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2020-02-23 00:37:16

说到png图片压缩,可能很多人知道TinyPNG这个网站。但PS插件要钱(虽然有破解的),Developer API要连到他服务器去,不提网络传输速度,Key也是有每月限制的。
    但是貌似tinyPNG是使用了来自于 pngquant 的技术,至少在 http://pngquant.org/ 中是如此声称的:TinyPNG and Kraken.io — on-line interfaces for pngquant。如果真是这样,我很想对TinyPNG说呵呵。后者是开源的,连首页中提供的GUI工具也都是开源的。并且TinyPNG在首页的原理说明里面,一次都没提到pngquant





    1. --force 参数无效,只要输出文件存在,就会报错,无视这个本用来指定覆写的参数
    2. --skip-if-larger 参数不正常,有时候生成文件明明比较小,也会被skip掉……


'''pngquant.pyuse pngquant to reduces png file sizeRuoqian, Chen<piao.polar@gmail.com> ----------2015/4/31. del option --quality=50-90, special pic need skip can config in lod ini  lod ini format:[PixelFormat]map_01.png=0  0 means skip in file----------2015/4/21. desDir can be the same to srcDir, or another dir2. lod ini config can be not exist----------2015/3/31create'''import osimport os.pathimport sysimport ConfigParserimport stringPngquantExe="pngquant"thisFilePath = sys.path[0];print "this py file in dir : " + thisFilePathprojectPath = thisFilePath + "/../CMWar_2dx/CMWar_2dx/";srcResDir = "Resources/";dstResDir = "Resources/";lodIniPath = projectPath + srcResDir + "ini/pic.ini"keepOrgPaths = [];if os.path.exists(lodIniPath):  config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()  config.read(lodIniPath)  section = "PixelFormat";  options = config.options(section)  for option in options:    value = string.atoi(config.get(section, option))    if not value:      keepOrgPaths.append(option);print keepOrgPathssrcResPath = projectPath + srcResDir;pngCount = 0;transCount = 0;#pngquant --force --skip-if-larger --ext .png --quality 50-90 --speed 1for parent,dirnames,filenames in os.walk(srcResPath):  print "----- process Dir " + parent  dstDir = parent.replace(srcResDir, dstResDir)  if not os.path.exists(dstDir):    os.makedirs(dstDir)  for filename in filenames:    if os.path.splitext(filename)[1] == '.png':      pngCount += 1;      srcFilePath = os.path.join(parent, filename);      dstFilePath = os.path.join(dstDir, filename);      tmpFilePath = dstFilePath + ".tmp";      if filename in keepOrgPaths:        print "----- keep ----- " + filename;      else:#        print "----- process ----- " + filename;#        cmd = "/"" + PngquantExe + "/"" + " --force --speed=1 --quality=50-90 -v " + srcFilePath + " -o " + tmpFilePath;        cmd = "/"" + PngquantExe + "/"" + " --force --speed=1 " + srcFilePath + " -o " + tmpFilePath;#        print cmd;        os.system(cmd)        if os.path.exists(tmpFilePath):          sizeNew = os.path.getsize(tmpFilePath);          sizeOld = os.path.getsize(srcFilePath);          if sizeNew < sizeOld:            open(dstFilePath, "wb").write(open(tmpFilePath, "rb").read())            transCount += 1;          os.remove(tmpFilePath)      if not os.path.exists(dstFilePath):        open(dstFilePath, "wb").write(open(srcFilePath, "rb").read())print "Done. Trans Pngs: %d/%d" %(transCount, pngCount)            
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