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2024-08-26 00:15:33



<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en" >
        <meta name="generator" content="microsoft visual studio 7.0">
    <script language="jscript">
     var otblmain ;                //主要的表格
     var strhtml = "" ;            //临时用全局变量
     var bsavestatus = true ;    //保存是否成功
     var icallid ;                //调用webservice的唯一号
      function getitems()
        service.myservice.callservice(ongetitems , "getitems") ;
      function ongetitems(result)
            alert(result.errordetail.code + ":" + result.errordetail.string ) ;
            return ;
        var sxml = bbxml.transformnode(bbxsl.xmldocument);
        if (bbxml.parseerror.reason == "")
            strhtml = sxml;
            strhtml = bbxml.parseerror.reason;
     function onload()
        service.useservice("study.asmx?wsdl" , "myservice") ;

        otblmain = document.getelementbyid("tblmain") ;
     //作用是给表格添加一个新行,并定义3个td的style , event
     function onadd()
        var row = otblmain.insertrow() ;
        row.bgcolor = "#ffffff" ;
        var cellid = row.insertcell() ;
        cellid.innerhtml = otblmain.rows.length - 1 ;
        cellid.onclick = function(){onidclick(this);} ;
        cellid.style.cursor = "hand" ;
        cellid.title = "选定纪录" ;
        var cellitem = row.insertcell() ;
        cellitem.style.cursor = "crosshair" ;
        cellitem.onclick = function(){onitemclick(this);} ;
        var celldemo = row.insertcell() ;
        celldemo.style.cursor = "help" ;
        celldemo.onclick = function(){ondemoclick(this);} ;
     //td item的点击事件
     function onitemclick(cell)
        getitems() ;

        var odiv = document.createelement("div") ;
        odiv.zindex = "1" ;
        odiv.style.position = "absolute";
        odiv.style.height = "200" ;
        odiv.style.width = "300" ;
        odiv.style.left = cell.style.left ;
        odiv.style.top = cell.style.top ;
        odiv.style.backgroundcolor = "#99eeff" ;
        odiv.style.border = '0.1cm groove blue' ;
        odiv.style.overflow = "auto" ;
        odiv.innerhtml = strhtml ;
        cell.appendchild(odiv) ;
     //td item的选择事件
     function onitemselected(cell)
        var otr = cell.parentelement ;
        var otable = otr.parentelement ;
        var otbody = otable.parentelement ;
        var odiv = otbody.parentelement ;
        odiv.style.display = "none" ;
        var ocell = odiv.parentelement ;
        ocell.removechild(odiv) ;
        ocell.innertext = cell.innertext ;
        odiv = null ;
     function onidclick(cell)
        var tr = cell.parentelement ;
        if(tr.bgcolor == "#99ccff")
            tr.bgcolor = "#ffffff" ;
            for(var i = 0 ; i < otblmain.rows.length ; i ++)
                otblmain.rows[i].bgcolor = "#ffffff" ;
                otblmain.rows[i].cells[0].title = "选定纪录" ;
            tr.bgcolor = "#99ccff" ;
            cell.title = "取消选定" ;
     function ondelete()
        var i = getselectedindex() ;
        if( i == 0)
            alert("没有选择要删除的纪录!") ;
            return false ;
            otblmain.deleterow(i) ;
            for(var j = 1 ; j < otblmain.rows.length ; j ++)
                otblmain.rows[j].cells[0].innertext = j ;
     function getselectedindex()
        for(var i = 0 ; i < otblmain.rows.length ; i ++)
            if(otblmain.rows[i].bgcolor == "#99ccff")
                return i ;
        return 0 ;
     //表格中demo td的点击时间
     function ondemoclick(cell)
       //alert(cell.innertext) ;
       var odemo = window.showmodaldialog("demo.htm",cell.innertext , "dialogwidth:200px;dialogheight:200px;resizeable:no;status:no;scroll:no") ;  
       if(odemo != undefined)
         cell.innertext = odemo.name + "-" + odemo.amount ;
     function onsave()
        if(otblmain.rows.length < 2)
          alert("没有记录可保存!") ;
          return false ;
        for(var i = 1 ; i < otblmain.rows.length  && bsavestatus ; i ++)
            var stritemname ;
            var strdemoname  ;
            var intdemoamount ;

            stritemname = otblmain.rows[i].cells[1].innertext ;

            var arr = otblmain.rows[i].cells[2].innertext.split("-") ;
            if(arr.length != 2)
                alert("每条纪录都要填") ;
                return false ;
                strdemoname = arr[0] ;
                intdemoamount = arr[1] ;
                //alert(stritemname + "," + strdemoname + "," + intdemoamount) ;
                window.status = "" ;
                icallid = service.myservice.callservice(onsaverecords , "saverecord" , stritemname , strdemoname , parseint(intdemoamount , 10)) ;
                window.status = "正在保存第" + i + "条纪录……" ;
     function onsaverecords(result)
            alert(result.errordetail.code + ":" + result.errordetail.string ) ;
            bsavestatus = false ;
            return ;
                window.status = window.status + "成功!" ;
                otblmain.deleterow(1) ;
                bsavestatus = false ;
                alert("由于未知原因保存失败!") ;
                window.status = window.status + "失败!终止保存!" ;

    <body onload="onload();">
        <div id="service" style="behavior:url(webservice.htc)">
            <xml id="bbxml"></xml>
            <xml id="bbxsl" src="item1.xsl"></xml>
            <h3 align="center">webservice示例</h3>
            <table width="600" align="center" id="tblmain" bgcolor="#000000" cellspacing="1">
                <tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
                    <td width="50">编号</td>
                    <td width="200">item</td>
            <p align="center">
                <input type="button" value="增加" onclick="onadd()">   <input type="button" value="删除" onclick="ondelete()">
                  <input type="button" value="保存" onclick="onsave()">


文件 item1.xsl
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/xsl/transform" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/xmlschema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/xmlschema">
    <xsl:output method="html"/>
    <xsl:template match="/">
        <xsl:apply-templates select="//soap:body"/>
    <xsl:template match="soap:body">
        <xsl:apply-templates select="*[local-name() = 'getitemsresponse']/*[local-name() = 'getitemsresult']"/>
    <xsl:template match="*[local-name() = 'getitemsresult']">
                <table border="1">
                    <xsl:for-each select="*[local-name() = 'anytype' and @xsi:type='item']">
                        <xsl:apply-templates select="."/>
    <xsl:template match="*[local-name() = 'anytype' and @xsi:type='item']">
            <td style="cursor:hand" onclick="onitemselected(this);">
                <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">&nbsp;</xsl:text>
                <xsl:value-of select="*[local-name() = 'name']"/>
                <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">&nbsp;</xsl:text>
                <xsl:value-of select="*[local-name() = 'value']"/>

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