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2024-07-21 02:07:37





鉴于现在很多朋友询问 pb 数据导出到excel 中的问题,导出去后格式和数据

1. nvo_excel 只要是两个接口函数
导出数据存储的数据,可以定义 excel 的标题
public function integer uf_toexcel (datastore ads_data, readonly string as_title)

导出数据窗口的数据,可以定义 excel 的标题
public function integer uf_toexcel (datawindow adw_data, readonly string as_title)

2. 下面是两个用户对象的 sru 文件,自己导入到工程中
global type uo_ds_base from datastore
end type
end forward

global type uo_ds_base from datastore
string dataobject = "d_expression"
end type
global uo_ds_base uo_ds_base

forward prototypes
public function any uf_getitemvalue (long al_row, string as_colname)
public function string uf_about ()
public function string uf_globalreplace (string as_source, string as_old, string as_new)
end prototypes

public function any uf_getitemvalue (long al_row, string as_colname);
//function : 得到任意的列的值
//parm     :
//         1. al_row       : 指定行
//         2. as_colname   : 指定列的列名
//return   : -1 is fail or success is value to you
//author   : hzh
//date     : 2002.11.05


string s_tempcoltype
any a_ret
s_tempcoltype = lower(this.describe(as_colname + ".coltype"))

//for string type
if left(s_tempcoltype,4) = "char" or left(s_tempcoltype,4) ="varc"then
 a_ret = this.getitemstring(al_row,as_colname)
end if 

//for decimal type
if left(s_tempcoltype,7) = "decimal" then
 a_ret = this.getitemdecimal(al_row,as_colname)
end if

//for date type
if s_tempcoltype = "date" then
 a_ret = this.getitemdate(al_row,as_colname)
end if

 //for datetime type
if s_tempcoltype = "datetime" then
 a_ret = this.getitemdatetime(al_row,as_colname)
end if

//for number type
if s_tempcoltype = "number" then
 a_ret = this.getitemnumber(al_row,as_colname)
end if

//for time type
if s_tempcoltype = "time" then
 a_ret = this.getitemtime(al_row,as_colname)
end if

//for timestamp type
if s_tempcoltype = "timestamp" then
 a_ret = this.getitemtime(al_row,as_colname)
end if

//for int or long
if s_tempcoltype = "int" or s_tempcoltype = "long" then
 a_ret = this.getitemnumber(al_row,as_colname)
end if

if isnull(a_ret) then
 return -1
end if

return a_ret
end function

public function string uf_about ();
string s_func = ""

s_func = " 1. 求得表达式的值 (uf_evaluate) " +&
   " 2. 根据 sql ,创建数据存储 (uf_setsqlselect) ~r~n " +&
   " 3. 得到任意列的值(uf_getitemvalue) ~r~n "
//s_func += super :: uf_about()

return "uo_ds_base object member's functions : ~r~n" + s_func

end function
public function string uf_globalreplace (string as_source, string as_old, string as_new);
//function                 : 用指定的字符串替换指定字符串
//parm                     :
//         1. as_source    : 原来的字符串
//         2. as_old       : 将要被替换的字符串
//         3. as_new       : 用来替换的字符串
//return   : 新的字符串
//author   : hzh
//date     : 2002.11.14

long     l_newlen, l_oldlen, l_start
string   s_null, s_source

if isnull(as_source) or isnull(as_old) or isnull(as_new) then
 return s_null
 l_oldlen = len(as_old)
 l_newlen = len(as_new)
 as_old = lower(as_old)
 s_source = lower(as_source)
end if

l_start = pos(s_source, as_old)

do while l_start > 0
 as_source = replace(as_source, l_start, l_oldlen, as_new)
 s_source = lower(as_source)
 l_start = pos(s_source, as_old, (l_start + l_newlen))

return as_source

end function
on uo_ds_base.create
call super::create
triggerevent( this, "constructor" )
end on

on uo_ds_base.destroy
triggerevent( this, "destructor" )
call super::destroy
end on


