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C语言连接并操作Sedna XML数据库的方法

2020-01-26 15:05:10

本文实例讲述了C语言连接并操作Sedna XML数据库的方法。分享给大家供大家参考。具体如下:

#include "libsedna.h" #include "stdio.h" int handle_error(SednaConnection* conn,          const char* op,          int close_connection) {   printf("%s failed: /n%s/n", op, SEgetLastErrorMsg(conn));   if(close_connection == 1) SEclose(conn);   return -1; } int main() {  struct SednaConnection conn = SEDNA_CONNECTION_INITIALIZER;  int bytes_read, res, value;  char buf[1024];  /* Turn off autocommit mode */  value = SEDNA_AUTOCOMMIT_OFF;  res = SEsetConnectionAttr(&conn, SEDNA_ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT,               (void*)&value, sizeof(int));  /* Connect to the database */  res = SEconnect(&conn, "localhost", "test_db",          "SYSTEM", "MANAGER");  if(res != SEDNA_SESSION_OPEN)   return handle_error(&conn, "Connection", 0);  /* Begin a new transaction */  res = SEbegin(&conn);  if(res != SEDNA_BEGIN_TRANSACTION_SUCCEEDED)   return handle_error(&conn, "Transaction begin", 1);  /* Load file "region.xml" into the document "region" */  res = SEexecute(&conn, "LOAD 'region.xml' 'region'");  if(res != SEDNA_BULK_LOAD_SUCCEEDED)   return handle_error(&conn, "Bulk load", 1);  /* Execute XQuery statement */  res = SEexecute(&conn, "doc('region')/*/*");  if(res != SEDNA_QUERY_SUCCEEDED)   return handle_error(&conn, "Query", 1);  /* Iterate and print the result sequence */  while((res = SEnext(&conn)) != SEDNA_RESULT_END) {   if (res == SEDNA_ERROR)    return handle_error(&conn, "Getting item", 1);   do {    bytes_read = SEgetData(&conn, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1);    if(bytes_read == SEDNA_ERROR)     return handle_error(&conn, "Getting item", 1);    buf[bytes_read] = '/0';    printf("%s/n", buf);   } while(bytes_read > 0);  }  /* Drop document "region" */  res = SEexecute(&conn, "DROP DOCUMENT 'region'");  if(res != SEDNA_UPDATE_SUCCEEDED)   return handle_error(&conn, "Drop document", 1);  /* Commit transaction */  res = SEcommit(&conn);  if(res != SEDNA_COMMIT_TRANSACTION_SUCCEEDED)   return handle_error(&conn, "Commit", 1);  /* Close connection */  res = SEclose(&conn);  if(res != SEDNA_SESSION_CLOSED)   return handle_error(&conn, "Close", 0);  return 0; }


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