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2019-11-25 17:22:08


# word frequency in a text# tested with Python24  vegaseat  25aug2005# Chinese wisdom ...str1 = """Man who run in front of car, get tired.Man who run behind car, get exhausted."""print "Original string:"print str1print# create a list of words separated at whitespaceswordList1 = str1.split(None)# strip any punctuation marks and build modified word list# start with an empty listwordList2 = []for word1 in wordList1:  # last character of each word  lastchar = word1[-1:]  # use a list of punctuation marks  if lastchar in [",", ".", "!", "?", ";"]:    word2 = word1.rstrip(lastchar)  else:    word2 = word1  # build a wordList of lower case modified words  wordList2.append(word2.lower())print "Word list created from modified string:"print wordList2print# create a wordfrequency dictionary# start with an empty dictionaryfreqD2 = {}for word2 in wordList2:  freqD2[word2] = freqD2.get(word2, 0) + 1# create a list of keys and sort the list# all words are lower case alreadykeyList = freqD2.keys()keyList.sort()print "Frequency of each word in the word list (sorted):"for key2 in keyList: print "%-10s %d" % (key2, freqD2[key2])


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