$pbexportcomments$和 excel 通讯的功能函数
global type nvo_excel from nonvisualobject
end type
end forward

global type nvo_excel from nonvisualobject
end type
global nvo_excel nvo_excel

type prototypes
 function uint getmodulefilenamea(ulong hmodule,ref string lpfilename,ulong nsize) library "kernel32.dll"
end prototypes

type variables

uo_ds_base ids_data

string is_columnname[]

string is_columntitle[]

string is_columnformat[]

string is_columntype[]
end variables

forward prototypes
public function integer uf_toexcel (datastore ads_data, readonly string as_title)
public function integer uf_toexcel (datawindow adw_data, readonly string as_title)
private function integer uf_setdatasource (datawindow adw_data)
private function integer uf_setdatasource (datastore ads_data)
private function integer uf_datatoexcel (string as_title)
public function string uf_about ()
private function integer uf_initcolumn ()
end prototypes

public function integer uf_toexcel (datastore ads_data, readonly string as_title);

//function                 : 转换数据到 excel
//parm                     :
//        1. ads_data      : 包含源数据的对象
//        2. as_title      :  excel 的标题
//return                   : 1 is success and -1 is fail
//author                   : hzh
//date                     : 2003.12.08

if this.uf_setdatasource(ads_data) <> 1 then return -1

if not isvalid(ids_data) then return -1

if ids_data.rowcount() < 1 then return -1



return 1
end function

public function integer uf_toexcel (datawindow adw_data, readonly string as_title);
//function                 : 转换数据到 excel
//parm                     :
//        1. adw_data      : 包含源数据的对象
//        2. as_title      :  excel 的标题
//return                   : 1 is success and -1 is fail
//author                   : hzh
//date                     : 2003.12.08

if this.uf_setdatasource(adw_data) <> 1 then return -1

if not isvalid(ids_data) then return -1

if ids_data.rowcount() < 1 then return -1



return 1
end function

private function integer uf_setdatasource (datawindow adw_data);/**********************************************************/
//function                    : 设置数据存储
//parm                        : none
//return                      :
//author                      : hzh
//date                        : 2003.12.08

ids_data.dataobject = adw_data.dataobject
return adw_data.sharedata(ids_data)


end function

private function integer uf_setdatasource (datastore ads_data);
//function                    : 设置数据存储
//parm                        : none
//return                      :
//author                      : hzh
//date                        : 2003.12.08

ids_data.dataobject = ads_data.dataobject
return ads_data.sharedata(ids_data)
end function

private function integer uf_datatoexcel (string as_title);
//function                 : 转换数据到 excel
//parm                     :
//        1. as_title      :  excel 的标题
//return                   : 1 is success and -1 is fail
//author                   : hzh
//date                     : 2003.12.08
//modifier                 :
//                      1. 2003.12.10 by hzh
//reason                   :
//                      1. 增加对计算列的处理

long l_cnt,l_i,l_cols,l_rows

string s_colnum ,s_colname,s_range

oleobject xlapp , xlsub

//l_cols = long(ids_data.object.datawindow.column.count)
l_cols = upperbound(is_columntitle)

l_rows = ids_data.rowcount()

if not isvalid(xlapp) then
 xlapp = create oleobject
end if

if xlapp.connecttonewobject( "excel.application" ) < 0  then
 messagebox('ga_app.dwmessagetitle',"不能连接 excel 服务器,请检查你的计算机中是 ~r~n " +&
 "否安装了ms excel ? 假如安装,请与程序供应商联系 !",question!)
    return -1
end if

//增加空文档 (excel table)
xlapp.application.visible = true

if not isvalid(xlsub) then
 xlsub = create oleobject
end if

xlsub = xlapp.application.activeworkbook.worksheets[1]

if long(l_cols) > 26  then
 int i_colstart,i_colend
 i_colstart = mod(l_cols,26)
 i_colend = l_cols / 26
 s_colnum = "'" + char(i_colstart + 96 ) + char(i_colend + 96) + "'"
 //是 a,b,c...格式
 s_colnum = char(l_cols + 96)
end if

xlsub.cells[1,1] = as_title
xlsub.cells[1,1].horizontalalignment = 3
xlsub.cells[1,1].verticalalignment = 3
xlsub.cells[1,1].font.size = 18

