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2020-03-24 17:29:57
1、研究说明Tencent在tqq.tencent.com的8000有一个使用HTTP的QQ接口,通过这个接口,可以进行一些基本的操作,如:登陆、登出、改变登陆状态(上线、忙碌、离线、隐身)、添加删除好友、查看好友信息、发送验证信息(接受被加为好友、申请加对方为好友、拒绝被加为好友)、收发用户消息、系统信息。目前我研究的是1.1版本的HTTP QQ协议,研究是微程在的成果上进行的,不敢说有什么超越,只不过更为详细和准确。2、接口说明:接口位置:tqq.tencent.com:8000通信协议:HTTP数据传输方法:POSTHTTP请求格式:

Host: tqq.tencent.com:8000

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Content-length: 长度

Connection: close


$uin = QQ号

$pwd = md5( QQ密码


$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=Login SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin. PS= .$pwd. M5=1 LC=9326B87B234E7235



$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=Login SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin. PS= .$pwd. M5=0 LC=9326B87B234E7235

$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=Login SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin. PS= .$pwd. M5=1 LC=9326B87B234E7235

$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=Login SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin. PS= .$pwd. M5=2 LC=9326B87B234E7235

$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=Login SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin. PS= .$pwd. M5=3 LC=9326B87B234E7235

$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=Login SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin. PS= .$pwd. M6=1 LC=9326B87B234E7235

$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=Login SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin. PS= .$pwd. M6=1 LC=1223423545756679



$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=List SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin;

$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=List SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin. TN=0

$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=List SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin. TN=160

$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=List SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin. UN=0

$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=List SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin. UN= .rand(1,10);

$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=List SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin. TN=0 UN=0

$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=List SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin. TN=160 UN=0

$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=List SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin. TN=160 UN=0

$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=List SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin. TN= .rand(1,200). UN=0

$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=List SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin. TN= .rand(1,200). UN=0

$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=List SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin. TN= .rand(1,200). UN=0

$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=List SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin. TN=0 UN= .rand(1,10);

$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=List SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin. TN=0 UN= .rand(1,10);

$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=List SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin. TN=0 UN= .rand(1,10);

$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=List SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin. TN=0 UN=106814


$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=Query_Stat SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin;

$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=Query_Stat SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin. TN=0

$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=Query_Stat SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin. TN=160

$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=Query_Stat SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin. UN=0

$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=Query_Stat SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin. UN= .rand(1,10);

$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=Query_Stat SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin. TN=0 UN=0

$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=Query_Stat SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin. TN=160 UN=0

$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=Query_Stat SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin. TN=160 UN=0

$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=Query_Stat SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin. TN= .rand(1,200). UN=0

$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=Query_Stat SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin. TN= .rand(1,200). UN=0

$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=Query_Stat SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin. TN= .rand(1,200). UN=0

$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=Query_Stat SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin. TN=0 UN= .rand(1,10);

$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=Query_Stat SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin. TN=0 UN= .rand(1,10);

$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=Query_Stat SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin. TN=0 UN= .rand(1,10);

$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=Query_Stat SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin. TN=0 UN=106814


$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=GetInfo SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin. LV=0 UN=106814

$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=GetInfo SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin. LV=1 UN=106814

$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=GetInfo SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin. LV=2 UN=106814

$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=GetInfo SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin. LV=3 UN=106814

$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=GetInfo SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin. LV=4 UN=106814

$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=GetInfo SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin. LV=5 UN=106814


$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=AddToList SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin. UN=106814


$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=Ack_AddToList SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin. UN=106814 CD=0 RS=TEST

$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=Ack_AddToList SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin. UN=106814 CD=1 RS=TEST

$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=Ack_AddToList SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin. UN=106814 CD=2 RS=TEST

$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=Ack_AddToList SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin. UN=106814 CD=3 RS=TEST

$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=Ack_AddToList SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin. UN=106814 CD=4 RS=TEST

$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=Ack_AddToList SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin. UN=106814 CD=5 RS=TEST


$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=DelFromList SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin. UN=106814


for($i=0;$i $i=$i+5)


$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=Change_Stat SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin. ST= .$i;



$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=GetMsgEx SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin.


$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=CLTMSG SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin. UN=106814 MG=TEST


$poststring[] = VER=1.1 CMD=Logout SEQ= .rand(1000,9000). UIN= .$uin.

$file = fopen( p.txt , w

foreach($poststring as $k= $v)



$fp = fsockopen( tqq.tencent.com , 8000 , $errno, $errstr, $timeout = 10);


//error tell us

$content = $k.chr(13).chr(10). ERROR:$errstr ($errno)


//send the server request

fputs($fp, POST HTTP/1.1

// fputs($fp, Host: $host

// fputs($fp, Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

fputs($fp, Content-length: .strlen($v).

fputs($fp, Connection: close

fputs($fp, $v .

//loop through the response from the server

$res =

while(!feof($fp)) {

$res .= fgets($fp, 4096);


//close fp - we are done with it


$content = $v.chr(13).chr(10).$res;



$content .= chr(13).chr(10). Time: .ss_timing_html' target='_blank'>current().chr(13).chr(10). -------------------------------------- .chr(13).chr(10);





function ss_timing_start ($name = default ) {

global $ss_timing_start_times;

$ss_timing_start_times[$name] = explode( , microtime());


function ss_timing_stop ($name = default ) {

global $ss_timing_stop_times;

$ss_timing_stop_times[$name] = explode( , microtime());


function ss_timing_current ($name = default ) {

global $ss_timing_start_times, $ss_timing_stop_times;

if (!isset($ss_timing_start_times[$name])) {

return 0;


if (!isset($ss_timing_stop_times[$name])) {

$stop_time = explode( , microtime());


else {

$stop_time = $ss_timing_stop_times[$name];


$current = $stop_time[1]-$ss_timing_start_times[$name][1];

$current += $stop_time[0]-$ss_timing_start_times[$name][0];

return $current;




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