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2020-01-26 13:44:47




#ifndef _GLOBAL_H_#define _GLOBAL_H_#ifndef SYMBOLS#define HEAD '@'#define BODY 'X'#define EMPTY '+'#define FOOD '$'#endif // !SYMBOLSenum direction { up = 0, down = 1, left = 2, right = 4, freeze = 5 };struct point { int x; int y; point(int x = 0, int y = 0) : x(x), y(y) {} point(const point& another) : x(another.x), y(another.y) {} point& operator=(const point& other) {  x = other.x;  y = other.y;  return *this; } friend bool operator==(const point& point1, const point& point2) {  return point1.x == point2.x && point1.y == point2.y; } point& move(direction d) {  switch (d) {   case up:    x--;    break;   case down:    x++;    break;   case left:    y--;    break;   case right:    y++;    break;   case freeze:   default:    break;  }  return *this; }};#endif // !_GLOBAL_H_




#ifndef _SNAKE_H_#define _SNAKE_H_#include <iostream>#include <list>#include "global.hpp"class snake {    point head;    std::list<point> body;  public:    snake(point initial_head);    snake();    ~snake() {}    point& getHead();    std::list<point>& getbody();    void grow(point);    void setHead(point);};snake::snake() {  head.x = 0;  head.y = 0;}snake::snake(point initial_head) {  setHead(initial_head);}void snake::setHead(point _head) {  head = _head;}void snake::grow(point second_node) {  this -> body.push_front(second_node);}point& snake::getHead() {  return head;}std::list<point>& snake::getbody() {  return body;}#endif


在组合关系里面,想要直接修改snake的各种参数是不可行的,所以在前面snake类的声明里加上了诸如setHead(), getHead(), getbody() 这一类的函数。

#ifndef _MAP_H_#define _MAP_H_#include <iostream>#include "global.hpp"#include "snake.hpp"class map {  private:    char** _map;    snake _snake;    int height, width;    std::list<point> foods;  public:    map();    map(point initial_size, point initial_head,    std::list<point> initial_foods);    ~map();    void move(direction d);    void print();    bool isGameOver();    bool isEat();;    void makemap(void);};map::map() {  _map = NULL;  height = width = 0;}void map::makemap() { // 这个是用来更新地图的  for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {    for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)      _map[i][j] = 0;  }  for (std::list<point>::iterator i = foods.begin(); i != foods.end(); ++i) {    _map[i->x][i->y] = FOOD;  }  _map[_snake.getHead().x][_snake.getHead().y] = HEAD;  for (std::list<point>::iterator i = _snake.getbody().begin();  i != _snake.getbody().end(); ++i) {    _map[i->x][i->y] = BODY;  }  for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {    for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {      if (_map[i][j] == 0)        _map[i][j] = EMPTY;    }  }}map::map(point initial_size, point initial_head, std::list<point> initial_foods){  height = initial_size.x;  width = initial_size.y;  _map = new char*[height];  for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)    _map[i] = new char[width]();  _snake.setHead(initial_head);  foods = initial_foods;  makemap();}map::~map() {  for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {    delete []_map[i];  }  delete []_map;}void map::print() {  for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {    for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {      std::cout << _map[i][j];    }    std::cout << std::endl;      }  std::cout << std::endl;}bool map::isGameOver() {  point temp = _snake.getHead();  if (temp.x == height || temp.y == width || temp.x < 0 || temp.y < 0)    return true;  if (_map[temp.x][temp.y] == BODY) return true;  return false;}bool map::isEat() {  point temp = _snake.getHead();  if (temp.x == height || temp.y == width || temp.x < 0 || temp.y < 0)    return false;  if (_map[temp.x][temp.y] == FOOD) return true;  else return false;}void map::move(direction d) {  point temp_f = _snake.getHead();  if (!(_snake.getbody().empty())) { // 为了避免追尾问题    _map[_snake.getbody().back().x][_snake.getbody().back().y] = EMPTY;  }  _snake.getHead().move(d);  if (_snake.getHead() == _snake.getbody().front()) { // 判断蛇是否往回走    _snake.setHead(temp_f);    _map[_snake.getbody().back().x][_snake.getbody().back().y] = BODY;    return;  }  if (!isGameOver()) {    if (isEat()) {      point eaten = _snake.getHead();      foods.remove(eaten);      _snake.grow(temp_f);    } else {      _snake.getbody().push_front(temp_f);      _snake.getbody().pop_back();    }    makemap();  } else {    if (!(_snake.getbody().empty())) {      _map[_snake.getbody().back().x][_snake.getbody().back().y] = BODY;    }  }}#endif



#include "map.hpp"#include "global.hpp"#include <iostream>#include <list>#include <algorithm>using std::cin;using std::cout;using std::cerr;using std::endl;class InvalidInputException { public: InvalidInputException() { cerr << "Invalid input!" << endl; }};class DuplicateInputException : public InvalidInputException { public: DuplicateInputException() { cerr << "Duplicate input!" << endl; }};class GameUI { private: map* world; point initial_size; point initial_head; std::list<point> initial_foods; public: GameUI() {  cout << "please input two positive integers indicates the map size!"     << endl;  cin >> initial_size.x >> initial_size.y;  if (initial_size.x <= 5 || initial_size.y <= 5 || initial_size.x > 15 ||    initial_size.y > 15) {   cout << "invalid input" << endl;   throw InvalidInputException();  }  cout << "please input two positive integers(range(0, size_x-1), "      "range(0,size_y-1)) the initialize snake head position!"     << endl;  cin >> initial_head.x >> initial_head.y;  if (initial_head.x >= initial_size.x || initial_head.x < 0 ||    initial_head.y >= initial_size.y || initial_head.y < 0) {   cout << "invalid input" << endl;   throw InvalidInputException();  }  int food_num;  cout << "please input how many food you will put and then input food "      "position which is different form each other"     << endl;  cin >> food_num;  if (food_num <= 0) {   throw InvalidInputException();  }  while (food_num > 0) {   food_num--;   point temp;   cin >> temp.x >> temp.y;   if (temp.x >= 0 && temp.x < initial_size.x && temp.y >= 0 &&     temp.y < initial_size.y &&     std::find(initial_foods.begin(), initial_foods.end(), temp) ==       initial_foods.end() &&     !(temp.x == initial_head.x && temp.y == initial_head.y)) {    initial_foods.push_back(temp);   } else {    throw DuplicateInputException();   }  }  world = new map(initial_size, initial_head, initial_foods); } ~GameUI() { delete world; } void GameLoop() {  world->print();  bool exit = false;  while (true) {   char operation = getInput();   switch (operation) {    case 'w':    case 'W':     this->world->move(up);     break;    case 's':    case 'S':     this->world->move(down);     break;    case 'a':    case 'A':     this->world->move(left);     break;    case 'd':    case 'D':     this->world->move(right);     break;    case 'q':    case 'Q':     exit = true;     break;    default:     this->world->move(freeze);   }   world->print();   if (world->isGameOver()) {    cout << "Game Over!" << endl;    break;   }   if (exit) {    cout << "Bye!" << endl;    break;   }  } } char getInput() {  char temp;  cin >> temp;  return temp; }};int main() { // 看,main函数只有这么短!!!! GameUI greedySnake; greedySnake.GameLoop(); return 0;}





Enjoy coding! :)


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