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2019-11-25 15:10:49


这次更新了打分函数如下,空位罚分改为-5,但不区分gap open 和 gap extend。

''''' @author: JiuYu '''  def score(a,b):#scoring function   score=0   lst=['AC','GT','CA','TG']   if a==b:     score +=2   elif a+b in lst:     score += -5   else:     score += -7   return score  def BLAST(seq1,seq2):#Basic Local Alignment Search Tool   l1 = len(seq1)   l2 = len(seq2)   GAP =-5   #-5 for any gap   scores =[]   point =[]      for j in range(l2+1):     if j == 0:       line1=[0]       line2=[0]       for i in range(1,l1+1):         line1.append(GAP*i)         line2.append(2)     else:       line1=[]       line2=[]       line1.append(GAP*j)       line2.append(3)     scores.append(line1)     point.append(line2)      #fill the blank of scores and point   for j in range(1,l2+1):     letter2 = seq2[j-1]     for i in range(1,l1+1):       letter1 = seq1[i-1]       diagonal_score = score(letter1, letter2) + scores[j-1][i-1]       left_score = GAP + scores[j][i-1]       up_score = GAP + scores[j-1][i]       max_score = max(diagonal_score, left_score, up_score)       scores[j].append(max_score)              if scores[j][i] == diagonal_score:         point[j].append(1)       elif scores[j][i] == left_score:         point[j].append(2)       else:         point[j].append(3)            #trace back   alignment1=''   alignment2=''   i = l2   j = l1   print 'scores =',scores[i][j]   while True:     if point[i][j] == 0:       break     elif point[i][j] == 1:       alignment1 += seq1[j-1]       alignment2 += seq2[i-1]       i -= 1       j -= 1     elif point[i][j] == 2:       alignment1 += seq1[j-1]       alignment2 += '-'       j -= 1     else:       alignment1 += '-'       alignment2 += seq2[i-1]       i -= 1          #reverse alignment   alignment1 = alignment1[::-1]   alignment2 = alignment2[::-1]   print 'The best alignment:'   print alignment1   print alignment2  seq1=raw_input('Please input your first sequences:/n') seq2=raw_input('input second sequences:/n') BLAST(seq1, seq2) 




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