xlsub.range("a1:" + s_colnum + "1").merge()

for l_i = 1 to l_cols
 xlsub.cells[2,l_i] = is_columntitle[l_i]


s_range = "a2:" + s_colnum + trim(string(l_rows + 2))
xlsub.range(s_range).borders(1).linestyle = 1
xlsub.range(s_range).borders(2).linestyle = 1
xlsub.range(s_range).borders(3).linestyle = 1
xlsub.range(s_range).borders(4).linestyle = 1

for l_i = 1 to l_cols
 for l_cnt = 1 to l_rows
  if is_columntype[l_i] = 'column' then
   string s_evaluate
   s_evaluate = "evaluate('lookupdisplay(" + is_columnname[l_i]
   s_evaluate += ")'," + string(l_cnt) + ')'
   xlsub.cells[l_cnt + 2,l_i].formular1c1 = ids_data.describe(s_evaluate)
   xlsub.cells[l_cnt + 2,l_i].formular1c1 = &
  end if
  xlsub.cells[l_cnt + 2,l_i].numberformatlocal = is_columnformat[l_i]

xlapp.application.activeworkbook.saved = false


if isvalid(xlapp) then
 destroy xlapp
end if

if isvalid(xlsub) then
 destroy xlsub
end if

return 1
end function

public function string uf_about ();

//function                    : 用户对象功能介绍
//parm                        : none
//return                      : 介绍的文本和对应的公共函数
//author                      : hzh
//date                        : 2003.12.08

string s_func = ""

//s_func = super :: uf_about()

s_func =  s_func + "~r~nvo_excel object member's functions :  ~r~n"

s_func+= "  1. 用户对象功能介绍 (uf_about) ~r~n" +&
   "  2. 程序数据导出为 excel 表,已经重载 (uf_toexcel) ~r~n"

return s_func

end function
private function integer uf_initcolumn ();
//function                 : 初始化列信息
//parm                     :
//return                   : of no use
//author                   : hzh
//date                     : 2003.12.08
//modifier                 :
//                      1. 2003.12.10 by hzh
//reason                   :
//                      1. 增加对计算列的处理

int i_cnt
string s_colname,s_datatype

for i_cnt = 1 to upperbound(is_columnname)
end for

string s_objects
uo_ds_base ds_excel
if not isvalid(ds_excel) then
 ds_excel = create uo_ds_base
end if

ds_excel.dataobject = 'dw_excel_columns'
s_objects = ids_data.describe("datawindow.objects")

// 将 detail 区域内的所有可见目标放到 ds_excel 中,
// 并按照 object.x 属性大小排序
do while len(s_objects) > 0
   int i_pos
 long l_x
 string s_name,s_type,s_band,s_visible,s_objtype
 string s_objzw,s_zw
 i_pos = pos(s_objects, "~t")
 if i_pos <= 0 then i_pos = len(s_objects) + 1
  // object 名字
 s_name = left(s_objects,i_pos - 1)
 s_objects = mid(s_objects,i_pos + 1, len(s_objects))
   //object 数据类型
   s_type = lower(ids_data.describe(s_name + ".coltype"))

 // object x 坐标
 l_x = long(ids_data.describe(s_name + ".x"))
  // object 所属区域
 s_band = lower(ids_data.describe(s_name + ".band"))
 // object 是否可见
 s_visible = ids_data.describe(s_name + ".visible")
 // object 类别
 s_objtype = lower(ids_data.describe(s_name + ".type"))
 // 如果 object 在 detail 区,且可见,并且是 column 或 compute column
 if s_band = "detail" and s_visible = "1" and &
    (s_objtype = "column" or s_objtype = "compute" ) then

