str="a|b|c|d" Call Sort(str, "|") Function Sort(sSource, sDelimiter) Dim I, J, N, sItems, sTemp
sItems = Split(sSource, sDelimiter) For I = 0 To UBound(sItems) For J = 0 To UBound(sItems) N = I + J If N > UBound(sItems) Then N = N - UBound(sItems) - 1 End If sTemp = sTemp & sItems(N) & sDelimiter Next sTemp = Left(sTemp, Len(sTemp) - Len(sDelimiter)) Wscript.Echo sTemp sTemp = "" Next End Function
复制代码 代码如下:
str = "a|b|c|d" WSH.Echo Join(Sort(str, "|"), vbCrLf) Function Sort(ByVal s, ByVal d) Dim a, r(), i, j, h, index a = Split(s, d) h = UBound(a) ReDim Preserve r(h) index = Len(d) + 1
For i = 0 To h r(i) = "" For j = i To h + i r(i) = r(i) & d & a(j Mod (h + 1)) Next r(i) = Mid(r(i), index) Next
Sort = r End Function
复制代码 代码如下:
str="a|b|c|d" Wscript.Echo Sort(str, "|")
Function Sort(sSource, sDelimiter) Dim I, J, N, sItems, sTemp sItems = Split(sSource, sDelimiter) N = UBound(sItems) For I = 0 To N For J = 0 To N sTemp = sTemp & sItems((I + J) Mod (N + 1)) & sDelimiter Next sTemp = Left(sTemp, Len(sTemp) - Len(sDelimiter)) Sort = Sort & sTemp & vbCrLf sTemp = "" Next Sort = Left(Sort, Len(Sort) - 1) End Function
复制代码 代码如下:
str="a|b|c|d" msgbox Sort(str, "|")
function sort(ss,sd) dim n,i for i=0 to ubound(split(ss,sd)) sort=sort+mid(ss+sd+ss,n+1,len(ss))+vbcrlf n=instr(n+1,ss+sd+ss,sd) next end function