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2019-11-19 15:51:42



art是一个旨在多浏览器兼容的Node style CommonJS模块。在它的基础上,Facebook又开发了React-art ,封装art,使之可以被react.js所使用,即实现了前端的svg库。然而,考虑到react.js的JSX语法,已经支持将 等等svg标签直接插入到dom中(当然此时使用的就不是react-art库了)此外还有HTML canvas的存在,因此,在前端上,react-art并非不可替代。




Vector-Widget额外实现了旋转,以及鼠标点击事件的旋转加速响应。Web端可以看到点击加速,但是在移动端无效,原因是React Native并未对Group中onMouseDown和onMouseUp属性作处理。本文着重于静态svg的实现,暂时无视动画部分效果即可。


在react native中ART是个非常重要的库,它让非常酷炫的绘图及动画变成了可能。需要注意的是,在React Native引入ART过程中,Android默认就包含ART库,IOS需要单独添加依赖库。


1、使用xcode中打开React-native中的iOS项目,选中‘Libraries'目录 ――> 右键选择‘Add Files to 项目名称' ――> ‘node_modules/react-native/Libraries/ART/ART.xcodeproj' 添加;


2、选中项目根目录 ――> 点击'Build Phases‘ ――> 点击‘Link Binary With Libraries' ――> 点击左下方‘+' ――> 选中‘libART.a'添加。




  • Surface - 一个矩形可渲染的区域,是其他元素的容器
  • Group - 可容纳多个形状、文本和其他的分组
  • Shape - 形状定义,可填充
  • Text - 文本形状定义



  • width : 渲染区域的宽
  • height : 定义渲染区域的高


  • d : 定义绘制路径
  • stroke : 描边颜色
  • strokeWidth : 描边宽度
  • strokeDash : 定义虚线
  • fill : 填充颜色


  • funt : 字体样式,定义字体、大小、是否加粗 如: bold 35px Heiti SC


  • moveTo(x,y) : 移动到坐标(x,y)
  • lineTo(x,y) : 连线到(x,y)
  • arc() : 绘制弧线
  • close() : 封闭空间




import React from 'react'import {  View,  ART} from 'react-native'export default class Line extends React.Component{  render(){    const path = ART.Path();    path.moveTo(1,1); //将起始点移动到(1,1) 默认(0,0)    path.lineTo(300,1); //连线到目标点(300,1)    return(      <View style={this.props.style}>        <ART.Surface width={300} height={2}>          <ART.Shape d={path} stroke="#000000" strokeWidth={1} />        </ART.Surface>      </View>    )  }}



[10,5] : 表示绘10像素实线在绘5像素空白,如此循环

[10,5,20,5] : 表示绘10像素实线在绘制5像素空白在绘20像素实线及5像素空白


import React from 'react'import {  View,  ART} from 'react-native'const {Surface, Shape, Path} = ART;export default class DashLine extends React.Component{  render(){    const path = Path()      .moveTo(1,1)      .lineTo(300,1);    return(      <View style={this.props.style}>        <Surface width={300} height={2}>          <Shape d={path} stroke="#000000" strokeWidth={2} strokeDash={[10,5]}/>        </Surface>      </View>    )  }}




import React from 'react'import {  View,  ART} from 'react-native'const {Surface, Shape, Path} = ART;export default class Rect extends React.Component{  render(){    const path = new Path()      .moveTo(1,1)      .lineTo(1,99)      .lineTo(99,99)      .lineTo(99,1)      .close();    return(      <View style={this.props.style}>        <Surface width={100} height={100}>          <Shape d={path} stroke="#000000" fill="#892265" strokeWidth={1} />        </Surface>      </View>    )  }}


了解arc(x,y,radius)的使用, 终点坐标距离起点坐标的相对距离。


import React from 'react'import {  View,  ART} from 'react-native'const {Surface, Shape, Path} = ART;export default class Circle extends React.Component{  render(){    const path = new Path()      .moveTo(50,1)      .arc(0,99,25)      .arc(0,-99,25)      .close();    return(      <View style={this.props.style}>        <Surface width={100} height={100}>          <Shape d={path} stroke="#000000" strokeWidth={1}/>        </Surface>      </View>    )  }}