    // object 中文标头,支持标准命名
  s_objzw = s_name + "_t"
  s_zw    = ids_data.describe(s_objzw + ".text")
        // 去掉标题中多余的换行符,空格和引号
  s_zw = ds_excel.uf_globalreplace(s_zw,"~n","")
      s_zw = ds_excel.uf_globalreplace(s_zw," ","")
  s_zw = ds_excel.uf_globalreplace(s_zw,'"',"")
  long l_newrow
      l_newrow = ds_excel.insertrow(0)
    ds_excel.setitem(l_newrow, "colname",s_name)
  ds_excel.setitem(l_newrow, "x",l_x)
  ds_excel.setitem(l_newrow, "coltype",s_type)
  ds_excel.setitem(l_newrow, "coltitle",s_zw)
  ds_excel.setitem(l_newrow, "objtype",s_objtype)
   end if
ds_excel.setsort("x a")

for i_cnt = 1 to ds_excel.rowcount()
 is_columnname[i_cnt] = lower(ds_excel.getitemstring(i_cnt,'colname'))
 is_columntitle[i_cnt] = ds_excel.getitemstring(i_cnt,'coltitle')
 is_columntype[i_cnt] = ds_excel.getitemstring(i_cnt,'objtype')
 s_datatype = left(lower(ds_excel.getitemstring(i_cnt,'coltype')),4)
 choose case s_datatype
  case 'char','varc','int','long'
   is_columnformat[i_cnt] = 'g/通用格式'
   //特别指定日期专用格式为 char(10)
   s_datatype = lower(ds_excel.getitemstring(i_cnt,'coltype'))
   if s_datatype = 'char(10)' then
    is_columnformat[i_cnt] = 'yyyy""年""m""月""d""日""'
   end if
  case 'deci'
   is_columnformat[i_cnt] = "0.00_ "
  case 'date','datetime'
   is_columnformat[i_cnt] = 'yyyy""年""m""月""d""日""'
  case 'time'
   is_columnformat[i_cnt] = 'h""时""mm""分""ss""秒""'
  case else
   is_columnformat[i_cnt] = 'g/通用格式'
 end choose

if isvalid(ds_excel) then
 destroy ds_excel
end if

return 1

end function
on nvo_excel.create
call super::create
triggerevent( this, "constructor" )
end on

on nvo_excel.destroy
triggerevent( this, "destructor" )
call super::destroy
end on

event constructor;
if not isvalid(ids_data) then
 ids_data = create uo_ds_base
end if
end event

event destructor;

