这是一个HTA的脚本,复制下面代码,然后将文件后缀修改为CCC.HTA即可使用,脚本原文出自: myITforum.Com
“Connection File”
For a complete list of available remote desktop connection usage switches from the Run line enter: Mstsc /?
Tip: On the line(s) that read:
<input type="radio" name="RadioOption" value="ServerOne">Server One<BR>
You can change the value="ServerOne" to the machines IP address if needed or you can change the Server One machine name value to a more descriptive name such as in the example below:
<input type="radio" name="RadioOption" value="SMS001">Primary<BR>
<input type="radio" name="RadioOption" value="SMS002">Secondary<BR>
HTA Script: