1]=x   end   i=i+1  end enda=[5,2,6,4,7,9,8]insertSort(a)print a
[2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]>Exit code: 0

刚开始写代码时,在x< tarray[j]处没有加to_i方法,出现了如下错误:

final.rb:10:in `<': comparison of Fixnum with nil failed (ArgumentError)



def two_way_sort data first,final = 0,0 temp = [] temp[0] = data[0] result = [] len = data.length for i in 1..(len-1)  if data[i]>=temp[final]   final +=1   temp[final] = data[i]  elsif data[i]<= temp[first]   first = (first -1 + len)%len   temp[first] = data[i]  else   if data[i]<temp[0]    low = first    high = len -1       while low <=high do     m = (low + high)>>1     if data[i]>temp[m]      low = m + 1     else      high = m -1     end    end        j = first - 1    first -=1    while j < high do     temp[j] = temp[j+1]     j +=1    end     temp[high] = data[i]   else    low =0    high = final    while low <=high do     m =(low + high)>>1     if data[i]>=temp[m]      low = m + 1     else      high = m - 1     end    end    j = final + 1    final +=1    while j > low do     temp[j] = temp[j-1]     j -=1    end     temp[low] = data[i]   end  end   p temp  end i = 0 for j in first..(len - 1)  result[i] = temp[j]  i +=1 end for j in 0..final  result[i] = temp[j]  i +=1 end return resultenddata = [4,1,5,6,7,2,9,3,8].shufflep dataresult = two_way_sort datap result

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