if isvalid(ids_data) then
 destroy ids_data
end if
end event


$pbexportcomments$临时得 转换对象
release 7;
datawindow(units=0 timer_interval=0 color=16777215 processing=1 htmldw=no print.documentname="" print.orientation = 0 print.margin.left = 110 print.margin.right = 110 print.margin.top = 96 print.margin.bottom = 96 print.paper.source = 0 print.paper.size = 0 print.prompt=no print.buttons=no print.preview.buttons=no grid.lines=0 )
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footer(height=0 color="536870912" )
detail(height=76 color="536870912" )
table(column=(type=char(40) updatewhereclause=no name=coltitle dbname="coltitle" )
 column=(type=char(30) updatewhereclause=no name=colname dbname="colname" )
 column=(type=long updatewhereclause=no name=x dbname="x" )
 column=(type=char(10) updatewhereclause=no name=objtype dbname="objtype" )
 column=(type=char(20) updatewhereclause=no name=coltype dbname="coltype" )
text(band=header alignment="2" text="coltype" border="2" color="0" x="718" y="4" height="60" width="361"  name=coltype_t  font.face="宋体" font.height="-10" font.weight="400"  font.family="0" font.pitch="2" font.charset="134" background.mode="2" background.color="80269524" )
text(band=header alignment="0" text="coltitle" border="2" color="0" x="1088" y="4" height="60" width="434"  name=t_1  font.face="宋体" font.height="-10" font.weight="400"  font.family="0" font.pitch="2" font.charset="134" background.mode="2" background.color="80269524" )
text(band=header alignment="0" text="objtype" border="2" color="0" x="1531" y="4" height="60" width="320"  name=t_2  font.face="宋体" font.height="-10" font.weight="400"  font.family="0" font.pitch="2" font.charset="134" background.mode="2" background.color="80269524" )
text(band=header alignment="2" text="colname" border="2" color="0" x="9" y="4" height="60" width="457"  name=colname_t  font.face="宋体" font.height="-10" font.weight="400"  font.family="0" font.pitch="2" font.charset="134" background.mode="2" background.color="80269524" )
text(band=header alignment="2" text="x" border="2" color="0" x="475" y="4" height="60" width="233"  name=x_t  font.face="宋体" font.height="-10" font.weight="400"  font.family="0" font.pitch="2" font.charset="134" background.mode="2" background.color="80269524" )
column(band=detail id=1 alignment="0" tabsequence=32766 border="2" color="0" x="1088" y="0" height="72" width="434" format="[general]"  name=coltitle edit.limit=0 edit.case=any edit.autoselect=yes  font.face="宋体" font.height="-10" font.weight="400"  font.family="2" font.pitch="2" font.charset="134" background.mode="2" background.color="16777215" )
column(band=detail id=4 alignment="0" tabsequence=32766 border="2" color="0" x="1531" y="0" height="72" width="320" format="[general]"  name=objtype edit.limit=0 edit.case=any edit.autoselect=yes  font.face="宋体" font.height="-10" font.weight="400"  font.family="2" font.pitch="2" font.charset="134" background.mode="2" background.color="16777215" )
column(band=detail id=2 alignment="0" tabsequence=10 border="2" color="0" x="9" y="0" height="72" width="457" format="[general]"  name=colname edit.limit=0 edit.case=any edit.focusrectangle=no edit.autoselect=yes edit.autohscroll=yes  font.face="宋体" font.height="-10" font.weight="400"  font.family="2" font.pitch="2" font.charset="134" background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" )
column(band=detail id=3 alignment="1" tabsequence=20 border="2" color="0" x="475" y="0" height="72" width="233" format="[general]"  name=x edit.limit=0 edit.case=any edit.focusrectangle=no edit.autoselect=yes edit.autohscroll=yes  font.face="宋体" font.height="-10" font.weight="400"  font.family="2" font.pitch="2" font.charset="134" background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" )
column(band=detail id=5 alignment="0" tabsequence=30 border="2" color="0" x="718" y="0" height="72" width="361" format="[general]"  name=coltype edit.limit=0 edit.case=any edit.focusrectangle=no edit.autoselect=yes edit.autohscroll=yes  font.face="宋体" font.height="-10" font.weight="400"  font.family="2" font.pitch="2" font.charset="134" background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" )
htmltable(border="1" )
htmlgen(clientevents="1" clientvalidation="1" clientcomputedfields="1" clientformatting="0" clientscriptable="0" generatejavascript="1" )


上面的程序 bug  列表 :

//function                 : 转换数据到 excel
//parm                     :
//        1. as_title      :  excel 的标题
//return                   : 1 is success and -1 is fail
//author                   : hzh
//date                     : 2003.12.08
//modifier                 :
//                      1. 2003.12.10 by hzh
//reason                   :
//                      1. 增加对计算列的处理

long l_cnt,l_i,l_cols,l_rows

string s_colnum ,s_colname,s_range

oleobject xlapp , xlsub

for l_i = 1 to upperbound(is_columntitle)
 if isnull(is_columntitle[l_i]) then exit

函数 : uf_initcolumn  处理 datetime 格式不是很好

case 'date'//,'datetime'
   s_datatype = lower(ds_excel.getitemstring(i_cnt,'coltype'))
   if s_datatype = 'datetime' then
    is_columnformat[i_cnt] = 'yyyy-m-d h:mm'
    is_columnformat[i_cnt] = 'yyyy""年""m""月""d""日""'
   end if

3. 这个不是错误,可以加强一下功能
//特别指定日期专用格式为 char(10)
   s_datatype = lower(ds_excel.getitemstring(i_cnt,'coltype'))
   if s_datatype = 'char(10)' then
    is_columnformat[i_cnt] = 'yyyy""年""m""月""d""日""'
   end if
   //特别指定时间专用格式为 char(8)
   s_datatype = lower(ds_excel.getitemstring(i_cnt,'coltype'))
   if s_datatype = 'char(8)' then
    is_columnformat[i_cnt] = 'h""时""mm""分""ss""秒""'
   end if

