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2019-11-25 16:56:39


  • 1、把牌中的JQK都拿出来
  • 2、每个人发5张牌
  • 3、如果5张牌中任意三张加在一起是10的 倍数,就是有牛。剩下两张牌的和的10的余数就是牛数。


4条 > 3条 > 牛十 > 牛九 > …… > 牛一 >没有牛



  • 所有牌的组合数:658008
  • 出现四条的组合数:360,概率 :0.05%
  • 出现三条的组合数:25200,概率 :3.83%
  • 出现牛十的组合数:42432,概率 :6.45%
  • 出现牛九或牛八的组合数:87296,概率 :13.27%
  • 出现牛一到牛七的组合数:306112,概率 :46.52%
  • 出现没有牛的组合数:196608,概率 :29.88%



# encoding=utf-8__author__ = 'kevinlu1010@qq.com'import osimport cPicklefrom copy import copyfrom collections import Counterimport itertools'''计算斗牛游戏的概率'''class Poker():  '''  一张牌  '''  def __init__(self, num, type):    self.num = num # 牌数    self.type = type # 花色class GamePoker():  '''  一手牌,即5张Poker  '''  COMMON_NIU = 1 # 普通的牛,即牛一-牛七  NO_NIU = 0 # 没有牛  EIGHT_NINE_NIU = 2 # 牛九或牛八  TEN_NIU = 3 # 牛十  THREE_SAME = 4 # 三条  FOUR_SAME = 5 # 四条  def __init__(self, pokers):    assert len(pokers) == 5    self.pokers = pokers    self.num_pokers = [p.num for p in self.pokers]    # self.weight = None # 牌的权重,权重大的牌胜    # self.money_weight = None # 如果该牌赢,赢钱的权重    self.result = self.sumary()  def is_niu(self):    '''    是否有牛    :return:    '''    # if self.is_three_same():    # return 0    for three in itertools.combinations(self.num_pokers, 3):      if sum(three) % 10 == 0:        left = copy(self.num_pokers)        for item in three:          left.remove(item)        point = sum(left) % 10        return 10 if point == 0 else point    return 0  def is_three_same(self):    '''    是否3条    :return:    '''    # if self.is_four_same():    # return 0    count = Counter([p.num for p in self.pokers])    for num in count:      if count[num] == 3:        return num    return 0  def is_four_same(self):    '''    是否4条    :return:    '''    count = Counter([p.num for p in self.pokers])    for num in count:      if count[num] == 4:        return num    return 0  def sumary(self):    '''    计算牌    '''    if self.is_four_same():      return GamePoker.FOUR_SAME    if self.is_three_same():      return GamePoker.THREE_SAME    niu_point = self.is_niu()    if niu_point in (8, 9):      return GamePoker.EIGHT_NINE_NIU    elif niu_point == 10:      return GamePoker.TEN_NIU    elif niu_point > 0:      return GamePoker.COMMON_NIU    else:      return GamePoker.NO_NIUdef get_all_pokers():  '''  生成所有的Poker,共四十个  :return:  '''  pokers = []  for i in range(1, 11):    for j in ('A', 'B', 'C', 'D'):      pokers.append(Poker(i, j))  return pokersdef get_all_game_poker(is_new=0):  '''  生成所有game_poker  :param pokers:  :return:  '''  pokers = get_all_pokers()  game_pokers = []  if not is_new and os.path.exists('game_pokers'):    with open('game_pokers', 'r') as f:      return cPickle.loads(f.read())  for pokers in itertools.combinations(pokers, 5): # 5代表五张牌    game_pokers.append(GamePoker(pokers))  with open('game_pokers', 'w') as f:    f.write(cPickle.dumps(game_pokers))  return game_pokersdef print_rate(game_pokers):  total_num = float(len(game_pokers))  four_num = len([game_poker for game_poker in game_pokers if game_poker.result == GamePoker.FOUR_SAME])  three_num = len([game_poker for game_poker in game_pokers if game_poker.result == GamePoker.THREE_SAME])  ten_num = len([game_poker for game_poker in game_pokers if game_poker.result == GamePoker.TEN_NIU])  eight_nine_num = len([game_poker for game_poker in game_pokers if game_poker.result == GamePoker.EIGHT_NINE_NIU])  common_num = len([game_poker for game_poker in game_pokers if game_poker.result == GamePoker.COMMON_NIU])  no_num = len([game_poker for game_poker in game_pokers if game_poker.result == GamePoker.NO_NIU])  print '所有牌的组合数:%d' % total_num  print '出现四条的组合数:%d,概率 :%.2f%%' % (four_num, four_num * 100 / total_num)  print '出现三条的组合数:%d,概率 :%.2f%%' % (three_num, three_num * 100 / total_num)  print '出现牛十的组合数:%d,概率 :%.2f%%' % (ten_num, ten_num * 100 / total_num)  print '出现牛九或牛八的组合数:%d,概率 :%.2f%%' % (eight_nine_num, eight_nine_num * 100 / total_num)  print '出现牛一到牛七的组合数:%d,概率 :%.2f%%' % (common_num, common_num * 100 / total_num)  print '出现没有牛的组合数:%d,概率 :%.2f%%' % (no_num, no_num * 100 / total_num)def main():  game_pokers = get_all_game_poker() # 658008种  print_rate(game_pokers)main()


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