MySQL | MongoDB | 说明 |
mysqld | mongod | 服务器守护进程 |
mysql | mongo | 客户端工具 |
mysqldump | mongodump | 逻辑备份工具 |
mysql | mongorestore | 逻辑恢复工具 |
db.repairDatabase() | 修复数据库 | |
mysqldump | mongoexport | 数据导出工具 |
source | mongoimport | 数据导入工具 |
grant * privileges on *.* to … | Db.addUser() Db.auth() | 新建用户并权限 |
show databases | show dbs | 显示库列表 |
Show tables | Show collections | 显示表列表 |
Show slave status | Rs.status | 查询主从状态 |
Create table users(a int, b int) | db.createCollection("mycoll", {capped:true, size:100000}) 另:可隐式创建表。 | 创建表 |
Create INDEX idxname ON users(name) | db.users.ensureIndex({name:1}) | 创建索引 |
Create INDEX idxname ON users(name,ts DESC) | db.users.ensureIndex({name:1,ts:-1}) | 创建索引 |
Insert into users values(1, 1) | db.users.insert({a:1, b:1}) | 插入记录 |
Select a, b from users | db.users.find({},{a:1, b:1}) | 查询表 |
Select * from users | db.users.find() | 查询表 |
Select * from users where age=33 | db.users.find({age:33}) | 条件查询 |
Select a, b from users where age=33 | db.users.find({age:33},{a:1, b:1}) | 条件查询 |
select * from users where age<33 | db.users.find({'age':{$lt:33}}) | 条件查询 |
select * from users where age>33 and age<=40 | db.users.find({'age':{$gt:33,$lte:40}}) | 条件查询 |
select * from users where a=1 and b='q' | db.users.find({a:1,b:'q'}) | 条件查询 |
select * from users where a=1 or b=2 | db.users.find( { $or : [ { a : 1 } , { b : 2 } ] } ) | 条件查询 |
select * from users limit 1 | db.users.findOne() | 条件查询 |
select * from users where name like "%Joe%" | db.users.find({name:/Joe/}) | 模糊查询 |
select * from users where name like "Joe%" | db.users.find({name:/^Joe/}) | 模糊查询 |
select count(1) from users | Db.users.count() | 获取表记录数 |
select count(1) from users where age>30 | db.users.find({age: {'$gt': 30}}).count() | 获取表记录数 |
select DISTINCT last_name from users | db.users.distinct('last_name') | 去掉重复值 |
select * from users ORDER BY name | db.users.find().sort({name:-1}) | 排序 |
select * from users ORDER BY name DESC | db.users.find().sort({name:-1}) | 排序 |
EXPLAIN select * from users where z=3 | db.users.find({z:3}).explain() | 获取存储路径 |
update users set a=1 where b='q' | db.users.update({b:'q'}, {$set:{a:1}}, false, true) | 更新记录 |
update users set a=a+2 where b='q' | db.users.update({b:'q'}, {$inc:{a:2}}, false, true) | 更新记录 |
delete from users where z="abc" | db.users.remove({z:'abc'}) | 删除记录 |
db. users.remove() | 删除所有的记录 | |
drop database IF EXISTS test; | use test db.dropDatabase() | 删除数据库 |
drop table IF EXISTS test; | db.mytable.drop() | 删除表/collection |
db.addUser(‘test', 'test') | 添加用户 readOnly-->false | |
db.addUser(‘test', 'test', true) | 添加用户 readOnly-->true | |
db.addUser("test","test222") | 更改密码 | |
db.system.users.remove({user:"test"}) 或者db.removeUser('test') | 删除用户 | |
use admin | 超级用户 | |
db.auth(‘test', ‘test') | 用户授权 | |
db.system.users.find() | 查看用户列表 | |
show users | 查看所有用户 | |
db.printCollectionStats() | 查看各collection的状态 | |
db.printReplicationInfo() | 查看主从复制状态 | |
show profile | 查看profiling | |
db.copyDatabase('mail_addr','mail_addr_tmp') | 拷贝数据库 | |
db.users.dataSize() | 查看collection数据的大小 | |
db. users.totalIndexSize() | 查询索引的大小 |