   //特别指定日期时间专用格式为 char(19)
   s_datatype = lower(ds_excel.getitemstring(i_cnt,'coltype'))
   if s_datatype = 'char(19)' then
    is_columnformat[i_cnt] = 'yyyy-m-d h:mm'
   end if

根据代码,只有 char(8),10,19 才有啊,这是我设计日期,时间等的专用格式




// [public] function uf_data2excel 在 u_data2word inherited from nonvisualobject
// 说明:将数据倒入excel中,支持计算列及显示格式,要求在题头的计算列要写tag值
// 参数1:[value] datawindow adw
//  说明:数据窗口
// 返回: (integer) 成功返回1,不成功返回0
// 作者: cwl  日期: 2002.03.18

constant integer pplayoutblank = 12
oleobject ole_object
ole_object = create oleobject 

integer li_ret,li_crosstab=0
long ll_colnum,ll_rownum
string ls_value
string ls_objects,ls_obj,ls_objs[],ls_objtag[]
long ll_pos,ll_len,ll_num = 0
long ll_headnum
string ls_head[],ls_headtag[]
long ll_sumnum,i=1,startpos=1,endpos,li_pos
string ls_sum[],ls_sumtag[],ls_bind,token[],list,ls_temp,ls_crosstabcol
n_cst_string lu_string //pfc string处理对象

li_ret = ole_object.connecttoobject("","excel.application")
if li_ret <> 0 then
 li_ret = ole_object.connecttonewobject("excel.application")
 if li_ret <> 0 then
  messagebox('ole错误','ole无法连接!错误号:' + string(li_ret))
  return 0
 end if
 ole_object.visible = false//不可见
end if

if adw.object.datawindow.processing='4' then //交叉表处理
end if

pointer oldpointer
oldpointer = setpointer(hourglass!)



ls_objects = trim(adw.describe('datawindow.objects'))
endpos = pos(list, '~t', startpos)
do while ( endpos > 0 )
 token[i] = mid(list, startpos, endpos - startpos)
 i ++
 startpos = endpos + 1
 endpos = pos(list, '~t', startpos)
token[i] = mid(list, startpos)

for i=1 to ll_rownum
 ls_obj = token[i]
 if ls_obj='title' then messagebox('',adw.describe(ls_obj + '.type'))
 if lower(adw.describe(ls_obj + '.type')) = 'column' or &
  lower(adw.describe(ls_obj + '.type')) = 'compute' then
  ls_bind=lower(adw.describe(ls_obj + '.band'))
  if ls_bind = 'detail' then
   ll_num += 1
   ls_objs[ll_num] = ls_obj
   if li_crosstab=0 then //一般处理
    ls_objtag[ll_num] = adw.describe(ls_obj + '_t.text')
   elseif li_crosstab=1 then //交叉表处理
    if li_pos=0 or (not isnumber(mid(ls_obj,li_pos+1))) then //不是交叉列
     ls_objtag[ll_num] = adw.describe(ls_obj + '_t.text')
     ls_crosstabcol=mid(ls_obj,1,li_pos - 1)//取出交叉列名
//     messagebox('',ls_crosstabcol+',,,,'+ls_temp)
     ls_objtag[ll_num]=adw.describe( ls_crosstabcol + "_t"+ls_temp+".text" )//取出交叉表的题头
    end if
   end if
  elseif (ls_bind = 'summary') then
   ll_sumnum += 1
   ls_sum[ll_sumnum] = ls_obj
   ls_sumtag[ll_sumnum] = adw.describe(ls_obj + '.tag')
   ll_headnum += 1
   ls_head[ll_headnum] = ls_obj
   ls_headtag[ll_headnum] = adw.describe(ls_obj + '.tag')
  end if

 end if

//得到数据窗口数据的列数与行数(行数应该是数据行数 + 2)
ll_colnum = ll_num
ll_rownum = adw.rowcount() + 2

string column_name
string ls_colname
integer j,k
for i=1 to ll_headnum
 ls_value = ls_headtag[i]
 if ls_value<>'?' then
  ole_object.cells(1,(i - 1)*2+1).value = ls_value
 end if
 column_name = ls_head[i]
 ole_object.cells(1,(i)*2).value = ls_value
for i=1 to ll_sumnum
 ls_value = ls_sumtag[i]
 if ls_value<>'?' then
  ole_object.cells(ll_rownum+1,(i - 1)*2+1).value = ls_value
 end if
 column_name = ls_sum[i]
 ole_object.cells(ll_rownum+1,(i)*2).value = ls_value

