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2020-01-04 14:04:38


# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- CODEC='utf-8' def u(s, encoding):  'converted other encoding to unicode encoding'  if isinstance(s, unicode):    return s  else:    return unicode(s, encoding) def fwd_mm_seg(wordDict, maxLen, str):  'forward max match segment'  wordList = []  segStr = str  segStrLen = len(segStr)  for word in wordDict:    print 'word: ', word  print "/n"  while segStrLen > 0:    if segStrLen > maxLen:      wordLen = maxLen    else:      wordLen = segStrLen    subStr = segStr[0:wordLen]    print "subStr: ", subStr    while wordLen > 1:      if subStr in wordDict:        print "subStr1: %r" % subStr        break      else:        print "subStr2: %r" % subStr        wordLen = wordLen - 1        subStr = subStr[0:wordLen]#      print "subStr3: ", subStr    wordList.append(subStr)    segStr = segStr[wordLen:]    segStrLen = segStrLen - wordLen  for wordstr in wordList:    print "wordstr: ", wordstr  return wordList          def main():  fp_dict = open('words.dic')  wordDict = {}  for eachWord in fp_dict:    wordDict[u(eachWord.strip(), 'utf-8')] = 1  segStr = u'你好世界hello world'  print segStr  wordList = fwd_mm_seg(wordDict, 10, segStr)  print "==".join(wordList)   if __name__ == '__main__':  main()  


# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-  def u(s, encoding):  'converted other encoding to unicode encoding'  if isinstance(s, unicode):    return s  else:    return unicode(s, encoding) CODEC='utf-8' def bwd_mm_seg(wordDict, maxLen, str):  'forward max match segment'  wordList = []  segStr = str  segStrLen = len(segStr)  for word in wordDict:    print 'word: ', word  print "/n"  while segStrLen > 0:    if segStrLen > maxLen:      wordLen = maxLen    else:      wordLen = segStrLen    subStr = segStr[-wordLen:None]    print "subStr: ", subStr    while wordLen > 1:      if subStr in wordDict:        print "subStr1: %r" % subStr        break      else:        print "subStr2: %r" % subStr        wordLen = wordLen - 1        subStr = subStr[-wordLen:None]#      print "subStr3: ", subStr    wordList.append(subStr)    segStr = segStr[0: -wordLen]    segStrLen = segStrLen - wordLen  wordList.reverse()  for wordstr in wordList:    print "wordstr: ", wordstr  return wordList          def main():  fp_dict = open('words.dic')  wordDict = {}  for eachWord in fp_dict:    wordDict[u(eachWord.strip(), 'utf-8')] = 1  segStr = ur'你好世界hello world'  print segStr  wordList = bwd_mm_seg(wordDict, 10, segStr)  print "==".join(wordList) if __name__ == '__main__':  main()  


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