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2019-11-25 17:20:55


# count lines, sentences, and words of a text file# set all the counters to zerolines, blanklines, sentences, words = 0, 0, 0, 0print '-' * 50try: # use a text file you have, or google for this one ... filename = 'GettysburgAddress.txt' textf = open(filename, 'r')except IOError: print 'Cannot open file %s for reading' % filename import sys sys.exit(0)# reads one line at a timefor line in textf: print line,  # test lines += 1 if line.startswith('/n'):  blanklines += 1 else:  # assume that each sentence ends with . or ! or ?  # so simply count these characters  sentences += line.count('.') + line.count('!') + line.count('?')  # create a list of words  # use None to split at any whitespace regardless of length  # so for instance double space counts as one space  tempwords = line.split(None)  print tempwords # test  # word total count  words += len(tempwords)textf.close()print '-' * 50print "Lines   : ", linesprint "Blank lines: ", blanklinesprint "Sentences : ", sentencesprint "Words   : ", words# optional console wait for keypressfrom msvcrt import getchgetch()


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