Set fso=Wscript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") flrName="D:/Workspace/src/" 'dir that you need deal with count=0 'get the count of modified files function Traversal(dir) set flr=fso.getfolder(dir) set fs=flr.files findstr1="[assembly: SecurityTransparent]" 'find string that need to be replaced findstr2=replace(findstr1," ","") 'becasuse there is space char in findstr,so add this findstr2 replaceStr="[assembly: AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers()]" 'destination string in replace
for each f in fs if lcase("assemblyinfo.cs" then set findf=fso.opentextfile(f) do while findf.atendofstream=false d=f.datelastmodified 'get modified datetime of current file alltext=findf.readall
if(InStr(alltext,findstr1) > 0 ) then s=replace(alltext,findstr1, replaceStr) count=count+1 findf.close() 'If no findstr2, delete the following elseif block elseif(InStr(alltext,findstr2) > 0) then s=replace(alltext,findstr2, replaceStr) count=count+1 findf.close()
else findf.close() exit do end if
set r=fso.opentextfile(f, 2, true) r.write s
if d2>=d then exit do loop
end if next
set fs=flr.subfolders for each f in fs Traversal(f.path) next
end function
Traversal(flrName) 'msgbox ("Done! "& count & " files were modified successfully.") wscript.echo "Done! "& count & " files were modified successfully." 'value popup by "wscript.echo" can be received by .bat easily
Wscript.quit count 'this variable "count" in order to get a return value by %ErrorLevel%