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2019-11-25 16:08:53






#! /usr/bin/env python# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-# File: pingtest_test.py# Date: 2008-09-28# Author: Michael Field# Modified By:intheworld# Date: 2017-4-17import sysimport osimport getoptimport commandsimport subprocessimport reimport timeimport threadingimport xlrdimport xlwtTEST = [  '',  '',  '',  '',  '',  '',  '',  '',  '',  '',  '',]RESULT={}def usage(): print "USEAGE:" print "/t%s -n TEST|excel name [-t times of ping] [-c concurrent number(thread nums)]" %sys.argv[0] print "/t TEST为简单测试的IP列表" print "/t-t times 测试次数;默认为1000;" print "/t-c concurrent number 并行线程数目:默认为10" print "/t-h|-?, 帮助信息" print "/t 输出为当前目录文件ping_result.txt 和 ping_result.xls" print "for example:" print "/t./ping_test.py -n TEST -t 1 -c 10"def div_list(ls,n): if not isinstance(ls,list) or not isinstance(n,int):  return [] ls_len = len(ls) print 'ls length = %s' %ls_len if n<=0 or 0==ls_len:  return [] if n > ls_len:  return [] elif n == ls_len:  return [[i] for i in ls] else:  j = ls_len/n  k = ls_len%n  ### j,j,j,...(前面有n-1个j),j+k  #步长j,次数n-1  ls_return = []  for i in xrange(0,(n-1)*j,j):   ls_return.append(ls[i:i+j])  #算上末尾的j+k  ls_return.append(ls[(n-1)*j:])  return ls_returndef pin(IP): try:  xpin=subprocess.check_output("ping -n 1 -w 100 %s" %IP, shell=True) except Exception:  xpin = 'empty' ms = '=[0-9]+ms'.decode("utf8") print "%s" %ms print "%s" %xpin mstime=re.search(ms,xpin) if not mstime:  MS='timeout'  return MS else:  MS=mstime.group().split('=')[1]  return MS.strip('ms')def count(total_count,I): global RESULT nowsecond = int(time.time()) nums = 0 oknums = 0 timeout = 0 lostpacket = 0.0 total_ms = 0.0 avgms = 0.0 maxms = -1 while nums < total_count:  nums += 1  MS = pin(I)  print 'pin output = %s' %MS  if MS == 'timeout':   timeout += 1   lostpacket = timeout*100.0 / nums  else:   oknums += 1   total_ms = total_ms + float(MS)   if oknums == 0:    oknums = 1    maxms = float(MS)    avgms = total_ms / oknums   else:    avgms = total_ms / oknums    maxms = max(maxms, float(MS))  RESULT[I] = (I, avgms, maxms, lostpacket)def thread_func(t, ipList): if not isinstance(ipList,list):  return else:  for ip in ipList:   count(t, ip)def readIpsInFile(excelName): data = xlrd.open_workbook(excelName) table = data.sheets()[0] nrows = table.nrows print 'nrows %s' %nrows ips = [] for i in range(nrows):  ips.append(table.cell_value(i, 0))  print table.cell_value(i, 0) return ips if __name__ == '__main__': file = 'ping_result.txt' times = 10 network = '' thread_num = 10 args = sys.argv[1:] try:  (opts, getopts) = getopt.getopt(args, 'n:t:c:h?') except:  print "/nInvalid command line option detected."  usage()  sys.exit(1) for opt, arg in opts:  if opt in ('-n'):   network = arg  if opt in ('-h', '-?'):   usage()   sys.exit(0)  if opt in ('-t'):   times = int(arg)  if opt in ('-c'):   thread_num = int(arg) f = open(file, 'w') workbook = xlwt.Workbook() sheet1 = workbook.add_sheet("sheet1", cell_overwrite_ok=True) if not isinstance(times,int):  usage()  sys.exit(0) if network not in ['TEST'] and not os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), network)):  print "The network is wrong or excel file does not exist. please check it."  usage()  sys.exit(0) else:  if network == 'TEST':   ips = TEST  else:   ips = readIpsInFile(network)  print 'Starting...'  threads = []  nest_list = div_list(ips, thread_num)  loops = range(len(nest_list))  print 'Total %s Threads is working...' %len(nest_list)  for ipList in nest_list:   t = threading.Thread(target=thread_func,args=(times,ipList))   threads.append(t)  for i in loops:   threads[i].start()  for i in loops:   threads[i].join()  it = 0  for line in RESULT:   value = RESULT[line]   sheet1.write(it, 0, line)   sheet1.write(it, 1, str('%.2f'%value[1]))   sheet1.write(it, 2, str('%.2f'%value[2]))   sheet1.write(it, 3, str('%.2f'%value[3]))   it+=1   f.write(line + '/t'+ str('%.2f'%value[1]) + '/t'+ str('%.2f'%value[2]) + '/t'+ str('%.2f'%value[3]) + '/n')  f.close()  workbook.save('ping_result.xls')  print 'Work Done. please check result %s and ping_result.xls.'%file


  •     excel读写使用了xlrd和xlwt,基本都是使用了一些简单的api。
  •     使用了threading实现多线程并发,和POSIX标准接口非常相似。thread_func是线程的处理函数,它的输入包含了一个ip的List,所以在函数内部通过循环处理各个ip。
  •     此外,Python的commands在Windows下并不兼容,所以使用了subprocess模块。




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