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Python 统计字数的思路详解

2020-02-23 00:03:10


用 Python 实现函数 count_words(),该函数输入字符串 s 和数字 n,返回 s 中 n 个出现频率最高的单词。返回值是一个元组列表,包含出现次数最高的 n 个单词及其次数,即 [(<单词1>, <次数1>), (<单词2>, <次数2>), ... ],按出现次数降序排列。



print count_words("betty bought a bit of butter but the butter was bitter",3)


[('butter', 2), ('a', 1), ('betty', 1)]


1. 将字符串s进行空白符分割得到所有的单词列表split_s,如:['betty', 'bought', 'a', 'bit', 'of', 'butter', 'but', 'the', 'butter', 'was', 'bitter']

2. 建立maplist,将split_s转化为元素为元组的列表形式,如:[('betty', 1), ('bought', 1), ('a', 1), ('bit', 1), ('of', 1), ('butter', 1), ('but', 1), ('the', 1), ('butter', 1), ('was', 1), ('bitter', 1)]

3. 合并maplist中元素,元组的第一个索引值相同,则将其第二个索引值相加。

// 备注:准备采用defaultdict。得到的数据如下:{'betty': 1, 'bought': 1, 'a': 1, 'bit': 1, 'of': 1, 'butter': 2, 'but': 1, 'the': 1, 'was': 1, 'bitter': 1}

4. 进行排序,按照key进行字母排序,得到如下:[('a', 1), ('betty', 1), ('bit', 1), ('bitter', 1), ('bought', 1), ('but', 1), ('butter', 2), ('of', 1), ('the', 1), ('was', 1)]

5. 进行二次排序, 按照value进行排序,得到如下:[('butter', 2), ('a', 1), ('betty', 1), ('bit', 1), ('bitter', 1), ('bought', 1), ('but', 1), ('of', 1), ('the', 1), ('was', 1)]

6. 使用切片取出频率较高的*组数据




from collections import defaultdict"""Count words."""def count_words(s, n):  """Return the n most frequently occuring words in s."""  split_s = s.split()  map_list = [(k,1) for k in split_s]  output = defaultdict(int)  for d in map_list:    output[d[0]] += d[1]  output1 = dict(output)  top_n = sorted(output1.items(), key=lambda pair:pair[0], reverse=False)  top_n = sorted(top_n, key=lambda pair:pair[1], reverse=True)  return top_n[:n]def test_run():  """Test count_words() with some inputs."""  print(count_words("cat bat mat cat bat cat", 3))  print(count_words("betty bought a bit of butter but the butter was bitter", 4))if __name__ == '__main__':  test_run()


from collections import Counter"""Count words."""def count_words(s, n):  """Return the n most frequently occuring words in s."""  split_s = s.split()  split_s = Counter(name for name in split_s)  print(split_s)  top_n = sorted(split_s.items(), key=lambda pair:pair[0], reverse=False)  print(top_n)  top_n = sorted(top_n, key=lambda pair:pair[1], reverse=True)  print(top_n)  return top_n[:n]def test_run():  """Test count_words() with some inputs."""  print(count_words("cat bat mat cat bat cat", 3))  print(count_words("betty bought a bit of butter but the butter was bitter", 4))if __name__ == '__main__':  test_run()            
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