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Freemaker Replace函数的正则表达式运用

2019-11-26 14:44:58


param1 正则表达式;param2 将匹配的字符替换成指定字符;param3 模式

param3 参数如下

模式 i r m s c f
replace 支持 支持 只和r 组合 只和r 组合 只和r 组合 支持


i: Case insensitive: 忽略大小写

f: First only. That is, replace/find/etc. only the first occurrence of something.

r: The substring to find is a regular expression.标准正则表达式(http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/regex/Pattern.html

m: Multi-line mode for regular expressions. In multi-line mode the expressions ^ and $ match just after or just before, respectively, a line terminator or the end of the string. By default these expressions only match at the beginning and the end of the entire string. Note that ^ and $ doesn't match the line-break character itself.

s: Enables dot-all mode for regular expressions (same as Perl singe-line mode). In dot-all mode, the expression . matches any character, including a line terminator. By default this expression does not match line terminators.

c: Permits whitespace and comments in regular expressions.在正则表达式中允许空格和注释。


<#assign s = 'foo bAr baar'>${s?replace('ba', 'XY')}i: ${s?replace('ba', 'XY', 'i')}if: ${s?replace('ba', 'XY', 'if')}r: ${s?replace('ba*', 'XY', 'r')}ri: ${s?replace('ba*', 'XY', 'ri')}rif: ${s?replace('ba*', 'XY', 'rif')} 


foo bAr XYar
i: foo XYr XYar
if: foo XYr baar
r: foo XYAr XYr
ri: foo XYr XYr
rif: foo XYr baar 


原文:str = 2积分兑换30元优惠券




替换字符串 replace 

${s?replace(‘ba', ‘XY' )} ${s?replace(‘ba', ‘XY' , ‘规则参数')}

将s里的所有的ba替换成xy 规则参数包含: i r m s c f 具体含义如下: 

・ i: 大小写不区分. 
・ f: 只替换第一个出现被替换字符串的字符串 
・ r:  XY是正则表达式 

・ m: Multi-line mode for regular expressions. In multi-line mode the expressions ^ and $ match just after or just before, respectively, a line terminator or the end of the string. By default these expressions only match at the beginning and the end of the entire string. 

・ s: Enables dotall mode for regular expressions (same as Perl singe-line mode). In dotall mode, the expression . matches any character, including a line terminator. By default this expression does not match line terminators. 

・ c: Permits whitespace and comments in regular expressions. 

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