了解funt属性的使用,规则是“粗细 字号 字体”

注意: 字体应该是支持path属性的,应该是实现bug并没有不生效。 Android通过修改源码是可以解决的,IOS没看源码。


import React, {Component} from 'react';import {  AppRegistry,  StyleSheet,  ART,  View} from 'react-native';const {Surface, Text, Path} = ART;export default class ArtTextView extends Component {  render() {    return (      <View style={styles.container}>        <Surface width={100} height={100}>          <Text strokeWidth={1} stroke="#000" font="bold 35px Heiti SC" path={new Path().moveTo(40,40).lineTo(99,10)} >React</Text>        </Surface>      </View>    );  }}const styles = StyleSheet.create({  container: {    flex: 1,    justifyContent: 'center',    alignItems: 'center',    backgroundColor: '#F5FCFF',  },});





import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'react';import { ART } from 'react-native';const { Shape, Path } = ART;/** * Wedge is a React component for drawing circles, wedges and arcs. Like other * ReactART components, it must be used in a <Surface>. */export default class Wedge extends Component<void, any, any> {  static propTypes = {    outerRadius: PropTypes.number.isRequired,    startAngle: PropTypes.number.isRequired,    endAngle: PropTypes.number.isRequired,    originX: PropTypes.number.isRequired,    originY: PropTypes.number.isRequired,    innerRadius: PropTypes.number,  };  constructor(props : any) {    super(props);    (this:any).circleRadians = Math.PI * 2;    (this:any).radiansPerDegree = Math.PI / 180;    (this:any)._degreesToRadians = this._degreesToRadians.bind(this);  }  /**   * _degreesToRadians(degrees)   *   * Helper function to convert degrees to radians   *   * @param {number} degrees   * @return {number}   */  _degreesToRadians(degrees : number) : number {    if (degrees !== 0 && degrees % 360 === 0) { // 360, 720, etc.      return (this:any).circleRadians;    }    return degrees * (this:any).radiansPerDegree % (this:any).circleRadians;  }  /**   * _createCirclePath(or, ir)   *   * Creates the ReactART Path for a complete circle.   *   * @param {number} or The outer radius of the circle   * @param {number} ir The inner radius, greater than zero for a ring   * @return {object}   */  _createCirclePath(or : number, ir : number) : Path {    const path = new Path();    path.move(0, or)      .arc(or * 2, 0, or)      .arc(-or * 2, 0, or);    if (ir) {      path.move(or - ir, 0)        .counterArc(ir * 2, 0, ir)        .counterArc(-ir * 2, 0, ir);    }    path.close();    return path;  }  /**   * _createArcPath(sa, ea, ca, or, ir)   *   * Creates the ReactART Path for an arc or wedge.   *   * @param {number} startAngle The starting degrees relative to 12 o'clock   * @param {number} endAngle The ending degrees relative to 12 o'clock   * @param {number} or The outer radius in pixels   * @param {number} ir The inner radius in pixels, greater than zero for an arc   * @return {object}   */  _createArcPath(originX : number, originY : number, startAngle : number, endAngle : number, or : number, ir : number) : Path {    const path = new Path();    // angles in radians    const sa = this._degreesToRadians(startAngle);    const ea = this._degreesToRadians(endAngle);    // central arc angle in radians    const ca = sa > ea ? (this:any).circleRadians - sa + ea : ea - sa;    // cached sine and cosine values    const ss = Math.sin(sa);    const es = Math.sin(ea);    const sc = Math.cos(sa);    const ec = Math.cos(ea);    // cached differences    const ds = es - ss;    const dc = ec - sc;    const dr = ir - or;    // if the angle is over pi radians (180 degrees)    // we will need to let the drawing method know.    const large = ca > Math.PI;    // TODO (sema) Please improve theses comments to make the math    // more understandable.    //    // Formula for a point on a circle at a specific angle with a center    // at (0, 0):    // x = radius * Math.sin(radians)    // y = radius * Math.cos(radians)    //    // For our starting point, we offset the formula using the outer    // radius because our origin is at (top, left).    // In typical web layout fashion, we are drawing in quadrant IV    // (a.k.a. Southeast) where x is positive and y is negative.    //    // The arguments for path.arc and path.counterArc used below are:    // (endX, endY, radiusX, radiusY, largeAngle)    path.move(or + or * ss, or - or * sc) // move to starting point      .arc(or * ds, or * -dc, or, or, large) // outer arc      .line(dr * es, dr * -ec);  // width of arc or wedge    if (ir) {      path.counterArc(ir * -ds, ir * dc, ir, ir, large); // inner arc    }    return path;  }  render() : any {    // angles are provided in degrees    const startAngle = this.props.startAngle;    const endAngle = this.props.endAngle;    // if (startAngle - endAngle === 0) {    // return null;    // }    // radii are provided in pixels    const innerRadius = this.props.innerRadius || 0;    const outerRadius = this.props.outerRadius;    const { originX, originY } = this.props;    // sorted radii    const ir = Math.min(innerRadius, outerRadius);    const or = Math.max(innerRadius, outerRadius);    let path;    if (endAngle >= startAngle + 360) {      path = this._createCirclePath(or, ir);    } else {      path = this._createArcPath(originX, originY, startAngle, endAngle, or, ir);    }    return <Shape {...this.props} d={path} />;  }}


