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2019-11-25 16:58:53

python 对象的属性

root@ cat object.py 
#!/usr/bin/env python#coding:utf8 class Dave():  var1 = "class atribute,public atrribute var1" #类属性,公有属性var1  __var2 = "class self atribute __var2"  #类的私有属性__var2   def fun(self):    self.var2 = "object public atrribute var2" #对象的公有属性var2    self.__var3 = "object self atrribute __var3" #对象的私有属性__var3    var4 = "Function of the local variable var4" #函数fun的局部变量     def other(self):    print self.__var3


he = Dave()    #实例化一个对象heprint he.var1   #从实例中获取类的公有属性print Dave.var1  #直接从类中获取公有属性
root@ ./object.py 
class atribute,public atrribute var1class atribute,public atrribute var1


he = Dave()print Dave.__var2print he.__var2
root@ ./object.py 
Traceback (most recent call last): File "./object.py", line 19, in <module>  print Dave.__var2AttributeError: class Dave has no attribute '__var2'


class Dave():  var1 = "class atribute,public atrribute var1" #类属性,公有属性var1  __var2 = "class self atribute __var2"  #类的私有属性__var2     def other(self):    print Dave.__var2    he = Dave()he.other()
root@ ./object.py 
class self atribute __var2


he = Dave()liu = Dave()he.fun()print he.var2print liu.var2
root@ ./object.py 
object public atrribute var2Traceback (most recent call last): <span></span>       #对象liu由于没有调用fun方法所有就没有该属性.File "./object.py", line 20, in <module>  print liu.var2AttributeError: Dave instance has no attribute 'var2'


he = Dave()he.fun()print he.__var3
root@ ./object.py 
Traceback (most recent call last): File "./object.py", line 18, in <module>  print he.__var3AttributeError: Dave instance has no attribute '__var3'


he = Dave()he.fun()print he.var4
root@ ./object.py 

Traceback (most recent call last): File "./object.py", line 18, in <module>  print he.var4AttributeError: Dave instance has no attribute 'var4'
  def fun(self):    self.var2 = "object public atrribute var2" #对象的公有属性var2    self.__var3 = "object self atrribute __var3" #对象的私有属性__var3    var4 = "Function of the local variable var4" #函数fun的局部变量    print var4       #可以在函数内部直接打印,只在该函数内有用    print self.__var3 he = Dave()he.fun()
root@ ./object.py 
Function of the local variable var4object self atrribute __var3


  def fun(self):    self.var2 = "object public atrribute var2" #对象的公有属性var2    self.__var3 = "object self atrribute __var3" #对象的私有属性__var3    var4 = "Function of the local variable var4" #函数fun的局部变量    print var4       #一个函数的局部变量在另外一个函数是访问不到的    print self.__var3     def other(self):    print var4    print self.__var3 he = Dave()he.fun()print "#"*100he.other()
root@ ./object.py 
Function of the local variable var4object self atrribute __var3####################################################################################################Traceback (most recent call last):   #会认为var4是全局变量打印.定义全局变量可在class 头加入 var4 = "global" File "./object.py", line 22, in <module>  he.other() File "./object.py", line 16, in other  print var4NameError: global name 'var4' is not defined
#!/usr/bin/env python#coding:utf8var4 = "global"            #定义var4为全局变量class Dave():  var1 = "class atribute,public atrribute var1" #类属性,公有属性var1  __var2 = "class self atribute __var2"  #类的私有属性__var2   def fun(self):    self.var2 = "object public atrribute var2" #对象的公有属性var2    self.__var3 = "object self atrribute __var3" #对象的私有属性__var3    var4 = "Function of the local variable var4" #函数fun的局部变量    print var4    print self.__var3     def other(self):    print var4    print self.__var3       #可调用私有属性,前提是先调用fun he = Dave()he.fun()print "#"*100he.other()
root@ ./object.py 
Function of the local variable var4object self atrribute __var3####################################################################################################globalobject self atrribute __var3

python 类的方法


#!/usr/bin/env python#coding:utf8class Dave():  name = "python"   def fun1(self):        #定义公有方法    print self.name    print "i am public method"   def __fun2(self):       #定义私有方法    print self.name    print "i am self method"


root@ ./method.py    #直接调用对象公有方法没有问题
pythoni am public method


#!/usr/bin/env python#coding:utf8class Dave():  name = "python"   def fun1(self):        #定义公有方法    print self.name    print "i am public method"    self.__fun2()   def __fun2(self):       #定义私有方法    print self.name    print "i am self method" he = Dave()he.fun1()
root@ ./method.py 
pythoni am public methodpythoni am self method


  @classmethod  def classFun(self):      #定义类方法    print self.name    print "i am class method" Dave.classFun()
root@ ./method.py 
pythoni am class method


  def classFun(self):      #定义类方法    print self.name    print "i am class method"   classnewFun = classmethod(classFun)  Dave.classnewFun()       #被转换后的是一个类方法,原来classfun还是一个普通方法
root@ ./method.py 
pythoni am class method


  @staticmethod  def staticFun():       #d定义静态方法    print Dave.name #注意不加self,直接打name也不行,会认为调用全局变量,需要使用类型加属性.    print "i am static method" Dave.staticFun()
oot@ ./method.py 
pythoni am static method


  def staticfun():       #定义静态方法    print Dave.name    print "i am static method"   staticnewFun = staticmethod(staticFun) Dave.staticnewFun()
root@ ./method.py 
pythoni am static method
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