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Python 实现链表实例代码

2019-11-25 16:15:47

Python 实现链表实例代码





['addNode(self, data)']['append(self, value)']['prepend(self, value)']['insert(self, index, value)']['delNode(self, index)']['delValue(self, value)']['isempty(self)']['truncate(self)']['getvalue(self, index)']['peek(self)']['pop(self)']['reverse(self)']['delDuplecate(self)']['updateNode(self, index, value)']['size(self)']['print(self)']



# coding: utf8# @Author: 郭 璞# @File: getmethods.py                                 # @Time: 2017/4/5                  # @Contact: 1064319632@qq.com# @blog: http://blog.csdn.net/marksinoberg# @Description: 获取一个模块或者类中的所有方法及参数列表import redef parse(filepath, repattern):  with open(filepath, 'rb') as f:    lines = f.readlines()  # 预解析正则  rep = re.compile(repattern)  # 创建保存方法和参数列表的结果集列表  result = []  # 开始正式的匹配实现  for line in lines:    res = re.findall(rep, str(line))    print("{}的匹配结果{}".format(str(line), res))    if len(res)!=0 or res is not None:      result.append(res)    else:      continue  return [item for item in result if item !=[]]if __name__ == '__main__':  repattern = "def (.[^_0-9]+/(.*?/)):"  filepath = './SingleChain.py'  result = parse(filepath, repattern)  for item in result:    print(str(item))


