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2019-11-25 16:38:36


veca = [1, 2, 3]  # 列表声明 vecb = [4, 5, 6] print 'veca:', veca   # 打印字符串、列表,print expr+ print 'veca * 2:', veca * 2   # 列表与整数乘法 print 'veca + 2:', veca + 2   # 列表与整数加法 print 'veca + vecb:', veca + vecb  # 列表加法 print 'veca + [11, 12]:', veca + [11, 12]   print 'veca * vecb:', veca * vecb  # 列表乘法 print 'veca:', veca print 'vecb:', vecb 


veca: [1, 2, 3] veca * 2: [2, 4, 6] veca + 2: [1, 2, 3, 2] veca + vecb: [1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 5, 6] veca + [11, 12]: [1, 2, 3, 2, 11, 12] veca * vecb: [4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 12, 15, 18, 8, 10, 12] veca: [1, 2, 3, 2] vecb: [4, 5, 6] 


I love you. 


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这里对LL(1)做简要介绍,语句的结构通常用树型结构表示,称为解析树,LL(1)做语法解析就依赖于解析树。比如:x = x +2;

2016712182509962.png (187×248)

statlist: stat+ stat: ID '=' expr   | 'print' expr (, expr)* expr: multipart ('+' multipart)*   | STR multipart: primary ('*' primary)* primary: INT   | ID   | '[' expr (',', expr)* ']' INT: (1..9)(0..9)* ID: (a..z | A..Z)* STR: (/".*/") | (/'.*/') 

首先是词法解析器,完成字符流到token流的转换。采用LL(1)实现,所以使用1个向前看字符预测匹配的token。对于像INT、ID这样由多个字符组成的词法规则,解析器有一个与之对应的方法。由于语法解析器并不关心空白字符,所以词法解析器在遇到空白字符时直接忽略掉。每个token都有两个属性类型和值,比如整型、标识符类型等,对于整型类型它的值就是该整数。语法解析器需要根据token的类型进行预测,所以词法解析必须返回类型信息。语法解析器以iterator的方式获取token,所以词法解析器实现了next_token方法,以元组方式(type, value)返回下一个token,在没有token的情况时返回EOF。

''''' A simple lexer of a small vector language.  statlist: stat+ stat: ID '=' expr   | 'print' expr (, expr)* expr: multipart ('+' multipart)*   | STR multipart: primary ('*' primary)* primary: INT   | ID   | '[' expr (',', expr)* ']' INT: (1..9)(0..9)* ID: (a..z | A..Z)* STR: (/".*/") | (/'.*/')  Created on 2012-9-26  @author: bjzllou '''  EOF = -1  # token type COMMA = 'COMMA' EQUAL = 'EQUAL' LBRACK = 'LBRACK' RBRACK = 'RBRACK' TIMES = 'TIMES' ADD = 'ADD' PRINT = 'print' ID = 'ID' INT = 'INT' STR = 'STR'  class Veclexer:   '''''   LL(1) lexer.   It uses only one lookahead char to determine which is next token.   For each non-terminal token, it has a rule to handle it.   LL(1) is a quit weak parser, it isn't appropriate for the grammar which is   left-recursive or ambiguity. For example, the rule 'T: T r' is left recursive.   However, it's rather simple and has high performance, and fits simple grammar.   '''      def __init__(self, input):     self.input = input          # current index of the input stream.     self.idx = 1          # lookahead char.     self.cur_c = input[0]        def next_token(self):     while self.cur_c != EOF:       c = self.cur_c              if c.isspace():         self.consume()       elif c == '[':         self.consume()         return (LBRACK, c)       elif c == ']':         self.consume()         return (RBRACK, c)       elif c == ',':         self.consume()         return (COMMA, c)       elif c == '=':         self.consume()         return (EQUAL, c)       elif c == '*':         self.consume()         return (TIMES, c)       elif c == '+':         self.consume()         return (ADD, c)       elif c == '/'' or c == '"':         return self._string()       elif c.isdigit():         return self._int()       elif c.isalpha():         t = self._print()         return t if t else self._id()       else:         raise Exception('not support token')          return (EOF, 'EOF')          def has_next(self):     return self.cur_c != EOF         def _id(self):     n = self.cur_c     self.consume()     while self.cur_c.isalpha():       n += self.cur_c       self.consume()            return (ID, n)      def _int(self):     n = self.cur_c     self.consume()     while self.cur_c.isdigit():       n += self.cur_c       self.consume()            return (INT, int(n))      def _print(self):     n = self.input[self.idx - 1 : self.idx + 4]     if n == 'print':       self.idx += 4       self.cur_c = self.input[self.idx]              return (PRINT, n)          return None      def _string(self):     quotes_type = self.cur_c     self.consume()     s = ''     while self.cur_c != '/n' and self.cur_c != quotes_type:       s += self.cur_c       self.consume()     if self.cur_c != quotes_type:       raise Exception('string quotes is not matched. excepted %s' % quotes_type)          self.consume()          return (STR, s)          def consume(self):     if self.idx >= len(self.input):       self.cur_c = EOF       return     self.cur_c = self.input[self.idx]     self.idx += 1             if __name__ == '__main__':   exp = '''''     veca = [1, 2, 3]     print 'veca:', veca     print 'veca * 2:', veca * 2     print 'veca + 2:', veca + 2   '''   lex = Veclexer(exp)   t = lex.next_token()      while t[0] != EOF:     print t     t = lex.next_token() 


veca = [1, 2, 3] print 'veca:', veca print 'veca * 2:', veca * 2 print 'veca + 2:', veca + 2 


