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2019-11-25 16:54:00


import shelvedef test_shelve():  # open 返回一个Shelf类的实例  #  # 参数flag的取值范围:  # 'r':只读打开  # 'w':读写访问  # 'c':读写访问,如果不存在则创建  # 'n':读写访问,总是创建新的、空的数据库文件  #  # protocol:与pickle库一致  # writeback:为True时,当数据发生变化会回写,不过会导致内存开销比较大  d = shelve.open('shelve.db', flag='c', protocol=2, writeback=False)  assert isinstance(d, shelve.Shelf)  # 在数据库中插入一条记录  d['abc'] = {'name': ['a', 'b']}  d.sync()  print d['abc']  # writeback是False,因此对value进行修改是不起作用的  d['abc']['x'] = 'x'  print d['abc'] # 还是打印 {'name': ['a', 'b']}  # 当然,直接替换key的value还是起作用的  d['abc'] = 'xxx'  print d['abc']  # 还原abc的内容,为下面的测试代码做准备  d['abc'] = {'name': ['a', 'b']}  d.close()  # writeback 为 True 时,对字段内容的修改会writeback到数据库中。  d = shelve.open('shelve.db', writeback=True)  # 上面我们已经保存了abc的内容为{'name': ['a', 'b']},打印一下看看对不对  print d['abc']  # 修改abc的value的部分内容  d['abc']['xx'] = 'xxx'  print d['abc']  d.close()  # 重新打开数据库,看看abc的内容是否正确writeback  d = shelve.open('shelve.db')  print d['abc']  d.close()


>>> import shelve >>> s = shelve.open('test.dat') >>> s['x'] = ['a', 'b', 'c'] >>> s['x'].append('d') >>> s['x'] ['a', 'b', 'c'] 

存储的d到哪里去了呢?其实很简单,d没有写回,你把['a', 'b', 'c']存到了x,当你再次读取s['x']的时候,s['x']只是一个拷贝,而你没有将拷贝写回,所以当你再次读取s['x']的时候,它又从源中读取了一个拷贝,所以,你新修改的内容并不会出现在拷贝中,解决的办法就是,第一个是利用一个缓存的变量,如下所示

>>> temp = s['x'] >>> temp.append('d') >>> s['x'] = temp >>> s['x'] ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] 



#database.py import sys, shelve  def store_person(db):   """   Query user for data and store it in the shelf object   """   pid = raw_input('Enter unique ID number: ')   person = {}   person['name'] = raw_input('Enter name: ')   person['age'] = raw_input('Enter age: ')   person['phone'] = raw_input('Enter phone number: ')   db[pid] = person  def lookup_person(db):   """   Query user for ID and desired field, and fetch the corresponding data from   the shelf object   """   pid = raw_input('Enter ID number: ')   field = raw_input('What would you like to know? (name, age, phone) ')   field = field.strip().lower()   print field.capitalize() + ':', /     db[pid][field]  def print_help():   print 'The available commons are: '   print 'store :Stores information about a person'   print 'lookup :Looks up a person from ID number'   print 'quit  :Save changes and exit'   print '?   :Print this message'  def enter_command():   cmd = raw_input('Enter command (? for help): ')   cmd = cmd.strip().lower()   return cmd  def main():   database = shelve.open('database.dat')   try:      while True:       cmd = enter_command()       if cmd == 'store':         store_person(database)       elif cmd == 'lookup':         lookup_person(database)       elif cmd == '?':         print_help()       elif cmd == 'quit':         return    finally:     database.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main() 

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