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python调用百度语音REST API

2020-01-04 14:37:22

本文实例为大家分享了python调用百度语音REST API的具体代码,供大家参考,具体内容如下


百度通过 REST API 的方式给开发者提供一个通用的 HTTP 接口,基于该接口,开发者可以轻松的获得语音合成与语音识别能力。SDK中只提供了PHP、C和JAVA的相关样例,使用python也可以灵活的对端口进行调用,本文描述了简单使用Python调用百度语音识别服务 REST API 的简单样例。


注册开发者帐号和创建应用的过程就不再赘述,百度的REST API在调用过程基本分为三步:

  • 获取token
  • 向Rest接口提交数据
  • 处理返回数据



#!/usr/bin/python3import urllib.requestimport urllibimport jsonimport base64class BaiduRest:  def __init__(self, cu_id, api_key, api_secert):    # token认证的url    self.token_url = "https://openapi.baidu.com/oauth/2.0/token?grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=%s&client_secret=%s"    # 语音合成的resturl    self.getvoice_url = "http://tsn.baidu.com/text2audio?tex=%s&lan=zh&cuid=%s&ctp=1&tok=%s"    # 语音识别的resturl    self.upvoice_url = 'http://vop.baidu.com/server_api'    self.cu_id = cu_id    self.getToken(api_key, api_secert)    return  def getToken(self, api_key, api_secert):    # 1.获取token    token_url = self.token_url % (api_key,api_secert)    r_str = urllib.request.urlopen(token_url).read()    token_data = json.loads(r_str)    self.token_str = token_data['access_token']    pass  def getVoice(self, text, filename):    # 2. 向Rest接口提交数据    get_url = self.getvoice_url % (urllib.parse.quote(text), self.cu_id, self.token_str)    voice_data = urllib.request.urlopen(get_url).read()    # 3.处理返回数据    voice_fp = open(filename,'wb+')    voice_fp.write(voice_data)    voice_fp.close()    pass  def getText(self, filename):    # 2. 向Rest接口提交数据    data = {}    # 语音的一些参数    data['format'] = 'wav'    data['rate'] = 8000    data['channel'] = 1    data['cuid'] = self.cu_id    data['token'] = self.token_str    wav_fp = open(filename,'rb')    voice_data = wav_fp.read()    data['len'] = len(voice_data)    data['speech'] = base64.b64encode(voice_data).decode('utf-8')    post_data = json.dumps(data)    r_data = urllib.request.urlopen(self.upvoice_url,data=bytes(post_data,encoding="utf-8")).read()    # 3.处理返回数据    return json.loads(r_data)['result']if __name__ == "__main__":  # 我的api_key,供大家测试用,在实际工程中请换成自己申请的应用的key和secert  api_key = "SrhYKqzl3SE1URnAEuZ0FKdT"   api_secert = "hGqeCkaMPb0ELMqtRGc2VjWdmjo7T89d"  # 初始化  bdr = BaiduRest("test_python", api_key, api_secert)  # 将字符串语音合成并保存为out.mp3  bdr.getVoice("你好北京邮电大学!", "out.mp3")  # 识别test.wav语音内容并显示  print(bdr.getText("out.wav"))



#!/usr/bin/python3# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-from pyaudio import PyAudio, paInt16 import numpy as np from datetime import datetime import waveclass recoder:  NUM_SAMPLES = 2000   #pyaudio内置缓冲大小  SAMPLING_RATE = 8000  #取样频率  LEVEL = 500     #声音保存的阈值  COUNT_NUM = 20   #NUM_SAMPLES个取样之内出现COUNT_NUM个大于LEVEL的取样则记录声音  SAVE_LENGTH = 8     #声音记录的最小长度:SAVE_LENGTH * NUM_SAMPLES 个取样  TIME_COUNT = 60   #录音时间,单位s  Voice_String = []  def savewav(self,filename):    wf = wave.open(filename, 'wb')     wf.setnchannels(1)     wf.setsampwidth(2)     wf.setframerate(self.SAMPLING_RATE)     wf.writeframes(np.array(self.Voice_String).tostring())     # wf.writeframes(self.Voice_String.decode())    wf.close()   def recoder(self):    pa = PyAudio()     stream = pa.open(format=paInt16, channels=1, rate=self.SAMPLING_RATE, input=True,       frames_per_buffer=self.NUM_SAMPLES)     save_count = 0     save_buffer = []     time_count = self.TIME_COUNT    while True:      time_count -= 1      # print time_count      # 读入NUM_SAMPLES个取样      string_audio_data = stream.read(self.NUM_SAMPLES)       # 将读入的数据转换为数组      audio_data = np.fromstring(string_audio_data, dtype=np.short)      # 计算大于LEVEL的取样的个数      large_sample_count = np.sum( audio_data > self.LEVEL )      print(np.max(audio_data))      # 如果个数大于COUNT_NUM,则至少保存SAVE_LENGTH个块      if large_sample_count > self.COUNT_NUM:        save_count = self.SAVE_LENGTH       else:         save_count -= 1      if save_count < 0:        save_count = 0       if save_count > 0 :       # 将要保存的数据存放到save_buffer中        #print save_count > 0 and time_count >0        save_buffer.append( string_audio_data )       else:       #print save_buffer      # 将save_buffer中的数据写入WAV文件,WAV文件的文件名是保存的时刻        #print "debug"        if len(save_buffer) > 0 :           self.Voice_String = save_buffer          save_buffer = []           print("Recode a piece of voice successfully!")          return True      if time_count==0:         if len(save_buffer)>0:          self.Voice_String = save_buffer          save_buffer = []           print("Recode a piece of voice successfully!")          return True        else:          return Falseif __name__ == "__main__":  r = recoder()  r.recoder()  r.savewav("test.wav")  


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