('ID', 'veca') ('EQUAL', '=') ('LBRACK', '[') ('INT', 1) ('COMMA', ',') ('INT', 2) ('COMMA', ',') ('INT', 3) ('RBRACK', ']') ('print', 'print') ('STR', 'veca:') ('COMMA', ',') ('ID', 'veca') ('print', 'print') ('STR', 'veca * 2:') ('COMMA', ',') ('ID', 'veca') ('TIMES', '*') ('INT', 2) ('print', 'print') ('STR', 'veca + 2:') ('COMMA', ',') ('ID', 'veca') ('ADD', '+') ('INT', 2) 

接下来看一下语法解析器的实现。语法解析器的的输入是token流,根据一个向前看词法单元预测匹配的规则。对于每个遇到的非终结符调用对应的解析函数,而终结符(token)则match掉,如果不匹配则表示有语法错误。由于都是使用的LL(1),所以和词法解析器类似, 这里不再赘述。

''''' A simple parser of a small vector language.  statlist: stat+ stat: ID '=' expr   | 'print' expr (, expr)* expr: multipart ('+' multipart)*   | STR multipart: primary ('*' primary)* primary: INT   | ID   | '[' expr (',', expr)* ']' INT: (1..9)(0..9)* ID: (a..z | A..Z)* STR: (/".*/") | (/'.*/')  example: veca = [1, 2, 3] vecb = veca + 4  # vecb: [1, 2, 3, 4] vecc = veca * 3  # vecc:  Created on 2012-9-26  @author: bjzllou ''' import veclexer  class Vecparser:   '''''   LL(1) parser.   '''      def __init__(self, lexer):     self.lexer = lexer          # lookahead token. Based on the lookahead token to choose the parse option.     self.cur_token = lexer.next_token()          # similar to symbol table, here it's only used to store variables' value     self.symtab = {}        def statlist(self):     while self.lexer.has_next():       self.stat()      def stat(self):     token_type, token_val = self.cur_token          # Asignment     if token_type == veclexer.ID:       self.consume()              # For the terminal token, it only needs to match and consume.       # If it's not matched, it means that is a syntax error.       self.match(veclexer.EQUAL)              # Store the value to symbol table.       self.symtab[token_val] = self.expr()            # print statement     elif token_type == veclexer.PRINT:       self.consume()       v = str(self.expr())       while self.cur_token[0] == veclexer.COMMA:         self.match(veclexer.COMMA)         v += ' ' + str(self.expr())       print v     else:       raise Exception('not support token %s', token_type)        def expr(self):     token_type, token_val = self.cur_token     if token_type == veclexer.STR:       self.consume()       return token_val     else:       v = self.multipart()       while self.cur_token[0] == veclexer.ADD:         self.consume()         v1 = self.multipart()         if type(v1) == int:           v.append(v1)         elif type(v1) == list:           v = v + v1              return v           def multipart(self):     v = self.primary()     while self.cur_token[0] == veclexer.TIMES:       self.consume()       v1 = self.primary()       if type(v1) == int:         v = [x*v1 for x in v]       elif type(v1) == list:         v = [x*y for x in v for y in v1]              return v            def primary(self):     token_type = self.cur_token[0]     token_val = self.cur_token[1]          # int     if token_type == veclexer.INT:       self.consume()       return token_val          # variables reference     elif token_type == veclexer.ID:       self.consume()       if token_val in self.symtab:         return self.symtab[token_val]       else:         raise Exception('undefined variable %s' % token_val)          # parse list     elif token_type == veclexer.LBRACK:       self.match(veclexer.LBRACK)       v = [self.expr()]       while self.cur_token[0] == veclexer.COMMA:         self.match(veclexer.COMMA)         v.append(self.expr())       self.match(veclexer.RBRACK)              return v           def consume(self):     self.cur_token = self.lexer.next_token()      def match(self, token_type):     if self.cur_token[0] == token_type:       self.consume()       return True     raise Exception('expecting %s; found %s' % (token_type, self.cur_token[0]))      if __name__ == '__main__':   prog = '''''     veca = [1, 2, 3]     vecb = [4, 5, 6]     print 'veca:', veca     print 'veca * 2:', veca * 2     print 'veca + 2:', veca + 2     print 'veca + vecb:', veca + vecb     print 'veca + [11, 12]:', veca + [11, 12]     print 'veca * vecb:', veca * vecb     print 'veca:', veca     print 'vecb:', vecb   '''   lex = veclexer.Veclexer(prog)   parser = Vecparser(lex)   parser.statlist() 


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