for i = 1 to ll_colnum
 ls_value = ls_objtag[i]
 ole_object.cells(2,i).value = ls_value
for i = 3 to ll_rownum
 for j = 1 to ll_colnum
  column_name = ls_objs[j]
  ls_value=this.uf_getdata(adw,column_name,i - 2)
  ole_object.cells(i,j).value = ls_value

ole_object.visible = true
destroy ole_object

return 1


// [public] function uf_getdata 在 u_data2word inherited from nonvisualobject
// 说明:得到一个数据窗口列及计算列的准确显示值
// 参数1:[value] datawindow dw_1
//  说明:
// 参数2:[value] string col
//  说明:对象名
// 参数3:[value] integer row
//  说明:行
// 返回: (string) 值
// 作者: cwl  日期: 2002.03.18
string ls_edittype,ls_value,ls_format
integer id
choose case ls_edittype
 case 'ddlb','dddw'//应该得到显示值
  ls_value=dw_1.describe(  "evaluate('lookupdisplay("+col+") ',"+string(row)+" )")
 case else
  if mid(ls_format,1,1)='[' or ls_format='?' or ls_format='' then //不作格式处理
   if id=0 then //计算列
    ls_value=dw_1.describe("evaluate(~"" + dw_1.describe(col + '.expression')&
     + "~","+string(row)+")")
   end if
   if id=0 then //计算列
    ls_value=string(dw_1.describe("evaluate('" + dw_1.describe(col + '.expression')&
     + "',"+string(row)+")"),ls_format)
   end if
  end if
end choose
if isnull(ls_value) then ls_value=''
return ls_value




/* 函数名称:uf_dwsaveas_excel
 功能 :将数据窗口数据导出excel文件,并将excel文件默认英文标题替换成中文。
 参数 :datawindow datawin,为用户要导出数据窗口的数据窗口控件名
 返回值:integer 1,success;-1,error
 设计人:yanhui 2003年11月
 修改人:叶文林 2004.4.8

integer li_rtn,ii,li_asc
string ls_name,ls_pathname
boolean lb_exist
if datawin.rowcount()<1 then
 return -1 //error
end if

if li_rtn=1 then
 lb_exist = fileexists(ls_pathname)
 if lb_exist then
  li_rtn = messagebox("保存", ls_pathname+"已经存在,是否覆盖?",exclamation!, yesno!)
 end if
 if li_rtn=1 then
  if li_rtn=1 then
//   messagebox("提示信息","导出数据成功!")   
   return -1 //error
  end if
  return -1 //error
 end if
 return -1
end if 

long numcols , numrows , c, r
oleobject xlapp , xlsub
int ret
numcols = long(datawin.object.datawindow.column.count)
numrows = datawin.rowcount()

// 产生oleobject的实例
xlapp = create oleobject

ret = xlapp.connecttonewobject( "excel.sheet" )
if ret < 0  then
    return -1
end if
// 打开excel文件
//xlapp.application.visible = true

// 得到活动工作表的引用,改善程序性能
xlsub = xlapp.application.activeworkbook.worksheets[1]
string ls_colname,ls_text,ls_modistr,ls_col
for c=1 to numcols

destroy xlapp
return 1 //success


收藏的一个导出为 excel 的例子  
// parameters : ad_dw   : datawindow
//      as_file  : file name
// returns  : true/false : boolean
// description : save the datawindow as a excel file.
// author  : purplekite
// date  : 2003-01-23


//declare the local variables
long    i, j, li_pos
string   ls_objects, ls_obj, ls_text, ls_err, ls_sql
datastore  lds_saveas //导出数据窗
datastore  lds_sort  //获得根据 object.x 排序的 (band = detail and visible = 1) 的 column/compute
boolean   lb_return //返回值
string   ls_pbver  //pb 版本信息
environment  env   //环境变量

ls_pbver = string(env.pbmajorrevision)

