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2020-01-26 13:22:02



1 程序中运用到两个类,一个是Person类,另一个是List类。前者存储用户信息,后者主要用于操作,如增删改查等。但由于本程序中没有涉及到太复杂的功能,用户信息可以由一个简单的结构体表示,但是为了以后拓展方便,和达到学习运算符重载的目的,还是使用了类。

2 List类中的Reflush()方法用户刷新文件内容,即每次修改了vector后要将最新内容写入到文件。因此增删改操作中都要调用该操作,这种方法在数据库开发中常用到,以小见大。

3 setout()方法设置字符左对齐,便于美观。另外std::cout.width(15)设置输出字符域宽度,只对下一次输出有效。

4 判断文本文件是否为空还有另一种方法,即string类中的empty()方法,但为了读取方便没有采用。

5 其实对于通讯录的操作只是在类内的vector容器中进行,只有最后刷新的时候同步到磁盘文件中。

6 一些函数中设置多个返回值有利于判断操作的情况。

Person.h 与cpp文件: 

#ifndef PERSON_H_#define PERSON_H_#include <string> class Person{public: std::string name; std::string tel;public: Person(); ~Person(); int operator==(const Person& p);//重载==运算符,本程序中并没有用到private: };  #endif // !PERSON_H_
#include "Person.h" Person::Person(){} Person::~Person(){} int Person::operator==(const Person& p){ if (this->name == p.name) { if (this->tel == p.tel)  return 0; else  return -1; } else return -2;}


#ifndef LIST_H_#define LIST_H_#include <vector>#include "Person.h"class List{public: List(); ~List(); void Showfile();//显示通讯录 int Readfile();//从磁盘读取文件 void Add(); void Reflush();//刷新数据,即重新写入磁盘 void Del(); void Search();private: std::vector<Person> myfile;}; inline void setout();//输出格式控制#endif


#include "List.h"#include <iostream>#include <fstream>#include <string> List::List(){} List::~List(){} void setout()//输出格式控制,即左对齐{ std::cout.setf(std::ios_base::left, std::ios_base::adjustfield);}void List::Showfile(){ std::vector<Person>::iterator iter; setout(); for (iter = this->myfile.begin(); iter != this->myfile.end(); iter++) { std::cout.width(15);//字域宽度为15 std::cout << iter->name; std::cout.width(15); std::cout << iter->tel << "/n"; }} int List::Readfile(){ std::fstream readfile("mylist.txt"); int rows = 0; if (readfile)//如果文件存在 { std::cout << "*******Telephone book********/n"; std::cout << "name:" << "/t/t" << "phone:" << "/n"; Person p; if (!(readfile >> p.name >> p.tel))//如果第一次读取为空 {  std::cout << "/tNULL/n";  return 1; } myfile.push_back(p); rows++; while(readfile>>p.name>>p.tel)//读取后存入vector容器中 {  rows++;  myfile.push_back(p); }  this->Showfile(); std::cout << "Total:/t" << rows << "/tinfos/n"; readfile.close(); return rows; } else { std::ofstream outfile;//磁盘中不存在文件的话则创建 outfile.open("mylist.txt"); if (!outfile.is_open()) {  std::cout << "file is not created!/n";  return -1; } else {  std::cout << "file not exist but we have created one for you!/n";  std::cout << "*******Telephone book********/n";  std::cout << "name:" << "/t/t" << "phone:" << "/n";  std::cout << "/tNULL/n"; } outfile.close(); } return 2;}void List::Reflush(){ std::ofstream outfile("mylist.txt"); std::vector<Person>::iterator iter; setout(); for (iter = this->myfile.begin(); iter != this->myfile.end(); iter++) { outfile.width(15); outfile << iter->name; outfile.width(15); outfile << iter->tel << "/n"; } outfile.close();} void List::Add(){ Person p; std::cout << "please input the name:/n"; std::cin >> p.name; std::cout << "please input the phone/n"; std::cin >> p.tel; std::cout << "sucessfully created!/n"; myfile.push_back(p); this->Reflush();} void List::Del(){ if (myfile.empty()) { std::cout << "no info to del!/n"; return; } std::string name; std::cout << "please input the name you want you del:/n"; std::cin >> name; std::vector<Person>::iterator iter; for (iter = this->myfile.begin(); iter != this->myfile.end();) { if (iter->name == name) {  myfile.erase(iter);//删除对应项  std::cout << "sucessfully delete!/n";  this->Reflush();  return; } else  ++iter; } std::cout << "no info matches!/n";} void List::Search(){ std::string name; std::cout << "please input the name you want to search:/n"; std::cin >> name; std::vector<Person>::iterator iter; for (iter = this->myfile.begin(); iter != this->myfile.end(); iter++) { if (name == iter->name) {  std::cout << iter->name << "/t/t" << iter->tel << "/n";  return; } } std::cout << "no info matches!/n";}


// contact.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。// #include "stdafx.h"#include "List.h"#include <stdlib.h>#include <iostream>using namespace std; int Menu(){ int num; cout << "********************" << endl; cout << "*  1   ADD   *" << endl; cout << "*  2   DEL   *" << endl; cout << "*  3  SEARCH  *" << endl; cout << "*  4   SHOW   *" << endl; cout << "*  5   EXIT   *" << endl; cout << "********************" << endl; cout << "input the num:"; cin >> num; return num;} int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]){ List mylist; mylist.Readfile(); int num = Menu(); bool flags = 1; while (flags) { switch (num) { case 1:  mylist.Add();  break; case 2:  mylist.Del();  break; case 3:  mylist.Search();  break; case 4:  mylist.Showfile();  break; case 5:  cout << "Bye./n";  return 0; default:  cout<<"没有该选项请重输!/n";  break; } cout << "请输入选项:/n"; cin >> num; } system("pause"); return 0;}


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