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2020-02-15 23:15:03

检测文件夹,拷贝有更新的文件到对应目录 2016.5.19







# newcopy.py文件# -*- coding:UTF-8 -*-import osimport os.pathimport sysimport timeimport datetimeimport statimport difflibimport linecache, shutil# 文件全路径和对应最后修改时间写入到out.txt文档中;def add_log(path): with open('out.txt','w') as f:  f.close() for root , dirs, files in os.walk(path):  for name in files:   temp_path = os.path.join(root,name)   file_name = temp_path.replace('C:/Users/Enter/Desktop/', '')   file_time = os.stat(temp_path).st_mtime   with open('out.txt','a') as f:    f.write( ','.join( ['%s' % file_name , '%s/n' % file_time] ) )    f.close() # 注意时间格式转换   #file_time = time.localtime(os.stat(root).st_mtime)   #file_time=date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')def if_exist(): # 判断文件out.txt是否存在,不存在则创建 filename = 'out.txt' if os.path.exists(filename):  message = 'OK, the "%s" file exists.' else:  message = "Sorry, I cannot find the '%s' file..and I create it."  a = open('out.txt', 'w')  a.close() print message % filename # 判断update文件夹是否存在,不存在则创建 files_name='update' if os.path.exists(files_name):  message = 'OK, the "%s" file exists.' else:  message = "Sorry, I cannot find the '%s' file.and I create it. "  os.mkdir('update') print message % files_name# path 待比较的文件夹路径# 返回生成的txt(包含更新或者添加的文件路径)的路径def log_compare(path): # 先确保out.txt存在 if_exist() # 获取out.txt文件内容(文件全路径key和最后修改时间value),生成dict txt = open('out.txt', 'r').readlines() myDic = {} for row in txt:  (key, value) = row.split(',')  myDic[key] = value print myDic # 创建以时间命名的文件和文件夹 setup_filename = str(datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S'))    # 获取当前时间 setup_file_path = '%s%s.txt' %('C:/Users/Enter/Desktop/update/' ,setup_filename) # 生成以当前时间命名的.txt文件,准备写入更新日志 setup_file_dir = '%s%s' %('C:/Users/Enter/Desktop/update/' ,setup_filename)  # 生成以当前时间命名的.txt文件夹 #判断key,比较value值是否变化 #原始需要有一个out.txt文件,才能比较value确定是否有更新 #运行程序时,重新遍历一遍文件全路径和最后修改时间 for root , dirs, files in os.walk(path):  for name in files:   temp_path = os.path.join(root,name)   file_name = temp_path.replace('C:/Users/Enter/Desktop/', '')   time = os.stat(temp_path).st_mtime        # 获取最后修改时间   file_time = '%s/n' % time          # 加%s/n是为了与out.txt里值完全对应   if myDic.has_key(file_name) == True:    if cmp(myDic[file_name], file_time):  # myDic[file_name]旧最后修改时间,file_time新最后修改时间     print (file_name,file_time)    # 输出有变化的文件名及其对应的最后修改时间     # 输出以文件时间命名的更新日志,生成路径是update下     with open(setup_file_path,'a') as f: # 有更新的文件,写入更新日志      f.write( '%s/n' % file_name )      f.close()   else:    print "add",file_name    with open(setup_file_path,'a') as f:   # 新增的文件,写入更新日志      f.write( '%s/n' % file_name )      f.close()  # 返回 当前时间,以时间命名的文件夹路径,更新文件路径 return (setup_filename, setup_file_dir, setup_file_path)# 将src目录中的内容拷贝到dest目录# 如果dest或者其子目录不存在,先创建# txt_path为更新日志路径,有更新的文件才拷贝def copy_directory(src, dest, txt_path): if not os.path.exists(txt_path):  print "no file update"  return # 读更新日志,获取更新文件的全路径 txt = open(txt_path, 'r').readlines() myDic = {} myDic2 = {} for row in txt:  myDic[row] = "1"  tempArray = os.path.split(row)  key = tempArray[0]  myDic2[key] = "1" print "myDic2:", myDic2 print "dict:", myDic # 遍历原始文件夹,得到所有文件的全路径 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(src):  for name in files:   #print "dirs:",dirs   fpath = os.path.join(root, name)   newroot = root   newroot = newroot.replace(src, dest)  # 根据文件绝对路径,创建将要拷贝的路径(相对路径),没有则创建   #print newroot   rel_dir = root.replace('C:/Users/Enter/Desktop/', '')   if not os.path.exists(newroot) and myDic2.has_key(rel_dir):    print "rel_dir:" , rel_dir    print newroot    os.makedirs(newroot)    os.chmod(newroot, stat.S_IWRITE)   temp = fpath   temp = temp.replace(src, dest)   rel_path = fpath.replace('C:/Users/Enter/Desktop/', '')  # 将绝对路径改为相对路径,便于遍历对比,挑出要拷贝的文件   rel_path += '/n'   if myDic.has_key(rel_path) == True:    print "real_path:" , rel_path    # os.mkdir(rel_path)    shutil.copy(fpath, temp)    print "copyfile:", fpathdef main(): path_dir = 'C:/Users/Enter/Desktop/acd' path_file = 'C:/Users/Enter/Desktop/out.txt' params = log_compare(path_dir) add_log(path_dir) copy_directory(path_dir, params[1], params[2])if __name__ == '__main__': main()            
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