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2020-02-15 22:22:37


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# @ author hulei 2016-5-3from numpy import *import operatorfrom os import listdir import sysreload(sys)sys.setdefaultencoding('utf8') # x,y=getDataSet_dz('iris.data.txt',4) def getDataSet(filename,numberOfFeature):  #将数据集读入内存  fr = open(filename) numberOfLines = len(fr.readlines())   #get the number of lines in the file file.readlines()是把文件的全部内容读到内存,并解析成一个list returnMat = zeros((numberOfLines,numberOfFeature))  #prepare matrix to return 3代表数据集中特征数目### classLabelVector = []      #prepare labels return  fr = open(filename) index = 0 for line in fr.readlines():  line = line.strip()     #strip() 参数为空时,默认删除空白符(包括'/n', '/r', '/t', ' ')  listFromLine = line.split(',')   #split 以什么为标准分割一次 分成数组中的每个元素  returnMat[index,:] = listFromLine[0:numberOfFeature]   #classLabelVector.append(int(listFromLine[-1])) #append() 方法向列表的尾部添加一个新的元素  if listFromLine[-1] == 'Iris-setosa' :   classLabelVector.append(1)  elif listFromLine[-1] == 'Iris-versicolor' :   classLabelVector.append(2)  else:  #elif listFromLine[-1] == 'Iris-virginica' :   classLabelVector.append(3)  index += 1 return returnMat,classLabelVector def getDataSet_dz(filename,numberOfFeature): #改进版,可以消除数据中的空白行 numberOfLines = 0 mx = []  #将数据集 去除空行后存入 fr = open(filename) for line in fr.readlines():    line = line.strip()   if line != '' : #去除空白行    numberOfLines+=1   mx.append( line.split(',') ) returnMat = zeros((numberOfLines,numberOfFeature)) classLabelVector = []  for index in range(numberOfLines) :  returnMat[index,:] = mx[index][0:numberOfFeature]   if mx[index][-1] == 'Iris-setosa' :   classLabelVector.append(1)  elif mx[index][-1] == 'Iris-versicolor' :   classLabelVector.append(2)  else:  #elif listFromLine[-1] == 'Iris-virginica' :   classLabelVector.append(3) return returnMat,classLabelVector


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