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2019-11-25 16:30:22


     1、算法的主要思想就是将一个中缀表达式(Infix expression)转换成便于处理的后缀表达式(Postfix expression),然后借助于栈这个简单的数据结构,计算出表达式的结果。





# usagec = Calculator()print('result: {:f}'.formart(c.get_result('1.11+2.22-3.33*4.44/5.55')))# output:result: 0.666000



Test No.1: (1.11) = 1.110000Test No.2: 1.11+2.22-3.33*4.44/5.55 = 0.666000Test No.3: 1.11+(2.22-3.33)*4.44/5.55 = 0.222000Test No.4: 1.11+(2.22-3.33)*(4.44+5.55)/6.66 = -0.555000Test No.5: 1.11*((2.22-3.33)*(4.44+5.55))/(6.66+7.77) = -0.852992Test No.6: (1.11+2.22)*(3.33+4.44)/5.55*6.66 = 31.048920Test No.7: (1.11-2.22)/(3.33+4.44)/5.55*(6.66+7.77)/(8.88) = -0.041828Test No.8: Error: (1.11+2.22)*(3.33+4.44: missing ")", please check your expressionTest No.9: Error: (1.11+2.22)*3.33/0+(34-45): divisor cannot be zeroTest No.10: Error: 12+89^7: invalid character: ^




class Stack(object):  """  The structure of a Stack.  The user don't have to know the definition.  """  def __init__(self):    self.__container = list()  def __is_empty(self):    """    Test if the stack is empty or not    :return: True or False    """    return len(self.__container) == 0  def push(self, element):    """    Add a new element to the stack    :param element: the element you want to add    :return: None    """    self.__container.append(element)  def top(self):    """    Get the top element of the stack    :return: top element    """    if self.__is_empty():      return None    return self.__container[-1]  def pop(self):    """    Remove the top element of the stack    :return: None or the top element of the stack    """    return None if self.__is_empty() else self.__container.pop()  def clear(self):    """    We'll make an empty stack    :return: self    """    self.__container.clear()    return self




class Calculator(object):  """  A simple calculator, just for fun  """  def __init__(self):    self.__exp = ''  def __validate(self):    """    We have to make sure the expression is legal.    1. We only accept the `()` to specify the priority of a sub-expression. Notes: `[ {` and `] }` will be    replaced by `(` and `)` respectively.    2. Valid characters should be `+`, `-`, `*`, `/`, `(`, `)` and numbers(int, float)    - Invalid expression examples, but we can only handle the 4th case. The implementation will    be much more sophisticated if we want to handle all the possible cases.:      1. `a+b-+c`      2. `a+b+-`      3. `a+(b+c`      4. `a+(+b-)`      5. etc    :return: True or False    """    if not isinstance(self.__exp, str):      print('Error: {}: expression should be a string'.format(self.__exp))      return False    # Save the non-space expression    val_exp = ''    s = Stack()    for x in self.__exp:      # We should ignore the space characters      if x == ' ':        continue      if self.__is_bracket(x) or self.__is_digit(x) or self.__is_operators(x) /          or x == '.':        if x == '(':          s.push(x)        elif x == ')':          s.pop()        val_exp += x      else:        print('Error: {}: invalid character: {}'.format(self.__exp, x))        return False    if s.top():      print('Error: {}: missing ")", please check your expression'.format(self.__exp))      return False    self.__exp = val_exp    return True  def __convert2postfix_exp(self):    """    Convert the infix expression to a postfix expression    :return: the converted expression    """    # highest priority: ()    # middle: * /    # lowest: + -    converted_exp = ''    stk = Stack()    for x in self.__exp:      if self.__is_digit(x) or x == '.':        converted_exp += x      elif self.__is_operators(x):        converted_exp += ' '        tp = stk.top()        if tp:          if tp == '(':            stk.push(x)            continue          x_pri = self.__get_priority(x)          tp_pri = self.__get_priority(tp)          if x_pri > tp_pri:            stk.push(x)          elif x_pri == tp_pri:            converted_exp += stk.pop() + ' '            stk.push(x)          else:            while stk.top():              if self.__get_priority(stk.top()) != x_pri:                converted_exp += stk.pop() + ' '              else:                break            stk.push(x)        else:          stk.push(x)      elif self.__is_bracket(x):        converted_exp += ' '        if x == '(':          stk.push(x)        else:          while stk.top() and stk.top() != '(':            converted_exp += stk.pop() + ' '          stk.pop()    # pop all the operators    while stk.top():      converted_exp += ' ' + stk.pop() + ' '    return converted_exp  def __get_result(self, operand_2, operand_1, operator):    if operator == '+':      return operand_1 + operand_2    elif operator == '-':      return operand_1 - operand_2    elif operator == '*':      return operand_1 * operand_2    elif operator == '/':      if operand_2 != 0:        return operand_1 / operand_2      else:        print('Error: {}: divisor cannot be zero'.format(self.__exp))        return None  def __calc_postfix_exp(self, exp):    """    Get the result from a converted postfix expression    e.g. 6 5 2 3 + 8 * + 3 + *    :return: result    """    assert isinstance(exp, str)    stk = Stack()    exp_split = exp.strip().split()    for x in exp_split:      if self.__is_operators(x):        # pop two top numbers in the stack        r = self.__get_result(stk.pop(), stk.pop(), x)        if r is None:          return None        else:          stk.push(r)      else:        # push the converted number to the stack        stk.push(float(x))    return stk.pop()  def __calc(self):    """    Try to get the result of the expression    :return: None or result    """    # Validate    if self.__validate():      # Convert, then run the algorithm to get the result      return self.__calc_postfix_exp(self.__convert2postfix_exp())    else:      return None  def get_result(self, expression):    """    Get the result of an expression    Suppose we have got a valid expression    :return: None or result    """    self.__exp = expression.strip()    return self.__calc()  """  Utilities  """  @staticmethod  def __is_operators(x):    return x in ['+', '-', '*', '/']  @staticmethod  def __is_bracket(x):    return x in ['(', ')']  @staticmethod  def __is_digit(x):    return x.isdigit()  @staticmethod  def __get_priority(op):    if op in ['+', '-']:      return 0    elif op in ['*', '/']:      return 1





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