自己随便写了一个人机交互的程序。不存在任何智能,只是可以识别姓名,可以记录对话内容,并保存等到下一次交互时加载。 (推荐面向对象版本)
# hello.py # 这是老早写的。不过今天加入了Pickle,然后润色了一下。 # 可能有点无聊(不推荐使用) import pickle import os.path def search(x, data): for k, d in enumerate(data): if x == d['name']: return k, d def save_data(A,pklname): with open(pklname, 'wb') as pkl: pickle.dump(A, pkl) def load_data(pklname): with open(pklname, 'rb') as pkl: return pickle.load(pkl) # communicating with computer data=[] if not os.path.isfile('data') else load_data('data') while True: print('Welcome! [type "quit" if you want to quit.]') name=input('--What is your name?/n--') if name in {'quit','Quit','q','Q'}: print('[You quit]') break if not search(name, data): print('--Welcome, '+name+ '. I will remember you name.') d={'name':name,'age':0,'history':[]} data.append(d) else: print('--Hi, '+name+'. How I miss you.') k, d=search(name, data) while d['age']==0: age=input('--How old are you?[I will repeat until you respond!]') try: if int(age)==0: continue d['age']=int(age); data[k]=d except: pass while True: y=input('--Chan I help you? [yes/no]') while not y: y=input('--Yes or no?') d['history'].append(y); data[k]=d if y in {'no','No','n','N'}: print('--%s.'%y) print('--Bye bye.') break elif y in {'yes','Yes','y','Y'}: print('--%s.'%y) print('I am pleased to serve you.') else: print('I am sorry. I can not understand what you said.') break # save data y=input('--Do you want to save the data? [yes/no]') while not y: y=input('--Yes or no?') if y in {'no','No','n','N'}: print('--%s. [You say no.]'%y) elif y in {'yes','Yes','y','Y'}: print('--%s. [the data is saved in file named "data".]'%y) save_data(data, 'data') else: print('I am sorry. I can not understand what you said. data are not saved.')
# hello.py import pickle import os.path def search(x, data): for k, d in enumerate(data): if x == d['name']: return k, d class Hello: def __init__(self, name='', data=None): self.name = name self.data = data def __getstate__(self): return self.data def __setstate__(self, data): self.data = data def mainloop(self): while True: print('Welcome! [type "quit" if you want to quit.]') name=input('--What is your name?/n--') if name in {'quit','Quit','q','Q'}: print('[You quit]') break if not search(name, self.data): print('--Welcome, '+name+ '. I will remember you name.') d={'name':name,'age':0,'history':[]} self.data.append(d) else: print('--Hi, '+name+'. How I miss you.') k, d=search(name, self.data) while d['age']==0: age=input('--How old are you?[I will repeat until you respond!]') try: if int(age)==0: continue d['age']=int(age); self.data[k]=d except: pass while True: y=input('--Chan I help you? [yes/no]') while not y: y=input('--Yes or no?') d['history'].append(y); self.data[k]=d if y in {'no','No','n','N'}: print('--%s.'%y) print('--Bye bye.') break elif y in {'yes','Yes','y','Y'}: print('--%s.'%y) print('I am pleased to serve you.') else: print('I am sorry. I can not understand what you said.') break # save data y=input('--Do you want to save the data? [yes/no]') while not y: y=input('--Yes or no?') if y in {'no','No','n','N'}: print('--%s. [You say no.]'%y) elif y in {'yes','Yes','y','Y'}: print('--%s. [the data is saved in file named "data.pkl".]'%y) with open('data.pkl', 'wb') as fo: pickle.dump(self, fo) else: print('I am sorry. I can not understand what you said. data are not saved.') # communicating with computer try: with open('data.pkl', 'rb') as fo: hello=pickle.load(fo) except: hello=Hello('ai',[]) hello.mainloop()