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2019-11-26 14:50:55




public static boolean createFile(String filePath){   boolean result = false;   File file = new File(filePath);   if(!file.exists()){     try {       result = file.createNewFile();     } catch (IOException e) {       e.printStackTrace();     }   }      return result; } 


public static boolean createDirectory(String directory){   boolean result = false;   File file = new File(directory);   if(!file.exists()){     result = file.mkdirs();   }      return result; } 


public static boolean deleteFile(String filePath){   boolean result = false;   File file = new File(filePath);   if(file.exists() && file.isFile()){     result = file.delete();   }      return result; } 



public static void deleteDirectory(String filePath){   File file = new File(filePath);   if(!file.exists()){     return;   }      if(file.isFile()){     file.delete();   }else if(file.isDirectory()){     File[] files = file.listFiles();     for (File myfile : files) {       deleteDirectory(filePath + "/" + myfile.getName());     }          file.delete();   } } 



public static String readFileByBytes(String filePath){   File file = new File(filePath);   if(!file.exists() || !file.isFile()){     return null;   }      StringBuffer content = new StringBuffer();      try {     byte[] temp = new byte[1024];     FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(file);     while(fileInputStream.read(temp) != -1){       content.append(new String(temp));       temp = new byte[1024];     }          fileInputStream.close();   } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {     e.printStackTrace();   } catch (IOException e) {     e.printStackTrace();   }      return content.toString(); } 


public static String readFileByChars(String filePath){   File file = new File(filePath);   if(!file.exists() || !file.isFile()){     return null;   }      StringBuffer content = new StringBuffer();   try {     char[] temp = new char[1024];     FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(file);     InputStreamReader inputStreamReader = new InputStreamReader(fileInputStream, "GBK");     while(inputStreamReader.read(temp) != -1){       content.append(new String(temp));       temp = new char[1024];     }          fileInputStream.close();     inputStreamReader.close();   } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {     e.printStackTrace();   } catch (IOException e) {     e.printStackTrace();   }      return content.toString(); } 


public static List<String> readFileByLines(String filePath){   File file = new File(filePath);   if(!file.exists() || !file.isFile()){     return null;   }      List<String> content = new ArrayList<String>();   try {     FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(file);     InputStreamReader inputStreamReader = new InputStreamReader(fileInputStream, "GBK");     BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(inputStreamReader);     String lineContent = "";     while ((lineContent = reader.readLine()) != null) {       content.add(lineContent);       System.out.println(lineContent);     }          fileInputStream.close();     inputStreamReader.close();     reader.close();   } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {     e.printStackTrace();   } catch (IOException e) {     e.printStackTrace();   }      return content; } 




public static void writeFileByFileOutputStream(String filePath, String content) throws IOException{   File file = new File(filePath);   synchronized (file) {     FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(filePath);     fos.write(content.getBytes("GBK"));     fos.close();   } } 


public static void writeFileByBufferedOutputStream(String filePath, String content) throws IOException{   File file = new File(filePath);   synchronized (file) {     BufferedOutputStream fos = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(filePath));     fos.write(content.getBytes("GBK"));     fos.flush();     fos.close();   } } 


public static void writeFileByFileWriter(String filePath, String content) throws IOException{     File file = new File(filePath);     synchronized (file) {       FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(filePath);       fw.write(content);       fw.close();     }   } 

目录是一个文件可以包含其他文件和目录的列表。你想要在目录中列出可用文件列表,可以通过使用 File 对象创建目录,获得完整详细的能在 File 对象中调用的以及有关目录的方法列表。


mkdir( ) 方法创建了一个目录,成功返回 true ,创建失败返回 false。失败情况是指文件对象的路径已经存在了,或者无法创建目录,因为整个路径不存在。
mkdirs( ) 方法创建一个目录和它的上级目录。
以下示例创建 “/ tmp / user / java / bin” 目录:

import java.io.File;public class CreateDir {  public static void main(String args[]) {   String dirname = "/tmp/user/java/bin";   File d = new File(dirname);   // Create directory now.   d.mkdirs(); }}

编译并执行以上代码创建 “/ tmp /user/ java / bin”。

提示:Java 自动按 UNIX 和 Windows 约定来处理路径分隔符。如果在 Windows 版本的 Java 中使用正斜杠(/),仍然可以得到正确的路径。

如下,你能够用 File 对象提供的 list() 方法来列出目录中所有可用的文件和目录

import java.io.File;public class ReadDir {  public static void main(String[] args) {   File file = null;   String[] paths;   try{        // create new file object     file = new File("/tmp");     // array of files and directory     paths = file.list();     // for each name in the path array     for(String path:paths)     {      // prints filename and directory name      System.out.println(path);     }   }catch(Exception e){     // if any error occurs     e.printStackTrace();   }  }}

基于你/ tmp目录下可用的目录和文件,将产生以下结果:


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