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2020-01-26 13:44:51





#include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include<time.h>#include<conio.h>#include<windows.h>#define SNAKE_MAX_LENGTH 20#define SNAKE_HEAD 'H'#define SNAKE_BODY 'X'#define BLANK_CELL ''#define SNAKE_FOOD '$'#define WALL_CELL '*'


/*snake stepping: dy = -1(up) 1(dowm) 0(no move); dx = -1(left), 1(right), 0(no move)*/void snakemove(int, int); //to write dowm the current location of the snake void put_money(void); void output(void); // to put the current map on the screenvoid initial_the_game(void);void put_accelerate(void);// @ is a special food which can speed up your snake.int judge(int, int); /* when it comes to ai, it is used to judge whether the next step is movable. */int dis(int, int); // when it coomes to ai, it is used to calculate the current distence //between the snake head and the food.void welcome(void);  // the game introduction.void gameover(void); void edition_handed(void); // the edition in which you can play by yourself.void edition_presentation(void); // the edition in which the snake can go automatically.


// define vars for snake,notice name of vars in c int snakeX[SNAKE_MAX_LENGTH] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};int snakeY[SNAKE_MAX_LENGTH] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1};int snakeLength = 5;int gamestate = 1;int current_speed = 600;int score = 0;char edition_choose; // for player to choose the edition.int con = 1; // to judge the initial state of the game;int energy = 0; // write down the condition to accelerate by eating $.//the following part is to realize the simple ai .const char movable[4] = {'a', 'd', 's', 'w'};int distance[4] = {9999, 9999, 9999, 9999};int fx = 6, fy = 6; // the coordinate of the food $


char map[12][12] =  {"************", "*XXXXH  *", "*   *", "*   *", "*   *", "*   *", "*  $ *", "*   *", "* @  *", "*   *", "*   *", "************"};


int main() { while (con) {  welcome();  int flag = 1;  while (flag) {   edition_choose = getch(); //choose the edition   if (edition_choose == 'h') {    edition_handed();    flag = 0;   }   else if (edition_choose == 'p') {    edition_presentation();    flag = 0;   }   else {    printf("Please press the correct bottom -,- .../n");   }  }  gameover(); }  return 0;}


void edition_handed(void) { system("cls"); output(); char ch = 'd'; while (gamestate) {  switch (ch) {   case 'a': // go left    while (1) {     snakemove(-1, 0);     Sleep(current_speed);     if (gamestate == 0) // to break the loop if the snake hit the wall or itself.      break;     if (kbhit() != 0) { // to change the direction      ch = getch();     if (ch == 's' || ch == 'w')      break;     else       ch = 'a';     }    }    break;   case 'd': // go right    while (1) {     snakemove(1, 0);     Sleep(current_speed);     if (gamestate == 0)      break;     if (kbhit() != 0)      ch = getch();     if (ch == 's' || ch == 'w')      break;     else       ch = 'd';    }     break;   case 's': // go down    while (1) {     snakemove(0, 1);     Sleep(current_speed);     if (gamestate == 0)      break;     if (kbhit() != 0)      ch = getch();     if (ch == 'a' || ch == 'd')      break;     else       ch = 's';    }    break;   case 'w': // go up    while (1) {     snakemove(0, -1);     Sleep(current_speed);     if (gamestate == 0)      break;     if (kbhit() != 0)      ch = getch();     if (ch == 'a' || ch == 'd')      break;     else       ch = 'w';    }    break;  }  if (gamestate == 0)   break; }  return;}


void edition_presentation(void) { // for ai system("cls"); int i, min = 10000; output(); char ch; char quit = 'o'; int k; while (gamestate) { // find the shortest way;  min = 10000;  if (judge(-1, 0)) distance[0] = dis(-1, 0);  if (judge(1, 0)) distance[1] = dis(1, 0);  if (judge(0, 1)) distance[2] = dis(0, 1);  if (judge(0, -1)) distance[3] = dis(0, -1);  for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {   if (min >= distance[i]) {    min = distance[i];    k = i;   }  }  Sleep(current_speed);  switch (movable[k]) {   case 'a': // go left    snakemove(-1, 0);    break;   case 'd': // go right    snakemove(1, 0);    break;   case 's': // go down    snakemove(0, 1);    break;   case 'w': // go up    snakemove(0, -1);    break;   }  if (gamestate == 0)   break;  system("cls");   output(); } return;}



void welcome(void) { // just for some introduction printf("WELCOME TO THE SNAKE'S WORLD !!!!/n"); printf("/n"); printf("/n"); printf("Please choose the edition you want./n"); printf("/n"); printf("/n"); printf("The 'h' is for the hand-operated and the 'p' is for the simple presentation/n"); printf("/n"); printf("/n"); printf("Attention: the presentation still has a liitle bug, while it can be moving right for a period of time.../n "); return;}


