if (lcase(right(wscript.fullname,11))="wscript.exe") then set objshell=wscript.createobject("wscript.shell") objshell.run("cmd.exe /k cscript //nologo "&chr(34)&wscript.scriptfullname&chr(34)) wscript.quit end if with wscript.arguments if .count>0 then ipaddress="." outfile="" username="" password="" viewtype=0 program=0 for arg=0 to .count-1 select case left(lcase(.item(arg)),2) case "/h","/?","/h","/?" usage() wscript.quit case "/r","/r" if arg+3<=.count-1 then ipaddress=.item(arg+1) username=.item(arg+2) password=.item(arg+3) else wscript.echo "Arguments Error!"&vbcrlf usage() wscript.quit end if case "/v","/v" viewtype=1 case "/o","/o" outfile=.item(arg+1) case "/a","/a" program=1 end select next end if end with