# coding: utf8# @Author: 郭 璞# @File: SingleChain.py                                 # @Time: 2017/4/5                  # @Contact: 1064319632@qq.com# @blog: http://blog.csdn.net/marksinoberg# @Description: 单链表实现class Node(object):  def __init__(self, data, next):    self.data = data    self.next = nextclass LianBiao(object):  def __init__(self):    self.root = None  # 给单链表添加元素节点  def addNode(self, data):    if self.root==None:      self.root = Node(data=data, next=None)      return self.root    else:      # 有头结点,则需要遍历到尾部节点,进行链表增加操作      cursor = self.root      while cursor.next!= None:        cursor = cursor.next      cursor.next = Node(data=data, next=None)      return self.root  # 在链表的尾部添加新节点,底层调用addNode方法即可  def append(self, value):    self.addNode(data=value)  # 在链表首部添加节点  def prepend(self, value):    if self.root == None:      self.root = Node(value, None)    else:      newroot = Node(value, None)      # 更新root索引      newroot.next = self.root      self.root = newroot  # 在链表的指定位置添加节点  def insert(self, index, value):    if self.root == None:      return    if index<=0 or index >self.size():      print('index %d 非法, 应该审视一下您的插入节点在整个链表的位置!')      return    elif index==1:      # 如果index==1, 则在链表首部添加即可      self.prepend(value)    elif index == self.size()+1:      # 如果index正好比当前链表长度大一,则添加在尾部即可      self.append(value)    else:      # 如此,在链表中部添加新节点,直接进行添加即可。需要使用计数器来维护插入未知      counter = 2      pre = self.root      cursor = self.root.next      while cursor!=None:        if counter == index:          temp = Node(value, None)          pre.next = temp          temp.next = cursor          break        else:          counter += 1          pre = cursor          cursor = cursor.next  # 删除指定位置上的节点  def delNode(self, index):    if self.root == None:      return    if index<=0 or index > self.size():      return    # 对第一个位置需要小心处理    if index == 1:      self.root = self.root.next    else:      pre = self.root      cursor = pre.next      counter = 2      while cursor!= None:        if index == counter:          print('can be here!')          pre.next = cursor.next          break        else:          pre = cursor          cursor = cursor.next          counter += 1  # 删除值为value的链表节点元素  def delValue(self, value):    if self.root == None:      return    # 对第一个位置需要小心处理    if self.root.data == value:      self.root = self.root.next    else:      pre = self.root      cursor = pre.next      while cursor!=None:        if cursor.data == value:          pre.next = cursor.next          # 千万记得更新这个节点,否则会出现死循环。。。          cursor = cursor.next          continue        else:          pre = cursor          cursor = cursor.next  # 判断链表是否为空  def isempty(self):    if self.root == None or self.size()==0:      return True    else:      return False  # 删除链表及其内部所有元素  def truncate(self):    if self.root == None or self.size()==0:      return    else:      cursor = self.root      while cursor!= None:        cursor.data = None        cursor = cursor.next      self.root = None      cursor = None  # 获取指定位置的节点的值  def getvalue(self, index):    if self.root is None or self.size()==0:      print('当前链表为空!')      return None    if index<=0 or index>self.size():      print("index %d不合法!"%index)      return None    else:      counter = 1      cursor = self.root      while cursor is not None:        if index == counter:          return cursor.data        else:          counter += 1          cursor = cursor.next  # 获取链表尾部的值,且不删除该尾部节点  def peek(self):    return self.getvalue(self.size())  # 获取链表尾部节点的值,并删除该尾部节点  def pop(self):    if self.root is None or self.size()==0:      print('当前链表已经为空!')      return None    elif self.size()==1:      top = self.root.data      self.root = None      return top    else:      pre = self.root      cursor = pre.next      while cursor.next is not None:        pre = cursor        cursor = cursor.next      top = cursor.data      cursor = None      pre.next = None      return top  # 单链表逆序实现  def reverse(self):    if self.root is None:      return    if self.size()==1:      return    else:      # post = None      pre = None      cursor = self.root      while cursor is not None:        # print('逆序操作逆序操作')        post = cursor.next        cursor.next = pre        pre = cursor        cursor = post      # 千万不要忘记了把逆序后的头结点赋值给root,否则无法正确显示      self.root = pre  # 删除链表中的重复元素  def delDuplecate(self):    # 使用一个map来存放即可,类似于变形的“桶排序”    dic = {}    if self.root == None:      return    if self.size() == 1:      return    pre = self.root    cursor = pre.next    dic = {}    # 为字典赋值    temp = self.root    while temp!=None:      dic[str(temp.data)] = 0      temp = temp.next    temp = None    # 开始实施删除重复元素的操作    while cursor!=None:      if dic[str(cursor.data)] == 1:        pre.next = cursor.next        cursor = cursor.next      else:        dic[str(cursor.data)] += 1        pre = cursor        cursor = cursor.next  # 修改指定位置节点的值  def updateNode(self, index, value):    if self.root == None:      return    if index<0 or index>self.size():      return    if index == 1:      self.root.data = value      return    else:      cursor = self.root.next      counter = 2      while cursor!=None:        if counter == index:          cursor.data = value          break        cursor = cursor.next        counter += 1  # 获取单链表的大小  def size(self):    counter = 0    if self.root == None:      return counter    else:      cursor = self.root      while cursor!=None:        counter +=1        cursor = cursor.next      return counter  # 打印链表自身元素  def print(self):    if(self.root==None):      return    else:      cursor = self.root      while cursor!=None:        print(cursor.data, end='/t')        cursor = cursor.next      print()if __name__ == '__main__':  # 创建一个链表对象  lianbiao = LianBiao()  # 判断当前链表是否为空  print("链表为空%d"%lianbiao.isempty())  # 判断当前链表是否为空  lianbiao.addNode(1)  print("链表为空%d"%lianbiao.isempty())  # 添加一些节点,方便操作  lianbiao.addNode(2)  lianbiao.addNode(3)  lianbiao.addNode(4)  lianbiao.addNode(6)  lianbiao.addNode(5)  lianbiao.addNode(6)  lianbiao.addNode(7)  lianbiao.addNode(3)  # 打印当前链表所有值  print('打印当前链表所有值')  lianbiao.print()  # 测试对链表求size的操作  print("链表的size: "+str(lianbiao.size()))  # 测试指定位置节点值的获取  print('测试指定位置节点值的获取')  print(lianbiao.getvalue(1))  print(lianbiao.getvalue(lianbiao.size()))  print(lianbiao.getvalue(7))  # 测试删除链表中指定值, 可重复性删除  print('测试删除链表中指定值, 可重复性删除')  lianbiao.delNode(4)  lianbiao.print()  lianbiao.delValue(3)  lianbiao.print()  # 去除链表中的重复元素  print('去除链表中的重复元素')  lianbiao.delDuplecate()  lianbiao.print()  # 指定位置的链表元素的更新测试  print('指定位置的链表元素的更新测试')  lianbiao.updateNode(6, 99)  lianbiao.print()  # 测试在链表首部添加节点  print('测试在链表首部添加节点')  lianbiao.prepend(77)  lianbiao.prepend(108)  lianbiao.print()  # 测试在链表尾部添加节点  print('测试在链表尾部添加节点')  lianbiao.append(99)  lianbiao.append(100)  lianbiao.print()  # 测试指定下标的插入操作  print('测试指定下标的插入操作')  lianbiao.insert(1, 10010)  lianbiao.insert(3, 333)  lianbiao.insert(lianbiao.size(), 99999)  lianbiao.print()  # 测试peek 操作  print('测试peek 操作')  print(lianbiao.peek())  lianbiao.print()  # 测试pop 操作  print('测试pop 操作')  print(lianbiao.pop())  lianbiao.print()  # 测试单链表的逆序输出  print('测试单链表的逆序输出')  lianbiao.reverse()  lianbiao.print()  # 测试链表的truncate操作  print('测试链表的truncate操作')  lianbiao.truncate()  lianbiao.print()


D:/Software/Python3/python.exe E:/Code/Python/Python3/CommonTest/datastructor/SingleChain.py链表为空1链表为空0打印当前链表所有值1  2  3  4  6  5  6  7  3  链表的size: 9测试指定位置节点值的获取136测试删除链表中指定值, 可重复性删除can be here!1  2  3  6  5  6  7  3  1  2  6  5  6  7  去除链表中的重复元素1  2  6  5  7  指定位置的链表元素的更新测试1  2  6  5  7  测试在链表首部添加节点108 77 1  2  6  5  7  测试在链表尾部添加节点108 77 1  2  6  5  7  99 100 测试指定下标的插入操作10010  108 333 77 1  2  6  5  7  99 99999  100 测试peek 操作10010010  108 333 77 1  2  6  5  7  99 99999  100 测试pop 操作10010010  108 333 77 1  2  6  5  7  99 99999  测试单链表的逆序输出99999  99 7  5  6  2  1  77 333 108 10010  测试链表的truncate操作Process finished with exit code 0




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