//创建排序列 datastore
lds_sort = create datastore
ls_sql = 'column=(type=char(1) name = ztext dbname="ztext" )' + '~r~n' + &
   'column=(type=char(1) name = zcol dbname="zcol" )' + '~r~n' + &
   'column=(type=long name = zx dbname="zx" )' + '~r~n'
ls_sql = 'release ' + ls_pbver + ';~r~ntable(' + ls_sql + ')'
lds_sort.create(ls_sql, ls_err)
if len(ls_err) > 0 then
 lb_return = false
 goto lab1
end if

//all controls
ls_objects = ad_dw.describe("datawindow.objects")

do while (pos(ls_objects,"~t") > 0)
 li_pos = pos(ls_objects,"~t")
 ls_obj = left(ls_objects,li_pos - 1)
 ls_objects = right(ls_objects,len(ls_objects) - li_pos)
 //(column or compute ) at detail and visible
 if (ad_dw.describe(ls_obj+".type") = "column" or &
   ad_dw.describe(ls_obj+".type") = "compute" ) and &
   (ad_dw.describe(ls_obj+".band") = "detail" ) and &
   (ad_dw.describe(ls_obj+".visible") = "1" ) then
  ls_text = ad_dw.describe(ls_obj + '_t.text')
  if ls_text <> '!' and ls_text <> '?' then
   lds_sort.setitem(lds_sort.rowcount(), 'ztext', ls_text)
   lds_sort.setitem(lds_sort.rowcount(), 'zcol', ls_obj)
   lds_sort.setitem(lds_sort.rowcount(), 'zx', long(ad_dw.describe(ls_obj + '.x')))
  end if
 end if

//the last control
ls_obj = ls_objects
if (ad_dw.describe(ls_obj+".type") = "column" or &
   ad_dw.describe(ls_obj+".type") = "compute" ) and &
   (ad_dw.describe(ls_obj+".band") = "detail" ) and &
   (ad_dw.describe(ls_obj+".visible") = "1" ) then
  ls_text = ad_dw.describe(ls_obj + '_t.text')
  if ls_text <> '!' and ls_text <> '?' then
   lds_sort.setitem(lds_sort.rowcount(), 'ztext', ls_text)
   lds_sort.setitem(lds_sort.rowcount(), 'zcol', ls_obj)
   lds_sort.setitem(lds_sort.rowcount(), 'zx', long(ad_dw.describe(ls_obj + '.x')))
  end if
end if
if lds_sort.rowcount() < 1 then goto lab1
//根据 object.x 排序
lds_sort.setsort('zx a')

//创建导出 datastore
lds_saveas = create datastore
ls_sql = ''
for i = 1 to lds_sort.rowcount()
 ls_obj = lds_sort.getitemstring(i, 'zcol')
 ls_sql += 'column=(type=char(1) dbname="' + ls_obj + '" )' + '~r~n'
ls_sql = 'release ' + ls_pbver + ';~r~ntable(' + ls_sql + ')'
lds_saveas.create(ls_sql, ls_err)
if len(ls_err) > 0 then
 lb_return = false
 goto lab1
end if

//向 lds_saveas 中写数据
for i = 1 to ad_dw.rowcount()
 yield()//释放消息队列, 如果数据量较大, 可以使用这个函数
 for j = 1 to lds_sort.rowcount()
  ls_obj = lds_sort.getitemstring(j, 'zcol')
  if ad_dw.describe(ls_obj + '.type') = 'column' then
   ls_text = ad_dw.describe('evaluate(~'lookupdisplay(' + ls_obj + ')~', ' + string(i) + ')')
   ls_text = ad_dw.describe('evaluate(~'' + ls_obj + '~',' + string(i) + ')')
  end if
  lds_saveas.setitem(i, j, ls_text)

for i = 1 to lds_sort.rowcount()
 lds_saveas.setitem(1, i, lds_sort.getitemstring(i, 'ztext'))

//saveas datawindow
lb_return = (lds_saveas.saveas(as_file, excel!, false) = 1)

destroy lds_sort
destroy lds_saveas
return lb_return

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