void gameover(void) { // give you some introduction when you lose the game. system("cls"); printf("Game over!!!/n"); printf("Do you want to continue? y or n/n"); char start; // in order to judge whether you still want to play the game. while (1) {  start = getch();  if (start == 'y') {   system("cls");   initial_the_game();   break;  } else if (start == 'n') {   system("cls");   con = 0; // in order to let the game end.   printf("See you next time! ^-^/n");   break;  } else {   printf("Please press the correct buttom./n");  } }}


void output(void) { // put the cuttent game map. printf("THE INTERESTING SNAKE GAME CREATED BY LONGJ =,=/n"); printf("use w~s~a~d to control the snake's movement/n"); printf("ATTENTION: the @ can speed up your lovely snake~~/n"); int i, j; for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {  for (j = 0; j < 12; j++) {    printf("%c", map[i][j]);   if (j == 11)    printf("/n");  } } printf("Your current_speed is %d/n", current_speed); printf("The number of your food undigested is %d (when it comes to 5, your speed will be accelerated!) /n", energy); printf("SCORE = %d/n", score); return;}


void snakemove(int dx, int dy) { // all the conditions are comparing the head and the next position. int i; if (snakeY[snakeLength - 1] + dy == snakeY[snakeLength - 2] && snakeX[snakeLength - 1] + dx == snakeX[snakeLength - 2])  return; // to prevent it go to itslef. if (map[snakeY[snakeLength - 1] + dy][snakeX[snakeLength - 1] + dx] == 'X') {  gamestate = 0;  return; } if (map[snakeY[snakeLength - 1] + dy][snakeX[snakeLength - 1] + dx] == '*') {  gamestate = 0;  return; } if (map[snakeY[snakeLength - 1] + dy][snakeX[snakeLength - 1] + dx] == ' '  || map[snakeY[snakeLength - 1] + dy][snakeX[snakeLength - 1] + dx] == '@') {  map[snakeY[0]][snakeX[0]] = ' '; // clear the former_tail  if (map[snakeY[snakeLength - 1] + dy][snakeX[snakeLength - 1] + dx] == '@'  && current_speed > 100) { // what will happen when your snake eats the @   current_speed -= 100;   put_accelerate();  }  for (i = 0; i < snakeLength - 1; ++i) {   snakeX[i] = snakeX[i + 1];   snakeY[i] = snakeY[i + 1];  }  snakeX[snakeLength - 1] += dx;  snakeY[snakeLength - 1] += dy;  for (i = 0; i < snakeLength - 1; i++) // write down the current snake location   map[snakeY[i]][snakeX[i]] = 'X';  map[snakeY[snakeLength - 1]][snakeX[snakeLength - 1]] = 'H'; } if (map[snakeY[snakeLength - 1] + dy][snakeX[snakeLength - 1] + dx] == '$') {  map[snakeY[snakeLength - 1]][snakeX[snakeLength - 1]] = 'X';  snakeLength++;  snakeX[snakeLength - 1] = snakeX[snakeLength - 2] + dx;  snakeY[snakeLength - 1] = snakeY[snakeLength - 2] + dy;  map[snakeY[snakeLength - 1]][snakeX[snakeLength - 1]] = 'H';  score++;  energy++;  if (energy == 5 && current_speed > 50) {   current_speed -= 50;   energy = 0;  }  put_money(); } system("cls"); output(); return;}


void put_money(void) { /// ai will change the code int flag = 1; while (flag) {  srand(time(NULL));  fx = rand() % 12;  fy = rand() % 12;  if (map[fy][fx] == ' ') {   map[fy][fx] = '$';   flag = 0;  }  if (edition_choose == 'p') {   int i;   for (i = 0; i< 4; i++)    distance[i] = 9999;  } } return;}void put_accelerate(void) { int x, y, flag = 1; while (flag) {  srand(time(NULL));  x = rand() % 12;  y = rand() % 12;  if (map[x][y] == ' ') {   map[x][y] = '@';   flag = 0;  } } return;}


int dis(int dx, int dy) { return abs(fx - snakeX[snakeLength - 1] - dx) + abs(fy - snakeY[snakeLength - 1] - dy);}int judge(int dx, int dy) { if (map[snakeY[snakeLength - 1] + dy][snakeX[snakeLength - 1] + dx] == ' ')  return 1; else if (map[snakeY[snakeLength - 1] + dy][snakeX[snakeLength - 1] + dx] == '$')  return 1; else if (map[snakeY[snakeLength - 1] + dy][snakeX[snakeLength - 1] + dx] == '@')  return 1; else   return 0;}


void initial_the_game(void) { int i, j, count = 1; snakeLength = 5; gamestate = 1; fx = fy = 6; current_speed = 600; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)  snakeY[i] = 1; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {  snakeX[i] = count++; } for (j = 0; j < 12; j++) {  map[0][j] = '*';  map[11][j] = '*'; } for (i = 1; i < 11; i++) {  map[i][0] = map[i][11] = '*';  for (j = 1; j < 11; j++)   map[i][j] = ' '; } map[fy][fx] ='$'; map[8][4] = '@'; for (i = 0; i< 4; i++) {   distance[i] = 9999; } for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)   map[snakeY[i]][snakeX[i]] = 'X'; map[snakeY[4]][snakeX[4]] = 'H'; return;}







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