工具--》外部工具--》自定义工具...--》新建 * 标题: SourceFormatX * 命令: C:/Program Files/SourceFormatX/SourceFormatX.exe * 参数: $(Path) * 起始目录:$(Dir) * 图标路径: 定位到C:/Program Files/SourceFormatX/SourceFormatX.exe,选定里面的图标 --》确定 SourceFormatX网上有破解版,按以上操作后就可以在Emeditor上通过点击这个工具对当前文件进行格式化了。当然,当前文件的格式得是它支持的,如:*.vbs;*.js;*.cs ========================================================================= Add a Tool Menu that will invoke SourceFormatX 1. Click "Tools" -> "External Tools" -> "Customize Tools...". 2. Click the "New" button to add a new tool menu. 3. Assuming you installed SourceFormatX in C:/Program Files/SourceFormatX/, fill in the form as show below: * Title: SourceFormatX * Command: C:/Program Files/SourceFormatX/SourceFormatX.exe * Arguments: $(Path) * Initial Directory:$(Dir) * Icon Path: 定位到C:/Program Files/SourceFormatX/SourceFormatX.exe,选定里面的图标 4. Click "OK" to save settings.