import React from 'react'import {  View,  ART} from 'react-native'const {Surface} = ART;import Wedge from './Wedge'export default class Fan extends React.Component{  render(){    return(      <View style={this.props.style}>        <Surface width={100} height={100}>          <Wedge           outerRadius={50}           startAngle={0}           endAngle={60}           originX={50}           originY={50}           fill="blue"/>        </Surface>      </View>    )  }}




/** * Sample React Native App * https://github.com/facebook/react-native * @flow */import React, {  Component}from 'react';import {  ART as Art,  StyleSheet,  View,  Dimensions,  TouchableWithoutFeedback,  Animated} from 'react-native';var HEART_SVG = "M130.4-0.8c25.4 0 46 20.6 46 46.1 0 13.1-5.5 24.9-14.2 33.3L88 153.6 12.5 77.3c-7.9-8.3-12.8-19.6-12.8-31.9 0-25.5 20.6-46.1 46-46.2 19.1 0 35.5 11.7 42.4 28.4C94.9 11 111.3-0.8 130.4-0.8"var HEART_COLOR = 'rgb(226,38,77,1)';var GRAY_HEART_COLOR = "rgb(204,204,204,1)";var FILL_COLORS = [  'rgba(221,70,136,1)',  'rgba(212,106,191,1)',  'rgba(204,142,245,1)',  'rgba(204,142,245,1)',  'rgba(204,142,245,1)',  'rgba(0,0,0,0)'];var PARTICLE_COLORS = [  'rgb(158, 202, 250)',  'rgb(161, 235, 206)',  'rgb(208, 148, 246)',  'rgb(244, 141, 166)',  'rgb(234, 171, 104)',  'rgb(170, 163, 186)']getXYParticle = (total, i, radius) => {  var angle = ( (2 * Math.PI) / total ) * i;  var x = Math.round((radius * 2) * Math.cos(angle - (Math.PI / 2)));  var y = Math.round((radius * 2) * Math.sin(angle - (Math.PI / 2)));  return {    x: x,    y: y,  }}getRandomInt = (min, max) => {  return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min;}shuffleArray = (array) => {  for (var i = array.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {    var j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));    var temp = array[i];    array[i] = array[j];    array[j] = temp;  }  return array;}var {  Surface,  Group,  Shape,  Path} = Art;//使用Animated.createAnimatedComponent对其他组件创建对话//创建一个灰色的新型图片var AnimatedShape = Animated.createAnimatedComponent(Shape);var {  width: deviceWidth,  height: deviceHeight} = Dimensions.get('window');export default class ArtAnimView extends Component {  constructor(props) {    super(props);    this.state = {      animation: new Animated.Value(0)    };  }  explode = () => {    Animated.timing(this.state.animation, {      duration: 1500,      toValue: 28    }).start(() => {      this.state.animation.setValue(0);      this.forceUpdate();    });  }  getSmallExplosions = (radius, offset) => {    return [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].map((v, i, t) => {      var scaleOut = this.state.animation.interpolate({        inputRange: [0, 5.99, 6, 13.99, 14, 21],        outputRange: [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0],        extrapolate: 'clamp'      });      var moveUp = this.state.animation.interpolate({        inputRange: [0, 5.99, 14],        outputRange: [0, 0, -15],        extrapolate: 'clamp'      });      var moveDown = this.state.animation.interpolate({        inputRange: [0, 5.99, 14],        outputRange: [0, 0, 15],        extrapolate: 'clamp'      });      var color_top_particle = this.state.animation.interpolate({        inputRange: [6, 8, 10, 12, 17, 21],        outputRange: shuffleArray(PARTICLE_COLORS)      })      var color_bottom_particle = this.state.animation.interpolate({        inputRange: [6, 8, 10, 12, 17, 21],        outputRange: shuffleArray(PARTICLE_COLORS)      })      var position = getXYParticle(7, i, radius)      return (        <Group          x={position.x + offset.x }          y={position.y + offset.y}          rotation={getRandomInt(0, 40) * i}        >          <AnimatedCircle            x={moveUp}            y={moveUp}            radius={15}            scale={scaleOut}            fill={color_top_particle}          />          <AnimatedCircle            x={moveDown}            y={moveDown}            radius={8}            scale={scaleOut}            fill={color_bottom_particle}          />        </Group>      )    }, this)  }  render() {    var heart_scale = this.state.animation.interpolate({      inputRange: [0, .01, 6, 10, 12, 18, 28],      outputRange: [1, 0, .1, 1, 1.2, 1, 1],      extrapolate: 'clamp'    });    var heart_fill = this.state.animation.interpolate({      inputRange: [0, 2],      outputRange: [GRAY_HEART_COLOR, HEART_COLOR],      extrapolate: 'clamp'    })    var heart_x = heart_scale.interpolate({      inputRange: [0, 1],      outputRange: [90, 0],    })    var heart_y = heart_scale.interpolate({      inputRange: [0, 1],      outputRange: [75, 0],    })    var circle_scale = this.state.animation.interpolate({      inputRange: [0, 1, 4],      outputRange: [0, .3, 1],      extrapolate: 'clamp'    });    var circle_stroke_width = this.state.animation.interpolate({      inputRange: [0, 5.99, 6, 7, 10],      outputRange: [0, 0, 15, 8, 0],      extrapolate: 'clamp'    });    var circle_fill_colors = this.state.animation.interpolate({      inputRange: [1, 2, 3, 4, 4.99, 5],      outputRange: FILL_COLORS,      extrapolate: 'clamp'    })    var circle_opacity = this.state.animation.interpolate({      inputRange: [1, 9.99, 10],      outputRange: [1, 1, 0],      extrapolate: 'clamp'    })    return (      <View style={styles.container}>        <TouchableWithoutFeedback onPress={this.explode} style={styles.container}>          <View style={{transform: [{scale: .8}]}}>            <Surface width={deviceWidth} height={deviceHeight}>              <Group x={75} y={200}>                <AnimatedShape                  d={HEART_SVG}                  x={heart_x}                  y={heart_y}                  scale={heart_scale}                  fill={heart_fill}                />                <AnimatedCircle                  x={89}                  y={75}                  radius={150}                  scale={circle_scale}                  strokeWidth={circle_stroke_width}                  stroke={FILL_COLORS[2]}                  fill={circle_fill_colors}                  opacity={circle_opacity}                />                {this.getSmallExplosions(75, {x: 89, y: 75})}              </Group>            </Surface>          </View>        </TouchableWithoutFeedback>      </View>    );  }};class AnimatedCircle extends Component {  render() {    var radius = this.props.radius;    var path = Path().moveTo(0, -radius)      .arc(0, radius * 2, radius)      .arc(0, radius * -2, radius)      .close();    return React.createElement(AnimatedShape);  }}var styles = StyleSheet.create({  container: {    flex: 1,  }});


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