Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim fso, d, dc Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set dc = fso.Drives For Each d in dc If d.DriveType = 2 Then Return = WshShell.Run("defrag " & d & " -f", 1, TRUE) End If Next
'显示的日期格式函数 Function Cndate2(date1,intDateStyle) dim strdate,dDate1 strdate=cstr(date1) If Isdate(strdate) Then If Left(cstr(strdate),1)="0" Then dDate1=Cdate("20"+cstr(strdate)) else dDate1=Cdate(strdate) End If Else dDate1=Now() End If Select case intDateStyle Case 1: Cndate2 = Cstr(Year(dDate1))+"-"+Cstr(Month(dDate1))+"-"+Cstr(Day(dDate1)) Case 2: Cndate2 = Cstr(Month(dDate1))+"-"+Cstr(Day(dDate1)) Case 3: Cndate2 = Cstr(Month(dDate1))+"月"+Cstr(Day(dDate1))+"日" Case 4: Cndate2 = Cstr(year(dDate1))+"年"+ Cstr(Month(dDate1))+"月"+Cstr(Day(dDate1))+"日" End Select End Function
Function ListFile(strFiletype,intCompare,intOrder,intShowCount) Dim sListFile Dim fso, f, f1, fc, s,ftype,fcount,i,j,k Dim t1,t2,t3,t4,t5 Dim iMonth,iDay sListFile = "" Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set f = fso.GetFolder(sShowPath) Set fc = f.Files fcount = fc.count redim arrFiles(fcount,5) redim arrFiles2(fcount,5) i=0 '排序 For Each f1 in fc ftype = right(,len(,".")) arrFiles(i,0) = arrFiles(i,1) = ftype arrFiles(i,2) = f1.size arrFiles(i,3) = f1.type arrFiles(i,4) = f1.DateLastModified i=i+1 Next For i=0 to fcount-1 for j=i+1 to fcount-1 select Case intCompare Case iOrderFieldFileName,iOrderFieldFileExt,iOrderFieldFileType: If arrFiles(i,intCompare)>arrFiles(j,intCompare) then t1 = arrFiles(i,0) t2 = arrFiles(i,1) t3 = arrFiles(i,2) t4 = arrFiles(i,3) t5 = arrFiles(i,4)